𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘; 𝘓𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘖𝘯 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘖𝘧 𝘌𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩.

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Y/N laid still , They felt their body being burnt to a crisp. Like being stuck in a house on fire with no escape, the pain was excruciating- and to make matters worse they couldn't truly see anything. Their eyes had merged with Trigon's but Y/N struggled to keep up leaving them with a field of white. Sounds of crackling flames ablaze , and the feeling of laying on a rough palm. Y/N sat themself up, there wasn't much to see though.

Robin, filled with rage , took it upon himself to try. Try what though? He sprung down from the building and ran through countless dry and empty streets–the ashes of the world picking up each time he raised his foot. He made his way to the ruins of Raven's death.

 It used to be an old library. You could still see some ashes of book pages, the markings on the walls engraved a bit deeper than last time. It just looked like a sinkhole in the middle of a street,with nothing but the ruins of stairs leading up to nothing. Leading up to Raven and Y/N's colliding end. Robin hopelessly looked around for any sign or trace of Raven or Y/N, kicking charred wall pieces , looking under ruble. He lost himself in anguish , unaware that his friends had followed him. Raven was their friend too, Y/N was Vic's almost partner, it was a shared grief.

"Robin, didn't I teach you about throwing tantrums?"

Slade, even now , even here , would taunt his former apprentice? Robin threw himself at Slade with the accompaniment of his friends. Vic raises his arm , and Gar is already transforming into a T-rex. Slamming slade into a wall, Ruins falling on top of him. Slade appears a bit annoyed , like child's play. "I can help you know." Slade said in reply to their pitiful attacks. "And why should we listen to you?"Vic was filled with despair, he didn't even want to consider listening–Slade had a history of falling flat of his 'deals',

"Raven is still alive."

"You. Liar." Robin sent a few birdarangs his way in response , "'we don't have time for this, what do you really want?"

Trigon had taken something from Slade, even after taking countless orders from that pitiful demon - he still replaced him with Blackfire. Slade had been thrown aside , he was promised his flesh and blood. Slade was left a shell of a man, barely even so. The Titans decided to listen , and he proposed finding Raven. She was alive , but she wasn't the Raven they knew anymore. And on a more personal level with Victor , proposed getting Y/N back. Robin would travel to the underworld to find Raven, and The other Titans would distract Trigon. They were gifted with the ring of Azar. Barely any chance at actually surviving and winning, But They took it. Slade accompanied Robin. Which left the rest up to Gar, Victor, and Star.

Gar and Star would serve as distractions to Trigon, starting off with simple blows. Trigon was a bit upset at the effort as it was just an annoyance , but when he decided to strike back it barely affected the Titans. Raven had left them with something - "Be Safe". She gave them a piece of her. 

"I see my daughter left you with a farewell gift, no matter. " Trigon said, sitting up ,holding Y/N. Using one of his nails he engraved an S deeper into Y/N's forehead. They screamed in pain and Trigon winced. It must've hurt him too.

"Farewell my favorite toy".

Y/N was a defense mechanism so there would be no interference , Blackfire was a direct attack for Star, and Gar got his own inverse. Y/N was sent to destroy and tear apart Vic, it broke his heart to have to hurt Them. But He was left with no choice.


Robin and Slade had Traveled far beyond their world. The old Master and Apprentice duo. They sat within a boat , floating upon a river made of magma. Robin sat in his grievance , while Slade looked out for turns - He wasn't looking out well enough. They were ambushed by what looked to be remainders of Slade's old non-compliant army. Robin fought swiftly , Slade following behind- They had the same moves , kicked at the same time , and did backflips the same way.

"I expect us to act no differently after this is all over"Slade said.

"Of course."

"Then this is where we part ways , my journey has a bit more of a darker turn. You should find the girl up ahead."

Robin gritted his teeth at the blazing heat from up ahead, he found himself walking into what looked like an old burned down church. He heard something move behind him and pulled out his staff. It looked like a small girl...It was Raven. Dressed in white , no older than 10. She had no memory of Robin, or any of the Titans. She was afraid of what she had done , of what could've happened. She ran away with Robin following and calling her name trying to convince her he was of no harm while the world basically crumbled around them. He reached for her hand , "I promise , I won't hurt you"


Y/N and Victor had been relentlessly fighting for over 45 minutes, Victor was tired and worn down. All his weak spots were starting to show , and He felt himself soon to give out. Y/N had tears streaming down their face , they couldn't even see what they were doing but they could hear Vic's hurt. It was against Y/N's will, Trigon knew this was a distraction to retrieve Raven. But it held no matter , Raven had no powers left, Y/N's human body was soon to give out due to the immense amount of power being reflected onto them. It was amusing to Trigon , watching two lovers fight.

Victor, still with a bit of power left, blasted Y/N into a building. They were stuck there. The glowing S on their forehead had dimmed down into an emerald. A Red blazing emerald. Y/N huffed out of breath about to get back up but ended up being met with Vic straight in their face. Before they could get a hit in, Vic lifted his arm and ripped out the Emerald, causing a blast so bright it lit up the Wasteland of Earth.


𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now