𝔓𝔞𝔤𝔢 9

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It was lunch break. And you've never felt more free that ever, after getting away from the very large handsome beast of a man. Sure you were weird and didn't have interest in romance but, you couldn't deny how beautiful he was. Well that didn't matter right now. You just wanted to go home and make sure your little addition to family was alright.

You had a mini celebration of victory in your head after you had seen students were allowed to have lunch from outside the campus. Well, they were allowed to go anywhere when it was lunch. You smiled to yourself and beeline towards the exit gate. But you were stopped by someone familiar. His right leg was swung over the wall preventing you from
Walking anymore steps forward.

"waoh, i thought you prefer having lunch inside bushes huh?" spoke the man with beautiful shiny blond hair and his silky voice. You remembered him. He was the mean guy from yesterday. His brother was behind him, mouthing a sorry over and over again. You didn't pay attention to the main guy, just waved over to the radish boy and smiled. Letting him know it was just fine. He looked anxious as always.

The intimidating brother snapped his fingers infront of your face getting your attention. "I'm right here you know?" you stared at him with a blank look on your face. Patiently waiting him to continue whatever rubbish people like him say and do to make themselves feel better. "so.. Where's my brother's saviors going?" he spoke with a smirk on his face.

"is she the new girl you were talking about earlier prosciutto?"

A girl asked the man himself with her arms draped around his shoulders seductively. He didn't respond. He had a very pissed look on his face actually. "how many times I've told you NOT to follow me everywhere i go?" he spoke menacingly, the girl nervously detached herself from him and quietly walked away. Your attention was captured by your fuzzy friends pulling on your hair, fingers, clothes in the direction of the campuses exit.

"oh calm down guys, I'm coming now" you whispered.

Prosciutto raised his brow and observed you. Who were you talking to? Was everything that illuso told him true? Could she really see things? "hey, who are you talking to when I'm present?" he walked closer to you again. You looked down at the floor avoiding his gaze. 'think (y/n) think, what would kakyoin do if he was in your situation?' you gulped.

"well s-sir, whoever you are. With due respect I'd like for you to finish my business and let me be. As you can see i have places to be". Your heart raced in the newfound confidence that you had gained.
Prosciutto again got that annoyed feeling again.
'tck, why can't she just act the way i want her to?'
He had expected you'd be easy to play with with how shy you looked. But it was quite the opposite.

You were stubborn. You acted like you'd never had an incounter with a guy ever before. 'that couldn't be, surely you just hid your real self behind that shy girl facade' eventually he gave up and crossed his arms over his barely covering chest. "tck, whatever. Pesci actually wanted to say thank you for the other day..I'm out" with that he left.

You let out a sigh of relief and headed back to your apartment. Oh also, not forgetting a little snack for giorno.


Before any of my annoying friends could catch up to me, i successfully made my way outside the campus to have a peaceful lunch. Don't get me wrong, i love hanging out with my crackhead excuse of friends but sometimes i like it quiet. I could see sorbet and Gelato making out in a corner so i gave them their privacy and escaped. I didn't have the need to hide my face because they were the least bothersome out of the whole gang.

Now melone and formaggio were the red flags. Being around the both of them was equivalent to an audience of a boxing match. They always had something to argue about. I didn't even realize i was smiling until some random chick on the street waved to me, probably thought i smiled to her. I just looked away and entered my favorite bakery place ahead.
The owner greated me like always.

"ohh, welcome risotto. Lunch time eh?"

The old man knew. He basically saw me here at this time almost everyday. I nodded and ordered my usual. I quietly was enjoying my meal and listening to the conversation that was being held. I wasn't eavesdropping, it's just that if someone's in the same area as you, and speaking fucking loud. You can't really cancel the out. Besides it was an interesting conversation.

"that boy that came in yesterday and stole from us is reported missing from his parents."

"yea, he's half Japanese. Her mother married an Italian"

"i wonder why he went missing. I saw him sealing the other day, the boy's clothes were all soiled up in dirt"

"weird kid"

A kid missing? Well that's sort of new in Italy. Sure being in a gang hearing these things are normal, but missing children wasn't really one of them. Guess I'll look into it. According to their story, i can only make out that he purposely ran away. Mama lost him? Or he was either abused. The second statement sounds depressing. I left my payment and tip at the table and left.

Right when i exited the bakery, i saw her again. Walking towards the store i just exited with a glowing smile on her face. I looked to her side to see a little boy no younger than 9 just as happy as her. 'is that her kid?' i thought to myself. I couldn't help but feel weird about it. If that is her kid, then well.. Who was the father?

She walked past me without even looking up. She was too busy making the kid giggle with her jokes that she didn't even acknowledge me. Well she looked cute smiling.. Ew what was i thinking. I looked down at my wrist watch to see there was 25 minutes left till the next class starts. So i started walking back.


I happily ran up my apartment and waa about to unlock the door. But i stopped. It'd probably spook him. I took a deep breath and gently knocked on the door. "giorno? It's me, don't be scared alright. I'm coming in" unlocked the door and saw him cuddled under my sheets. I smiled. Did he still get spooked after i made my presence known? Silly child.

He quietly peaked from the sheets. Once he realized it was me, he jumped out and hugged me. I ruffled his head. "where'd you go? I was all alone.." i chuckled. "well, I'm sorry. Left a little note telling you i went to uh.. Study" he looked at me and just let out a confused "oh". Then his tummy rumbled.
"well someone's hungry, shall we go?" he nodded.
With that we left.



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