chapter 8

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Original POV

I could barely pay attention to the movie. I was so lost in thought. I felt so comfortable being close to Mark, I fell asleep. The movie finished and Lia shook me but I was long gone. Mark smiled, he thought the sight of my sleeping face was cute. "Go ahead and go to bed Lia, I'll bring her up." Mark instructed Lia. She nodded before tiredly walking upstairs.

Mark turned the TV off and cleaned up after us. He looked over my sleeping figure and smiled before picking me up. He wrapped my arms around his neck and placed his hands under my legs. He carried me upstairs to Lia's room first, but she was taking up the whole bed. He took me to his room and laid me in his bed. He covered me with the blanket and shut the door before going downstairs to sleep on the couch.


I wake up the next morning in a different room. There's a watermelon plushie in my arms. I notice the guitar in the corner and I immediately realize where I am. I'm in Mark's room. In his bed. How did I get here? I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. As I'm laying there trying to make sense of the situation, Mark walks in. He's wearing a large t shirt with sweatpants. "Oh, you're up!" He says giving me a smile. "Umm good morning?" I say awkwardly. "How did I get here?" I ask him because the curiosity is eating me alive. "I carried you." I start blushing profusely. "Huh?"

"Yeah, you fell asleep on the couch during the movie so I carried you here. Lia had already went to bed so I just let you crash in my room. I slept on the couch, don't worry" he hurriedly spit out the last part. "Right...thanks Mork!" I goofily smile at him. He chuckles at the nickname. "Anything for you" he smiles. My heart flutters at his words. "Umm cute plushie" I say gesturing to the watermelon on his bed. He laughs a bit. "Thanks!"

I walk down the hall to Lia's room. She's still sleeping so I shake her. "Lia! Come on we have to go to school!" I whisper shout in her ear. She groans before rolling out of bed and trudging off to the bathroom.

We all get dressed and go downstairs. Mark drives us to school. Once we get to school we all walk in together. I see Hyuck and I'm surprised to see Jisung standing next to him. Chae is no where in sight. "Morning Hyuck" I say with a smile. Lia and Mark walk to class while I greet my friends. I noticed Lia and Hyuck exchanging looks.

"Good morning Jae" Hyuck replies. I don't pay Jisung any attention. I'm giving him a taste of his own medicine. "Umm, Hey!" Jisung says offendedly. "Oh, hi Jisung" I state quickly before turning back to Hyuck. "Where's your little girlfriend?" Hyuck asks the question I've been wondering as well. "She's not feeling well today." "That's unfortunate." I comment insincerely.

We go to part ways but Jisung grabs my wrist before I can walk away. "Hey, did I do something wrong?" He asks me worriedly. I look down at his hand on my wrist then look back up at him. He releases me. "I'm sorry, why weren't you at the house last night?" He inquires. "Your mom didn't tell you?" I ask him. "Tell me what?"

"I'm staying elsewhere."
"Where might that be?" He places his hands on his hips.
"Why do you care all of a sudden? Where have you been, Jisung? You get a girlfriend and now no one else exists." I retort bitterly.
"Jae... that's not fair"
"I gotta go" I say and quickly walk away before he can say anything else.

Jisung's POV

As she's walking away from me I try to say something but words won't form. I feel like a terrible friend. Anjae wasn't at the house yesterday, I just wanted to ask her why. I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. Sure, I haven't been talking to her as much but we're still best friends. She'll come around, I hope.

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