Chapter 5 Tris

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Note: don't think I'm cheap if people die from natural causes a few days in. I just wanted to end the book. XD :P

I dedicate this chapter to Percy Jackson. :3 <3


My world is faded. This is the last straw. This knife will finish me. No, it won't, I will make it, I think. It's not as bad as a bullet wound, but I've had one too many wounds. I can't believe he killed one, and he could have let them kill me, and give himself one less opponent in the arena.
"You knew you could have escaped, but you saved me, didn't you?" My voice cracks and it's weak. He nods after hesitation. "Thank you," I say and realize what he has to do.
"Leave me," I say, "you'll never win with me, and I will hold you back if I manage to hold onto life. Face it, Tobias, I will die here."
"No, I can't do that, never. I can't leave you behind. I can save you, Tris-"
"Stop, we both know I'll die here, and soon." Then I realize something important. "Tobias, it's okay, because this is"
And those are my last words. I hear him cry and scream, "No, Tris!" but that doesn't keep me from dying. I die right there.

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