Chapter 9 Katniss

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I dedicate this chapter to Hazel Grace because it's rude to include him but not her. :P XD


I wake up to noises from Tobias in the lake. I need to get out of here, or kill him. It's not a good time for killing, because my arrow will plunk into the water if he moves too quickly, and he'll be attacking me while I'm stuck in a tree. If I try to shoot him from the tree while he's trying to hit me with a knife, he'll get me first.
I climb silently. I can't make a sound or I'm dead. I use my hunter feet to escape, leaving him alone at the lake. Later, I'm climbing another tree, far away. I look up at my target and see a nest of tracker jackers buzzing around. This isn't the right tree, obviously, so I come back down and run away.
After more running, I find a new tree and climb. This one looks okay, so I find a spot to settle. After I find a good spot, I begin to think about how to win.
After thinking about that stuff for a while, I still couldn't find an idea, so I went to hunt.
I wind up with the rest of the moose me and Peeta hid and a few squirrels. I make a small fire and cook them, then I eat. They're some of the best things I've ever tasted. The best was food from my other two games.
After I eat, I wonder for a while, searching for Tobias so I can take him by surprise. No luck.
After a few hours of searching, I climb a new tree and get ready for sleep. it's not easy, but it still comes.

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