Chapter 5

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The lessons ended with Aerie scrambling every word on the board which the professor mumbled. It was boring. Aerie would rather have herself rotting in her room, reading all sorts of books, raising questions as she went, rather than sitting in the classroom and listen to all sorts of babbling by professors to a whole class of people.

But apparently that's how universities work anyways, right? She would only have to find the right chance to ask, and other than that, she would be fine.

And thats how one entire week passed in under a blink of an eye.

"Hey." Aerie said, tagging Brian, who had been sitting in the cafe for quiet a time now, "Tonight, right?"

"Yes." Brian replied, taking a slip of the coffee he had on his table, unrolling the roll of paper on the paper, "Our game plan."

"We would be meeting up at straightly 1:00am outside the hall, and then we would be sneaking in together. We agreed this, right?" Lily said.

"Right." Aerie continued, "so we wouldn't be bringing the big tools, since we are running around in forgiven areas. Wake up the latest by twelve midnight. And the process would take around an hour. We don't know anything about shifts, but there would surely be one between that hour. So you'll have to wait."

"Don't bring your mobile phones." Brian said, "we would be using walkie-talkie the whole journey. Untraceable and makes everything more effective. Bring batteries with you. When the electric fields get weird, new arteries can run out in a few minutes. So we should be prepared."

"So we are there just to see what would happen?" Lily asked, "what if nothing happens?"

"Something tells me that something would definitely happen." Aerie said, "I've been flipping around newspaper for a few weeks before this. And remember the death in the city hall a few weeks back? The one where a man in his twenties was found dead at the city hall, soaked wet from top to bottom yet have 90% of his body burnt? That one?"

"Yeah?" Lily asked.

"He doesn't have anything that can burn with him. The report says that he might have fallen into a fire pit, and then he threw himself into water to put out the fire. But I don't think so. You see, in order to get yourself with a very serious burn that would probably be fatal, you would have to at least be in fire for a pretty long time, say, 20 minutes for a person to start to burn real bad."

"But there weren't any fire cases reported in the past month," Brian said, "At least not serious ones. Like children burning their houses, those? We have a few but definitely not what we are looking for."

"Exactly." Aerie concluded. "But he does have a box with a lot of copper coils and red and greed LED lights on it."

"Its a communicator." Lily said, "by the size and looks, it should be self-made. Just like ours. Between ghosts. Usually green lights for 'yes' and red lights for 'no'."

"And whats more, the thrift store that you said you found your copy of the book in," Aerie said, "The side reports, which was not printed on newspapers, mentioned that he had been to the thrift shop for a good few times before his death. So what if the other products were also wrapped with the same book, but with other copies?"

"Where exactly did you get that repot, huh?" David said, finally breaking the silence he had been keeping.

"Usually there would people who want to dig into cases, say, private detectives," Aerie said, "and so there would usually be reports hangin around free around police stations. If not, with a bit of nice attitude and a nice explanation you'll be getting the copies from police people."

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