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It was finally weekend but i still had to work at the baker, and i decided to spend this day with giorno too in my free time. Currently we were walking across the street to the bakery. Again, a familiar figure made me stop.

I saw no face again, sitting by himself on the streets looking all sad again. "do you see more ghosts mommy?" i nodded. And giorno looked in my direction. "it's no face".

Giorno immediately smiled, "can we go say hi to him?" i smiled and nodded. "sure". So we walked over to the sad spirit, he seemed pretty surprised at our appearance. "hey no face, we came in to say hi"
It nodded and attempted to say yellow with his deep sad voice.

"he said hello giorno". Giorno smiled and opened his palm, there sat a healthy looking flower in his palm, as if it grew on him. "here's another little gift for you no face" giorno confident reached out his hand where he sat and waited for the flower to be lifted.

He observed the flower and held it close to himself, as if it was a baby. "alright now, we've gotta go or I'll be late for work". Right when we started walking away, i heard a gumble.

And looked back to see him holding it's dark transparent tummy. He frowned again. I chuckled and signaled him to follow me.


Whilst giorno was busy coloring, i quietly fed the ghost a handsome amount of food fresh from last night that was about Tobe thrown away. Why waste food when you can give it to someone?

I went back at the counter, waiting for a customer was quite boring so i started cleaning the counter tops. A while later i heard the stores bell, alerting me that a customer arrived.

"welcome to the store, please-" i gasped when i saw a young boy a few years younger than me in a very bad condition, his beauty sun-kissed skin covered in dirt and specks of blood, his clothes were also ruined. And he looked tired, malnourished. His beautiful black hair were covered in dust.

I immediately rushed to the boy and with concern asked him.

" hey little boy, what's wrong?" he pointed at the entrance of the store and looked at me with pleading eyes. I heard a few man shouting outside and understood the situation.

With speed, i hid him inside the kitchen and went back to the counter. Acting as if nothing had happened. The men barged inside the store and walked up to the counter just as i expected.

"hey beautiful, by any chance have you seen a young homeless boy running around?" one of the men leaned over the counter tops and caressed my face.
They reeked of alcohol and tobacco.

"no sir, if there's anything you like me to help you with the food here, please let me know"

He stared at me and then at giorno. "is that kid yours?" i nodded and he picked giorno up with one hand. "p-put my kid back!" he smirked.

"oh? Why should i? You didn't give me the right answer to my question signora~" he cooed disgustingly.

"i have no idea what you're talking about, please put my son back!" i punched the man and he seemed a bit surprised. "for a little girl like you, you hit hard, say how would you feel if i beat your kid into a pulp right now? If you want to prevent that from happening, i suggest you tell me where that boy went, because my eyes don't lie, i saw that little prick heading into this store ".

I shut my eyes to think, and i heard a voice.
"oh really? Your eyes don't lie huh? Then I'm sure you see my fist about to collide against your face just about.. Now!" i opened my eyes to see illuso standing by the mirror and punching the man to the floor, accompanied by the rest of the gang.

I immediately grabbed giorno and hugged him close.
They dusted their clothes off and kicked the men out of the store."you're welcome" prosciutto said with sas looking over at me. "o-oh, thank you alot guys.." i said holding giorno with my shaky arms.

"yea, those men always seem to create trouble where ever they go, not today though, no one is gonna annoy my lovely (y/n) and baby" melone said then hugged giorno and i.

"you work here at day offs too?" formaggio asked dusting his clothes.

"yea, i don't have anything to do so why not help around a little?"

"oh (y/n), you're too sweet to people ya know" Gelato said while pinching giornos cheeks.

I started realizing how they never made a single sound when they showed up, so i asked. "how did you guys manage to not get the bell to ring once entering?"

"what can i say, I'm just that smooth-ouch man" illuso said winking at me, and getting smacked by ghiaccio. "bring me my sandwich wench" ghiaccio grumpoly demanded.

I couldn't help but chuckle. "alright, give me your orders and I'll bring them out" all of them gave their orders and i went to fetch them from the kitchen.
I looked at the strange boy underneath the pastry table shaking.

I frowned, poor boy. Well, it wouldn't hurt helping him out a little. I put on my smile and grabbed a kids sandwich and a cheese cake over to him, oh and never forgetting a cold drink. I crouched down and pushed the plate towards him.

"it's alright now, they're gone. You can come out if you'd like" he didn't respond, just stared at the plate. Maybe he was uncomfortable? I got up and felt my clothes being tugged.

And i sat down again. "is something the matter?"
He nodded. "i don't wanns go out". I got a little more concerned for the boy. "well alright, you can stay here as long as you like" he finally looked up at me with his ocesn eyes. "thank you miss.."

I smiled and patted his head. "you're welcome young man". I heard ghiaccio screaming that he was starving so i had to make it quick. I plated all the items on a tray and professionally made my way out, serving them. "seriously, did you fall asleep in there?" prosciutto complained.

"p-proscuitto, you should be nice to her you know.." pesci said. "aw, thanks pesci. I wouldn't want anyone else to be nice if someone like you is already nice" that made him smile, and prosciutto looked away biting his food in grumpy way.

After they finally left, you went back to the kitchen to check it the boy was alright, but you found him no where. You saw a note that was pressed under the plate you served him in.

Thank you miss, i hope i can
meet more people like you.

I smiled and worked on cleaning the dishes.
'i hope he's safe where ever he is right now'.

A few days later, the baker had sold his store to someone else. They bakery renovated into a restaurant in just few days, it was small so it's understandable.

The owner had known about me and gave me the job at the new place. I stood in front of the newly renovated building. Taking a deep breath, i walked in. "well this is new start".

'Libeccio here i come'


Guess who that boy was.

𝖎𝖑 𝕻𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖊𝖌𝖚𝖎𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖔 || La Squadra x readerWhere stories live. Discover now