𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘; 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥

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Y/N and Victor spent the next 3 days with each other, Countless hours spent finally taking that time to fully settle with each other. Y/N's injuries hadn't fully healed but they were now awake , alive , and breathing and that's all that Victor needed. Y/N had learned the Titans names finally--I mean they knew their names but didn't know them. Beastboy was apparently named Garfield, which made Y/N and Victor giggle. Much like Raven , Y/N, began calling him Gar. And Boy Wonder, Robin, was named Dick. But he prefered Richard, Y/N understood that. Raven was Raven and Star was Kori. Y/N although still ill, with who knows what on the verge of meer days was elated. Elated to finally , really, be reunited with Vic. There was so much more to learn about him, he wasn't cocky -- if anything he avoided that old persona of his. Victor had matured, making you proud. And hell, He was proud of you too. It had only been at least a year since Vic had disappeared. Making you both 19. You had grown so much in that year, even if it didnt show, and Victor loved you for it.

The morning light disturbed your sleep. It wasn't really morning. It was 3pm in the afternoon. Your room became the Titans guest room. It had only been 3 days so it didn't accommodate you yet, but that's the least of your concerns. Gar had gone out on patrol, Kori still hadn't been found yet. It was disheartening knowing you never truly got to know the Kori the Titans  did, Victor had said "She lit up every room, a smile so bright you could see it for miles" But she didn't lived up to that yet. Richard pressed into Raven to get some answers but she wouldn't budge--she was ashamed and afraid but of what? That didn't matter tho, because right now it was about you and Vic.

Eventually , after you laid in long silence staring out the window , Victor knocked on the door. He came in as quietly as a man made of metal could and sat next to the bed petting your head. He kind of sorta whispered "Good Morninghhh-" It was a hushed excited whisper, excited that you were finally awake. "How we feeling , baby?" To answer you chuckled making your shoulders roll- turning over to look into his eyes. Already having to fight back a big cheesy smile, you just said 'Better than yesterday'. He hadn't made breakfast because he didn't want it to be cold-- but you loved his cooking. After a while of talking about pointless things that spiraled into Victor's  mind until he decided that you were ok and it was ok to leave you alone. 

You protested so much against him staying that he decided it was also the best for your voice as well.He went to go play a video game he loved, he used to play with Gar all the time. You sat up and listened to some music, better than sitting around and being depressed all day. You texted your neighbor to see how Kyree was--your building had to be evacuated because of damage Kori had done. So Ky Ky lived with Mr.Jones until you "got better".

Your neighbor sent a picture with the caption of "little bud is doing great"

And now so where you. 

𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now