Chapter 37

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"Look out." It was simple. The voice. Cade was awake, for any reason.

The room was filled with sparks and mist. Was it some kind of strong fireworks, Aerie had no idea. She only know that the room was now filled with tear-stimulating gas and Lovelock could nowhere be found.

"I-" Aerie said, "I got the cure. Its here. In my pocket somewhere."

"We can deal with it later." Cade replied, "we will have to get out of here first."

"But how were you awake-? You were on the monitor." Aerie said when they walked out of the room.

"Their sleeping pills did not work." Cade replied simply, pulling the tube from his right leg and threw it away. The scratch healed itself. But quite slowly that Aerie could tell it was much slower than the few time he did that before. "In fact I heard everything."

"Great-?" Aerie said, "then why didn't you fight back?"

"The antidote." Cade said, "I would need that to do anything." Aerie gave him the antidote simply. Cade grabbed the syringe inside the box, and injected the solution into his forearm before Aerie could talk about anything. He looked better almost immediately- with the blood inside the eyes going away and the skin looking less yellow and pale than it was.

"Lets go." He said, telling her to go along. It felt weird for having nobody inside the room. Lovelock was gone, for unknown reasons, and the other rooms remained locked. Aerie was not in the game anymore- it would be useless to try and open the door. She knew she couldn't.

The mist still lingered in the room. Pink. Yellow. Blue. Aerie could see nothing, and hopefully Cade could.

"This way." Aerie could hear Cade whisper. He pulled her forwards, towards he centre of the room and then through the round table. Maybe the mist was an advantage. Maybe it was not. Aerie felt wrong- like always. She could not see where Lovelock was- she knew she was there. The leader of this group of people, a big part of The Association. How could she be gone and allow them to leave so freely?

"From what I remembered, we have to turn to the right and make it to the staircase. Less guards would be there- they use the lift instead. And maybe we can deal with the antidote you have first. You have it, right?" Cade said.

"Its in my pocket." Aerie said, "but don't you think that they giving us the antidote so easily- it had to be something wrong. There had to be something wrong."

"Its okay. Thats her style." Cade said, pushing the door open gently and cautiously looked around for any suspicious stuff before getting the both of them into the room. "She likes people- her targets, her prey- to feel hopeful before she strikes."

"But isn't it what happening right now?" Aerie said, "we had everything. Theres nobody to stop us, its too smooth. Its not right."

"They will make their move eventually." Cade said. Aerie handed him the antidote inside her pocket, and without hesitation Cade took the whole bottle along with the medication that was also in Aerie's pocket. "Its important to not let them know what you could do."

"Well if that;s what you insisted." Aerie replied. She walked along, but she could not feel the happiness and content that she should be feeling after the seeming success. It felt wrong. Cade was hiding something. He didn't look any better. The red and swollen eyes that seemed to have bled blood not long ago. The steps that weren't as quick as before- when they were in the market.

"Watch out-" Aerie said, suddenly looking up. She pulled Cade back immediately, stopping him from bumping into the wall. "Cant you see?"
Cade, on the other hand, smiled simply. "That was nothing. Really. I'm feeling great."

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