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By the next morning, Alex was still not awake.
"Dude, we should really, like, really take her to a hospital-"
"JJ, Pope's sorted her-"
"Stop being such an asshole John B, she's hurt do you not care? This is your fault, you know. They were looking for you."
"I didn't tell them-"
The girls voice was barely a whisper, but it shook her whole body.
"Sh, sh- you're really hurt-"
"Just a scratch, just a scratch."
Pope shook his head, "Shakespeare references?"
She nodded, then winced.
"Lex, are you okay?"
"I didn't tell them anything, John. All through I never told them."
"They didn't-" Kiara gestured to the girls body.
She shook her head.
"This is such bullshit, what the actual fuck is going on-"
Alex pulled herself up.
"I'm gonna, I'm gonna go for a walk, 'kay?"
"JJ I'm going on my own, you guys go figure out what the fuck is happening with that locket-"
"It's a compass."
She rolled her eyes, ignoring the pain it sent through her head.
"There is- there is a place, my dad, I think-"
"John B, just go. Take these idiots with you."
After the others had got their stuff together, she eased on a clean outfit, and braided her hair. The girl made an attempt to cover up the bruising and swelling but gave up after a few seconds; it obviously wasn't going to work.
Sighing, she walked into JJ's room. Alex scrunched her face at the dirty clothes on the bed, but grabbed his shorts and stuck her hands in the pockets.
She pulled her hand out, clutching the keys to the pogue.
As she sat down in the drivers seat of the boat, she ran her hands through her hair and hit the steering wheel a few times.
Getting off the boat, Alexis threw the keys into the chateau, and kicked the ground. JJ's bike caught her eye.
Without thinking, she got on and kicked off.
"Barry? Barry, where you at? Man I need some shit, come on, let me in."
She was desperately pounding the door.
The door swung open, to her surprise she was met with Rafe Cameron.
"He said not to let anyone in."
"Is he in there? Tell him it's me, he'll let me in."
"Yo country club, who is it?"
She laughed, "it's me, I need a line or two, I've had a rough day."

Guys I'm actually active now and will post and reply to ur comments so be funny and comment a lot 😜

Think Of Me ~ JJ Maybank ~ OuterbanksWhere stories live. Discover now