Chapter 8 Tobias

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I dedicate this chapter to Auguatus Waters because he is mine. <3


I just ran out of supplies from the bags. No water or food, and I don't know how to hunt or what to do to the game after I kill it. I need to search for some water for the bottles and more food, and maybe some edible plants grow here.
I hear a buzz, like bees. I remember they mentioned mutated animals for the games. Katniss said something about mutated bees, and when Tris asked her about them, she stayed quiet as if there was some sort of personal connection.
I look up and see a nest of bees swarming above me. They don't look like any type of bee I ever saw. I know this can't be a good sign.
Running seems to be the only logical option right now, so I turn and start fleeing as fast as I can. I'm not going to stay near genetically modified bees. They will kill me.
When I'm out of breath and can't go any further, I stop and sit down. How long would it have taken them to kill me? I have no idea.
After a long break, I keep moving. I can't stop or I'll die of thirst or hunger. It really would be the Hunger Games.
After a while, I realize I went in the right direction, because I see a stream that turns beside me. It doesn't look the cleanest, but there has to be a lake nearby.
I follow the stream, and I find a lake not too long after. I slurp as much as I can, and then I fill up the bottles. I can't stay here. Katniss has to have been here because she needs water, too.

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