𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬; 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘝𝘪𝘤𝘵𝘰𝘳.

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JumpCity, San Francisco.
The tree's swayed in the wind as we basked in the sunlight, Victor's hand in yours as you glow together. Melanated and Utterly happy.  The world is at peace while you sit in a field, a life you've heard of before. A flower behind your ear, Brought a smile to your face.

"Y/N, It's been a couple of months-"
you think he's going to ask you out? After all this time, The Victor Stone!

"It's been a couple of months, Y/N"
"you should wake up. I don't think I'm coming back 'home', I'm not Victor anymore. I'm not yours."

The flowers withered as the sky soon grew dark, The trees swayed harder almost flying away with the wind. The atmosphere became dark and rain and thunder crashed down. And just like before Victor Vanished. His touch was gone, and his voice so far distance.

He was right.
You should wake up.
12:45 pm

A breeze passed through your room, Plants (Artificial and Real) moved with it. A paw grazed your face and you soon heard a meow follow it.

"Good Morning to you too, Kyre"
It was real, But Victor wasn't.

This morning is too beautiful to waste lying in bed moping over a high school disappearance.
Hell, You're Y/N L/N! You have better things to do, right?  I mean you had your hair to rebraid, You had a shopping list due—

Yeah, You have much better things to do.
You step out of bed and kyre follows you brushing up against your leg. The cat purrs and Walks itself away, once you stray into the bathroom. Your hair had puffed up at the edges and ends with stray hairs smeared along your face- the summer heat had messed with it.

Unbraiding the style you chose, y/n brushed through her hair not trying to stay on it for too long. Into Two puffs with Two braids in the front, it goes.
"Safe but stylish"
After finishing up with "morning" activities, even though it was now nearing 1 pm, Y/N strolled to the local supermarket—

"Will you hurry up Jinx! Jeez your gonna get us caught"

Probably some kid not wanting to get in trouble with his mom or something.
It was the or something.

A literal chunk of a building can hurdling towards you and you were slammed backward by a Teenage boy in a mask?  Not even a good one, It only covers his eyes.

Your thoughts were interrupted again, as you heard a familiar voice yell in triumph. You couldn't even process what was going on, it was loud and parts of the builds on the street were destroyed, There were kids fighting kids? No, not just any kids-

Those are the Teen Titans, right?
Yeah, Star, Robin, Raven, Beast-boy and

Victor Stone.

That was Victor, The dream- 'I'm not Victor anymore' He's- He's -

"Cyborg Now!" Presumably, Robin yelled as only a pink-haired girl and what looked like a baby in a green jumpsuit was caught.


Maybe this will make for an interesting story to tell your dad, although he wouldn't believe you.

A young girl with red straight hair approached you, concern was written on her face: "are you alright citizen" she asked.

"Yes yes I'm fine, Uh Can you tell.. uh Robin that I said thank you" you shifted to wobble your way home.

"Wait! Before you go, In your distress I saw you look at Cyborg. Do you know him?"

Did You know him?
You know Victor.
But that is Victor.

𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now