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It was merely the third week of school and I hated it as if it was the first. These children got on my last nerve and Lord knew that I only stayed at this job because I wanted to be close to my mother. Some days, I wished that I wasn't the child that prided themselves in taking care of my mom. Everyone else got to move on with life, rid themselves of the burden but I stayed. Someone had to stay and it seemed the only ones up for the job were Rebbie and I.

The bell was about to ring and I stepped outside ready to yell at these children for running through my damn hallway. Unlocking my phone, I was about to check on Rebbie and my mother before I heard footsteps. When I looked up, I saw Alana walking up to me with Starbucks in her hands.

She smiled softly and handed me a cup. "Morning."

"You are a true Angel." I replied as I took the cup. "Morning."

It was an honest shock that for once in my years of having aides I actually liked one. Alana and I just got along for some reason. She was laidback and chill— which was unlike any aides they'd ever supplied me with. I need to thank the counselors for giving me this one.

"I try." She leaned on the wall next to where I was standing. "Did you get the papers to the front office yesterday or do you still need me to take them?"

"I completely forgot I was supposed to do that. Yeah, you'll need to take them."


I took a sip of the drink she handed me and my face furrowed at the new taste that I was far from mad at. "What is this? It's good."

"Oh it's my personal coffee order. It's half steamed milk, half brewed coffee. Then make them add honey, cinnamon, nutmeg and a pump or two of vanilla. I always get two pumps but if you feel like it's over doing it, get one."

"Please text that to me so that I can start ordering this instead."

Alana chuckled. "Okay, what's your number?" I told it to her and soon I felt my phone vibrate. "I just did. Oh, did you still need me for fifth period today because if so, Coach told me she'd have to hear from you specifically or she wasn't letting me skip."

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly why Virginia Dawson wanted to speak to me personally. "Yeah I'll call her. I don't know—." I stopped myself before mumbling. "Ouu Janet, shut up."

The bell rung and the teachers came out of their classrooms to monitor the halls. Alana walked into my office and grabbed the papers she needed to take as I sipped on my coffee. The students filled the halls talking and laughing but not too loudly. They knew better than that.

My eyes caught on to some boy with his pants so low I could see his underwear. It was Javonte and we had this conversation almost every damn day. He walked pass me and I caught the top of his backpack and pulled him back. "Pull your pants up Javonte, I don't know why you're wearing a belt if you aren't gonna utilize it."

He nodded quickly and pulled them up. "Oh yeah. My bad. I be forgettin'."

"Alright sure Javonte. Next time I'm just going to send you to ISS."

"Mannn, Miss J, quit playin. I'm the highlight of your days."

I made of face of disgust. "Highlight? Not even a little bit. No little girl wants to see your underwear all day and I'm not a man, address me with more respect than that before we have bigger issues. Now goodbye. Get to class cause if you're late, I'm not writing you a pass."

Javonte smacked his lips. "Ma—." He stopped and corrected himself. "Yes ma'am, Miss Jackson."

He walked away and Alana came up to me. "This is all the papers?"

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