𝗩𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗬; 𝘛𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳

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The blaze had touched every surface of the dead. Souls that sought to never be reclaimed as taken by Trigon had experienced light. Of course it wasn't magic, but It was a beam so bright like a star had imploded after millions of years of lying dormant. Victor's arm had imploded at the blast , he huffed - his lungs , unlike the rest of him, weren't mechanical. The ground beneath the two had shifted into a sinkhole. Victor didn't have time to rest before the rubble started to crumble, and so did Y/N. In mere second's Victor was trying to clutch onto the crumbled ruins - the walls of what seemed like the gateway to hell. Y/N was limp , Ontop of the rubble as it began to fall faster and faster. Conscious slipping in and out , but with what Y/N could gather they needed to hold onto something - fast. Y/N caught themself on a pole that was wedged into the rocks. Victor yelled for their attention , and Y/N called back.


Robin could hear his friends faintly , calling out for each other without wasting time; he hoisted Raven on his waist. He ran until he saw tons and tons of rocks being shoveled into an opening. He shot a birdrang into the biggest one he could see and sprinted upwards. He spotted Victor ; "Cyborg!" Victor was too endorsed in retrieving Y/N. Y/N spotted robin though , and they began to climb upwards as best as they could. Victor took the hint and used all his strength to climb with one arm , while robin lunged upwards. Gar had heard, mostly seen,the explosion and ran towards the scene - Kori and Gar had tagteamed blackfire, but she was the least of their concern. Gar retrieved Y/N and Victor - and Robin saved himself. He set Raven down , she quivered.

-"Are you ok?" - Gar Ran into Victor, almost knocking him over when he had just stood himself up. "Cy! What happened to your arm?" "Fatality" Victor sighed and looked down at his arm. The human part of it was still there but the mechanics were all gone. He felt like half a man , But what mattered is that he was alive and so were you. Y/N rubbed their forehead in disbelief , They felt sick to their stomach as Kori helped them up. For once they were happy to see her , They held onto her tight and sighed deeply. Her scent was welcoming and warm, and Kori held them back, petting their head. Victor walked over to the pair with his one good arm around Gar. Y/N released Kori from their grip finally and turned to Victor - "sheesh, sorry about your ar-" Y/N's sentence was cut off from an abrupt kiss from Victor. Robin managed to get Raven to stand. "It's not over yet"Robin looked over above the horizon. Trigon sat upon his throne that once used to be their home , and Robin sat Raven aside.

            With what Raven had given them before one by one they tried to attack head on , leading in failure. Robin was stunted , Kori was thrown into rubble, Gar right after Kori and Trigon didn't even see the good in actually trying Victor.

Watching her friends slowly meet defeat angered her beyond what she could understand , Raven felt betrayed , hurt , disregarded , and most of all she felt rage. Unmatchable rage. "You're nothing without what I gave you, I'm your father." As if that mattered. Raven was more than what Trigon had given her, she was more than her mother, and she wouldn't make the mistakes of her ancestors. She wouldn't let him walk away.

"You aren't my father," She stood, "Father's protect you , fathers love you, fathers care for you, you might've made me - but you didn't raise me. My friends did."

 Raven let that rage overcome her , returning to her 15 year old body instead of the scared 8 year old she had previously been. Using that energy to for once , finally defeat the thing that was Trigon. The earth returned to its once beautiful state , the souls of those wrongfully taken returned. The once graveyard now turns to busy streets. Raven felt her feet touch the ground as her friends rushed to her. Gar the first to tackle her down, Victor letting a laugh slip out as Y/N hugged his metal body. Robin and Kori watched civilians return to their normal lives. "That was absolutely awesome..how did you..what's with the white?"Gar asked. Raven's normal dark purple attire was all white, just like her mothers. "Purple is still my favorite color."

"Can we head home now? I gotta do something about this arm" Victor swiggled the stump he had for a left arm. "Yeah I need a serious nap" Gar answered after him.

Kori laughed in bliss , "yes friends  , let us go home."  Robin stretched , and Y/N started up a conversation with Kori, hand in hand with Victor. Raven took to the skies and so did Gar. And The Titans , including their newest member (Y/N), faced the beautiful view of Jump City and went home.



𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now