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JumpCity , San Francisco


The street that was destroyed in the incident was now being repaired. Although it was two weeks later, and  you had to blankly stare through your window at the scene every morning. Construction had started, And Victor Took that as it had been enough time. You sat on your bed drying your hair after you had conditioned it--it was weird how your hair could change from 4c To 3b just for a couple minutes. Kyre sat himself at the foot of your bed , sprawling out comfortably. Another Beautiful afternoon, The sun shining through your window and with a small breeze making you shiver ever so slightly.

Nothing Major had happened , and for all you knew- Victor (and The titans) had "disappeared". A few fights here and there all over the city , just a few more people captured. Apparently three other people who were associated with the pinked hair girl and the pitiful child were caught.  The Hive?

"Jinx, Mammoth , Billy, See-more, and a baby ina  jumpsuit" You always knew JumpCity had some weird history but honestly that tops it. Y/N brushed through their hair while it was still manageable and played around with it until They felt it looked alright. Kyre jumped frantically to your bedroom window, you assumed someone in the apartment complex was taking out their trash and he heard a noise. The breeze messed with you so- a yellow hoodie was applied to your outfit. Y/N decided to go and sit in the front lobby  instead of staying in Their room all day.

Leaving Kyre inside you left the apartment. Y/N sat on a ledge in front of the mailboxes , and took a long inhale. The construction wasn't enough to ruin the afternoon, so you scrolled through your socials- reading amongst E-books in your library until you heard a rustle. You were still inside but the lobby door was open, A few bushes and a fenced off lawn where in front of the building sense there were multiple apartment buildings around. You look back down at your phone finding your place until you hear a louder noise come from outside the door. It was a transparent double door so you squinted at it to see better.

You got up , inching towards the doors- , your phone now in your pocket. You held your breath until something- no someone popped out at you. The Green boy, Beast boy it was? Energetic behavior radiated off of him, But he wasn't a boy, he was a dog? He formatted into the version of him you had seen when Jinx was captured. Before you even knew it you had fell backwards onto the floor and where breathing heavy-

"Hey! Ah- jeez I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare ya"He held out a hand apologetically, and you took it brushing yourself off. You were taller than him, he must've been at least 5'0. Beastboy held his hand to his neck  and his cheeks flushed.

"Is There something that you need?" You said, You were noticeably confused at his random appearance. I mean you weren't a criminal- Beastboy began to ramble on about the day he had , The day of the incident. He went on about how 'Cy' had beaten him at a video game , and Robin had made them do- in his words - 'over the top totally bore worthy training'. And Then he finally got to what had happened, Apparently he and 'Star' were on a patrol when they had heard gizmo's threats to Jinx. Similar to what you had heard, and Beastboy's reaction was to attack. Jinx tried to create a diversion which led to your almost near death experience. Luckily Robin had already been called to the scene. That still didn't explain why he was here now?

"I know , I know, but uhm- I'm here because I had overheard Rob and Star talking about how you were a 'friend' of Cy. He wanted to meet up with ya I think they said- or something. Do you know em? I mean you seemed too in those 3 second i saw ya" His eyes gleamed with interest , He was basically jumping up and down waiting for your answer.

"Uhm, I think I might know him-"

"Really?" After your answer Beastboy presented so many questions at once it's like his voice layered itself, all about highschool- and if Victor was a nerd , or how did we know each other. Your breathing increased heavily as it was a lot to take in , I mean you had just calmed down.

A Voice interjected from his constant talking , It sounded like robins voice- he was much more demanding than thou. He asked where Beast boy was and if he had gone after me , he got more angry at Beast Boy's delayed response. Eventually he did pick up what looked like a yellow round walkie talkie ; " uh- They  can hear you dude"


Robin had come to the apartment complex to collect  beast boy, now no longer trusting him to even walk home by himself. Once he arrived he grabbed beast boy by his ear. "What were you thinking!"  He mouthed off on him while you watched awkwardly confused on whether you should leave or stay.

"It's really not that big of a deal-" You tried to save beast boy a little and you heard robin audibly sigh. He started explaining the bare minimum of his concerns , careful to leave out certain things to make you think more than you have too. He Explained that Victor was ready to see you, and that he wanted to give you time to breathe- and Beast boy had ruined that. They didn't want you freaked out. That's the last of their wishes- You took it all in.

And you agreed to meet Victor , The answer wasn't Nothing, Or to Panic. It was to take action.

It seems Victor had taught you well in highschool- even if it was for about 2 months.

Like Mentor , Like student.

Robin and Beastboy took you to a diner, and Their victor was- He looked nervous, and apologetic. And You felt the same way. The two boys left so they wouldn't crowd you two.

It was just you and Victor- Just like your dreams.


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