Chapter 10 Tobias

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I dedicate this chapter to Thomas because he is so amazing and smart. :3


It's early in the morning when I wake up. As soon as I do, I feel my hunger's strong pain hit me. It's gnawing on my stomach like an animal eating their prey. It's time to try to get food.
After searching, I find a few berries. Not many, not enough to kill the gnawing monster, but enough to last for now, but I feel like any movement would waste useful energy, so I stay put for a long time.
After who knows how long, I get up and scavenge again, finding only seven berries this time, almost like I'm taking them all. At this rate, I'll die of starvation.
I see movement out of the corner of my eye. It's a squirrel. What I would give to have that right now. It hears me moving, so I hit it before it can get away. I killed it!
Since my instincts are telling me to take the fur off and cook it for a while, I do. After that, I begin to eat it, and it's so good.
After the delicious meal, it's still not satisfying enough to kill the monster, but it's gained a paper cut. It heals quickly. I feel like I could faint right here, right now.
For the entire day, that's what I do. Scavenge and attempt to hunt. And, of course, hoping I don't die.

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