Chapter 46

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Aerie woke up in silence. There were nothing else left from that day. She went back to university, alone.

It was the same. Lily was there, waiting and complaining that she had to return her favours, talking her endlessly that she could never possibly return her enough.

Aerie didn't pay attention when hearing anyways.

The good thing is, Brian was awake. Except for forgetting everything that had happened, from the ghost hunt back to the encounter in the basement, he completely forgot.

It seemed that the other two forgot completely too, as if it was only a dream with Aerie inside. If it had not been the two empty offices that had been filled with boring people shortly after, she would have really thought it was all a dream.

"Can I come in, sir?" Aerie asked, knocking on the door that used to be Cade's office.

The door was opened by a man in his forties, Aerie guessed. Dressed pretty decently with nicely polished shoes. "What can I help you with?"

"Eh-" Aerie said, "You must be new here. Have you been throwing things out?"

"Yeah, why?" The man answered, opening the door wide for her to go in.  "Lucky for you. If you had left something here, you can try and find it in the storage room. I haven't stared to throw anything out yet."

"Goodness. Good." Aerie replied. Without looking, she started to look throughout the storage room.  "Hopefully I'll get what I want here."

It was the same as when she left. The fans, the lights. But she was there to search for her scarf. It was the first thing that she searched for when she returned, only failing even she turned her room upside down again and again. When she had exhausted herself from the days of searching, Aerie eventually gave up and decided to come to his office instead.

Though there would be completely no reason why it would be there.

Aerie sighed when there were more than thirty boxes, completely filled with stuff. Searching in every single one of them would be taking time, she must admit.

But she had start from somewhere, right? Her instincts told her to start from the one on the left, towards the right.

A box of waste paper. Nope. A box of cleaning mats. Nope.

Somehow the third box sounded familiar. A tiny yellow post-it sticking out of the box.

"Dear Cade. :))" It started. Aerie stopped and read forwards. "Hopefully these would help you enough. Very sorry, but I'll be terribly busy in my town. Drop a note if you need anything else. Night xx"

Well? That was something. Aerie thought. She folded the note in half and stuffed it into her pocket, digging further. Apparently there were even more maps than she had expected, and a big deal of food that Aerie guessed would be enough for her to eat for three month- if she could eat dried food for that long- first of all.

Guess she will be taking that box away. Aerie noted to herself. It was heavy- of course. Food would weight. But something felt even heavier. She gently pushed the cereal bars to the side, and a black box of stuff appeared at the bottom.

There was a lock, but Aerie could open it easily. To be honest, she wasn't completely surprised when guns were the thing that were being revealed.

Yes. Guns. Plural.

Aerie wondered how could Cade- or Night- possibly get that much weapons without anyone noticing. But immortals are immortals, Aerie guessed. And there's going be quite a lot of problems if the that man- whoever he came from- found them.

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