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I stood at the end of the driveway waiting to see Nita's Hyundai pull up. She'd texted me that she was turning the corner but that girl was lying. A black Cadillac pulled up in front of me and my face furrowed. The window rolled down and it was Anita. "Get in."

Looking into the car, I couldn't tell if anyone else was in it but this was my sister. I trusted her... but this was suspicious as hell. Finally, I began moving and I put my crutches in the back seat before getting in the front with her. She drove off quickly and I asked. "Who car we in?"

"Third's friend."

"Why we not in your car?"

"Cause I gotta go drop this car off."

"Huh?" I was lost.

She looked over at me. "Listen I gotta make a drop and I don't like going by myself."

"Girl what the fuck is a drop? Cause I know you not telling me that you picked me up to go help you sell drugs. I know you not telling me that."

"I ain't selling drugs Alana.. and since when did you become such a stick in the ass?"

My mouth dropped. "Bitch I am not a fucking stick in the ass! You're a fucking stick in the ass. Take it back."

"No because that's what you're acting like."

"So you are selling drugs then?"

"No, Alana. That's not what this is."

"So what is this?" I motioned around. "You just riding around in Thirds friends car?"

"The car is the drop."

"Huh? I don't get it."

"Every once in a while, Third asks me to make a drop for him when he's swamped with other shit. I get a car. I drop it off on the side of the highway, get into another car and then bring the other car back."

"Girl that don't even make no type of sense but it sounds very fucking illegal. Bring my ass back home. I don't want no parts in this."

"Alana, I need you to ride with me. Usually I'd bring KeKe but she's at work."

"You got Keisha ass selling drugs too?!" I asked in outrage. "Girl you're off your rockers for this nigga now. You losing it for real, for real. This what momma be talking about."

"Girl fuck you, first off. Secondly, momma just triggered that I wanna live with my fiancé so don't throw subliminal messages."

"Fiancé? Since when—." She flashed her left hand at me and my mouth dropped further when I saw a ring. "Now you finna marry this nigga? Nita, oh my God. Snap out of it."

"Snap out of what? You're acting like we haven't been together since I was 15." She got on the highway.

"I see you still not turning around to take me home." I commented as I rolled my eyes. "Ion want shit to do with this. You losing yo damn mind Anita."

She looked over at me in irritation. "You're such a fucking wimp here lately. Come on! Grow some balls!"

"Balls? Bitch, bye. Ion need balls. You need them for whenever you and your man get caught up and go to prison."

"Alana, please. Spare me the fucking mother speech. Fuck... I knew I should have called somebody else."

"Who else is there?" I asked with confusion. "Last I checked, you only had one friend and that's KeKe. Oh, and maybe your boyfriend whenever he isn't selling dope. So..."

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