Chapter 6 Tobias

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I dedicate this chapter to Annabeth Chase. She is amaZhang. :3 :P


"No, Tris!" I scream. The cannon sounds. I feel tears trickling down my cheeks. Tris is dead. I couldn't even do a thing about it. I have to leave her here, as sad as it makes me.
"Bye, Tris," I'm crying. I mumble sadly as I get up and leave.
After I found a way around the cliff, I looked for a new place to stay. I find a relatively flat area that is a tiny clearing. By the time I found it, it was nighttime, and I remember it shows the dead in the sky. It's not easy to remember everything people told us.
It shows them; Tris and Peeta. I don't want to cry again, so I don't look her picture in the eye.
Katniss probably wants to drive a knife into my heart. Unless she could be more accurate with another weapon. I try to remember what was available. Knives, bags, a spear, and a bow and arrows. If she's really good with spears or bows, I'm in trouble.
I know I need some rest. I try to sleep, but it doesn't come easily. But finally, at what I think is midnight, I go to sleep.

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