Chapter 20

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It had been a month since then. The autumn came even cooler than usual, and even if it was October, Aerie had to wear a down jacket to keep herself warm from the cold. And that made her like her scarf even more than she should— it was the only scarf that she had ever worn that could keep her neck warm enough to not get red and cold like ice sticks after a whole day in the outside.

"Hey." Brian said, "you know. The meeting."

"Yeah, I know." Aerie said, "Today. Right. It's such a pity David is sick. It would be so much better when all four of us are here."

"Never mind abut that." Brian said, "we will go anyways. And it'll be exciting as it will ever be!"

"And your brain is filled with all that all day." Aerie replied, "Going to uni doesn't mean you can play all day and stop studying."

"Yeah yeah." Brian said, "not everyone are like you— having literally a hundred hours a day, revise for twenty, hang around for another twenty, and research for our plans for another twenty. We are not like you. We are mortals. We have twenty hours a day."

Aerie laughed at the word 'mortal'. Apparently that was the best word that describes her— mortal. Aerie didn't intentionally went for Cade in her free time ever since they exchanged contacts. It was actually surprising for Aerie that Cade actually know quite a lot about her school work, and her effort on chains after professors to ask questions could actually be saved by massive.

"Don't sleep too tight, in case you forgot like last time," Brian said, "Its going to be really tense today."

Aerie never managed to warn Cade about Jack. She did try to talk about that when they were chatting— but he always seemed to prevent talking about it. Maybe he knew, maybe he did not. Aerie had no idea. It seemed that he didn't want her to be involved in their business— it was dangerous, it wasn't safe. But with him hiding it only got her more interested, she only wanted to know more about how them.

"I know, I know!! I forgot about last Saturday, it was only because I read a bit too much. But I promise that I wont read anything today, okay, Brian?!" Aerie laughed, "And you know, the stuff I told you to read—"

"I haven't read it yet," Brian said, "I was hitting the road for the whole of last week."

"Have you ever read anything— at all?" Aerie said. It wasn't a lot, actually. Aerie did note quite a lot of stuff, but she intentionally didn't put down the sections about The Association. She did note that his first name was Jack, though. "Anyways, it doesn't matter. We are gonna uncover it tonight anyways."

"Aerie, uni isn't only about reading and stuff like that." Brian said, "Theres like party and stuff. Those that get people together."

"Yeah?" Aerie replied, "went to one two weeks ago. Had boys that were kinda cute, really. But I was more interested in the free food."

"You're— you're really not in for that— god." Brian said, "Anyways. I have tickets for two. Dance party at a mansion. Will be quite a lot of people."

"Cool. You're inviting me?" Aerie said, "that would be— great?"

Brian sighed. "The tickets were pretty hard to get, but it was worth it. You know, a night dancing and stuff like that. But thats not the most important thing." He continued, looking at Aerie, walking down the hall corridor, "There will be a lot of people. A lot of them."

"And what's your point?" Aerie asked, "You're saying that it won't be a regular party?"

"Nah." Brian said, "two hundred people in a five story mansion. Could fit that much though, but it would be really crowded.  Something tells me that something would happen."

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