𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘; 5 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴

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JumpCity, San Francisco
Y/N had a ringing Migraine,It wouldn't leave them alone for anything. They tried Tylneol, They tried naps, They tried Meditating. They did everything their father had taught them when they were young, Nothing worked.

Y/N's Father had told them that when they see something nerve wracking they experience head pain like their mother. Maybe the bridge being blown out yesterday was what caused it? But that doesn't really add up, I mean you had a life threatening experience just a couple days--or weeks?-- ago. And you were fine, You had been on your last nerve because Victor.

But no headache, Not until now. Victor had sent beast boy out to tell you he was fine, He had come as a blue jay to your window. With beast boy's way of talking you found out more than Vic had intended, You found out about ravens distress--and how worried he was.

It sounded similar to what you were experiencing. After beast boys visited you noticed something on your forehead, In the spot where you had fallen when you were little. At Least that's what you were told, But anyways The mark was red. It looked like a letter but twisted , not something that you had seen before. Y/N went to touch their forehead and they were met with an even stronger head pain almost causing them to fall over.

Y/N saw something briefly , A woman with long coiled hair laying on a woman with long dark purple hair. The first woman looked like Y/N's mother, the skin tones even matched. Y/N vision blurred and They swayed themself to a side and looked up only to find themself standing in ash. Dark ash, with a broken up ground under it. Red in the skies, and Pure eerie silence. Your skin burned immensely like it was being carved into with a knife, so you screamed out in agony and pain. Out of breath your vision blurred back to find yourself on the floor of your bathroom.

You wiped your eyes and found tears, Y/N dragged themself to their living room floor and Just laid there. Kyre's loud cries crashing against their now heightened sensors.

Kyre snuggled against you , as Their phone rang. They had work today, They hadn't gone to work since the day after Victor left. You didn't even know what day it was, Everything hurt.


The street lights blared through Y/N's windows , It was at-least 11pm. They slept the whole day. The headache wasn't completely gone , but they could now stand. Within a few minutes you had learned you had been fired, too many missed days. Which was completely understandable, but damn. Y/N went to rub their face and a sharp pain kept them from doing so, they looked at their hand. There were more engravings.

As your first instinct you went to call your father, This wasn't right - he must know what to do right? How could he not, He knew what to do for the headaches.


"Sweatpea, I think you're just imagining things. Run your hand and Face through cold water- Maybe Kylie scratched you in your distraught behavior."

"Dad. As smart as Kyre is , I doubt he'd be able to do this in such detail. It looks like words or some-"

"Y/N! I'm not going to say this again, Run your hand in cold water and relax. It's too damn late for this"

Your dad hung up on you, abruptly. He had never spoken to anyone like that, It twisted your stomach. Your mind was telling you something was off, but maybe your dad was right.

He had never been wrong before, at least that's what you think.

Y/N waited for the water to get ice cold before sticking their arm under the faucet, but instead of cold water it burned their hand. Badly. You screamed out in pain, but your voice doubled. It sounded like someone else screaming , A lot like that Raven girl you had seen before. Your vision blurred out to a dark room, you were staring at the ground trying to catch your breath. Your arms were covered in dark purple sleeves. But your hands were pale.

And again you found yourself back on your bathroom floor. You were out of breath again , and kyre found you concerned about you. At least you thought he was.

"I'm okay Ky" You said using your other hand to pet him. You saying his name made you think , Your dad called him ;'Kylie'. That wasn't his name, I mean your dad had named your cat. You two had gotten Kyree together.

He was only 52, he shouldn't be experiencing memory loss this early , It wasn't even memory loss. He still knew I owned a cat , But he was so dismissive.

Y/N's thoughts were interrupted by a distant loud crash of thunder. Beast boy had said there were two ..brothers? That could create thunder and lighting--that's why the bridge had gone down temporarily. A strike of lightning shortly followed, but it was much closer than the thunder.

A pattern started but it got closer and closer to your apartment , so close to where you could hear Victor shouting your name after each crash.

"Y/N! Y/N get up! You have to go!"

Go where?


The Titans had been called to another scene , more civilians in danger. They followed the two trying to slow them down, until Victor realized where they were going. They were going to target Y/N.

This time starfire was with the Titans , so Robin sent her to rescue Y/N before it was too late.

Starfire found Y/Ns apartment number and burst through the door, But she wasnt welcoming. She found Y/N on the floor confused and looked at her concerned; "what's going on?"

Star didn't answer her, she just sprung onto you and held you down, Your arms hurt like never before because of the marks. Your skin heated up, and Star starred deep into your eyes as she held you down.

You heard Thunder get closer, and a lighting strike took out the electricity. With every flash you saw Starfire's face, that wasn't starfire. Kyre scratched at her , while you tried to wiggle away, kicking at her lower body. "Cut it out Kylie!",She hissed at your cat and kicked him away.


'That thing 'kept you in your place until you felt your vision blur, you felt yourself falling asleep because of the pain, and a loud clap of thunder shook the building as you drifted.


"Friend Cyborg! You must listen to me, They were so violent with me! I tried to get them out but she refused and the shaking of the building knocked Them out! I would never hurt anyone!"

Starfire's hair was even more faded, it was barely even pink anymore.

The Two brothers had conveniently again got away, gone until Star needed them again.

You laid in Victor's arms as He escorted you to Titans tower with kyre, Starfire was perfecting her story. Your apartment hadn't been destroyed but Robin still wanted to make sure you'd be okay.

"Look I believe you Star..I just wish I knew what these marks where"

The whole car ride home was silent, for once star rode home instead of flying. She held you the whole car ride. She was watching you sleep, Making sure you wouldn't wake up.

When you arrived at Titans Tower , Raven audibly gasped.

She recognized the marks.


Maybe He Needed more Than Raven after all.

𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now