Chapter 42

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⚠️TW: more blood⚠️

"The one that- that had been into your mind." Cole said. "Who do you think would be? Haven't you ever wondered? It was me all along. Messing inside your mind. I understand you now. I knew about every single one detail of your past. If there's anything that Cade could do for you, we could too."

"I— I never permitted you read my mind." Aerie said. "I would never allow that, you know?"

"You wanted people to value you. You wanted to feel included because of the sheer amount of bullying that you had faced, right?" she continued, "We are the same, Aerie. The people in here? All of us are outcasts. We were never meant to be anything inside the city where everyone lived. But in here, we can work together. You can be a part of the family, Aerie. And the choice won't last."

"To hunt people down?" Aerie spat, "that's what you have been doing?"

"Don't get me wrong, but there's been more." Lovelock said, "there weren't a lot of immortals- we aren't serial killers who would burn down towns and villages and towns and stuff. We go in peace, Aerie. They had too much power. And we believe that the power should be in the hands of the right people."

"Decent. Yeah, decent!" Aerie said, "if you and your entire organization is so clean, then why don't you do what you are doing on the surface, tell the world that you, are a gang of people who hunt and kill? You couldn't even explain yourself."

"As what I said, theres a lot of things that you don't know." She continued, "You know why an immortal would die when their blood is drained, hm?" She paused and made a made a step forwards. "You don't because Cade never told you, did he? When their blood is collected and competent transferred to another person, the receiver of the blood takes their place and becomes the immortal instead."

"This is what we meant to put the power in the right hands." Lovelock concluded. "We could place the power in those who really deserved the power, Aerie. You're much better than him. Please allow me to say, but I believe that you would make such a better person than Cade. You could take over what he has, and be a much better person. Make the world better."

"No—" Aerie said, pretty much in horror, "you are talking about- you are talking about killing him! Why would I ever agree to that? Killing your own family? Thats- thats not possible!"

"Well of course it's possible, Aerie." Lovelock said, "you should shape the future, you and me, together."

"You- no- the all of you- are such cold blooded murderers! You only cared about taking people over, taking what they were gifted with- did you have any emotions- empathy- at all?"

"Calm down, dear." Lovelock said, "its only a tiny bit of a world of facts that you have never heard of. Theres so much more that you haven't heard about- so much more that you could know. If you join us, I will tell you everything. I promise, Aerie." She smiled cheerily even when they were inside a dim room with the lights barely flicking above them, torches facing each other.

"Where's him?" Aerie said faintly.

"Oh, Cade?" She replied simply, "you will soon know."

"What do you mean- you will soon know?!" Aerie demanded, "Is he dead already? Is he down there somewhere, or is he on the top? You know about the intruder, right? None of you are safe, you are not safe. Neither am I. Who knows when would we encounter them?"

Lovelock chuckled. And the she laughed. So loud and clear that even in the darkness, that it covered everything that even in the place where there were whispers and mumbles of people lying on the ground, dying.

"You will know, Aerie." Lovelock said. "But you will not be alone when you knew the truth, dear. As I said, the choice is completely yours. You can chose to continue being on your side, losing and in despair, or you can embrace your new life and new family. The choice is obvious, dear."

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