Chapter 30

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"You're leaving, Aerie?" Lily said, "why so suddenly? Whats happening?"

"So recently I have been informed that my grandma had.. well, passed away. Since she's living quite far away, somewhere in Asia, so I wanted to, like, spend more time with the funerals and stuff." Aerie said, trying to smile as much as possible. She was lying, and she had a very clear idea about that. But hopefully enough, she could sneak away. If anyone found out, then it would be the matter later.

"But I thought you mentioned that your family dumped you." Lily said, "where did your grandma come from?"

"Yeah. My family did dump me. But that doesn't mean that I don't have any connection with them." Aerie said, and slowly down her tone to sound sympathetic, "And family bonds.. you know, even if its nearly in distant inside me, I could still feel it and want to pay my respects."

"That really sounds like a red flag to me, Aerie. To be honest, the administration believed your story and let you go?" Lily asked.

"Yeah." Aerie replied. That wasn't a lie- really. She thought.

"Then they must be pretty gullible." Lily said, "but whatever, Aerie. Its your choice to leave or not. I'll try my best to help you with your lessons. Can't guarantee anything."

Aerie smiled. "That would be great! You're certainly the best."

"Don't come back any worse than Brian is now." Lily commented. "I don't want two of my friends lying in hospital after all these. Make me feel guilty for running the plans in the first place."

"Don't worry, I am not like Brian. I am much more careful, and stealth, you know what?" Aerie laughed.

"So I get it that you want to return lying inside a box?" Lily laughed back half-heartedly. "And you're not letting the tow of us join you too."

"You've ruined my good mood." Aerie said, sighing.

"Time's not early." Lily said, "got lessons to catch. Hopefully I'll see you again in two weeks."

"I'll be okay!" Aerie yelled as she watched Lily walk away. "And don't you dare curse me! I will definitely not come back in a box!"

"Be safe, sis." And that was all Lily said before Aerie could no longer hear her.

"Let's go then." Cade said, waking from the behind. "We have a train to catch."

"Where would we be going exactly?" Aerie asked, walking after him. The two of them did not being a lot of things with them, a few bottles of water and some catch in case it got handy. Aerie got herself a small sleeping bag, one that was so tiny that she could barely fit in, and Cade insisted that he did not need one.

"A bit out to the rural. But surprisingly enough, still in England." Cade continued. "Will be crossing two cities, and then into Scotland. Their headquarter's located inside a grassland, but I forgot their name. Should be around there in one or two days. The most time-consuming part would definitely be finding their entrance. Not on radar- just a simple door on the ground and a few hundred thousand facility underground."

"If its not on the radar, how do you know if the source's reliable?" Aerie questioned.

"They've literally spent a few hundred hundred hours simply drawing the maps of the insides of their facility- and not counting the time being poured into finding the entrance. Have some faith in them, Aerie." Cade said.

"Its always that friend of yours." Aerie said, "if they are so damm reliable, then they would be here with you now."

"Everyone have their own jobs to do, don't be mean." Cade said, "so mind that mouth of yours."

Aerie's Fallen ImmortalWhere stories live. Discover now