𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘; 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴

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I'll be damned if I'm the crazy one, I'm Right. They know I'--
Y/N sniffled in their snot and rubbed their puffy eyes, in a matter of  time- or hours more precisely- They had fallen sick. The Titans convinced themselves Y/N was so far gone, Come on. The constant pacing and mumbling to herself, and it was reaching 2 in the morning. The sun had set far and the stars shone bright, But Y/N's energy contracted the night so much it almost seemed as if it were a frat party. It wasn't excited energy --to better match that description--it was anticipation. Oh, and the stuffy nose didn't help either.

The sickness wasn't the only losing component though, The Titans were stacked against Y/N.  They bickered at Raven's throat demanding answers until Raven wielded herself into her "Dark Domane". And left alone on the roof their arms grew sore and so did their throat. A common cold right? The temperature of JumpCity and the timing couldn't have given them a cold. They must've been related. By the Time Y/N got back into the Tower from what the Titans heard,Y/N was out of their loop. Victor looked ashamed already-and it's only been a couple of days. That truly made Y/N lose their mind.

They grew hateful and despised the Titans , even though they were sitting in the living room of the Tower. Y/N filled themself with lies , The only thing they had to grasp onto.--Just as Star found her way into the room. Her. Come close to me and I'll- Star looked over Y/N, They weren't sitting. They were huddled on the ground, but Y/N could feel Her cold cat-like eyes pierce into her back and straight through her. She was thinking , but thinking of what the question is. Or atleast the question that matters.

Not so Far down the hall was Raven's room. She was reading through every book she could find in her room, summoning new scriptures -- tearing through old ones. Her body burned, she resented herself for leaving Y/N so clueless. She resented the fact that she had so little time left--she resented leaving her Team so clueless. Leaving them like buffoons. Raven ran her hand through her hair about to pull it to a ponytail when a chunk of hair fell to the ground. Raven looked sickly , as if she only had a few more moments left. She could feel her father getting stronger , she could feel that gap between dimensions becoming wider and larger.

The constant vision of his body shooting through the gateway so proudly and using Raven as a tool.She declared to herself';' He's not my father.' as if that had only just been reconciled. The books said everything , but nothing at all--how could they be so useless. They helped Raven all this time, but when she most needed it --they failed. Growing pains began to start in Raven's knees, she fell to the ground in the center of her room. She needed closure before this could end -- or to at least tell the Titans. Her resilience to be alone had failed, but the Titans would never fail her. That didn't cross Raven's mind. Unfortunately Y/N had also slipped her mind, even though she was seconds from throwing up just in their living room. While on the floor , she decided to try to read the markings on her arms and legs--all she had gotten previously was "Trigon , The Great.. The Sacrifice,  The Demise" But there was more than that. It looked similar to an old book from azarth , her mothers 'favorite'. It wasn't her favorite , She just thought she had more time to help Raven. Arella knew her fate, Maybe she knew Ravens too. She read as quickly as she could , she couldn't make it out. Arella's name hung greatly over raven , Literally and figuratively.

Y/N sat anticipating a word from the thing behind them--They sat in silence as Y/n shivered and sniffled fighting back something from coming up their throat. Star placed her hand on Y/N's neck ; "please, Call me Kori." Y/N hadn't even referred to that Thing. And now to introduce itself? This was a game of cat and mouse, And only He knows what the cat truly wants with their trapped prey. Kori sat beside Y/N and stared into their eyes, blankly waiting for a response. " Is there..Something...you want from-" Kori shushed Y/N quickly and stargazed into their eyes once more and in the back of Y/N's head they figuratively felt a cat scratching at a door. A faint let me in--it wasnt fully just hallucinations. He wanted more than a mere illusion on the inside of the Tower, He wanted Y/N. He would get Raven, He grasped Arella--Now all that's left is Y/N. 'Now Just how much can I push you.' Now that wasn't faint , and it definitely wasn't Y/N. They choked back something in their throat again, but this time it came up. Y'/N's emetophobia was the least of their worries--because it was Jet black.  A migrane set into Y/N and they felt  Kori's hand pushed hard into their back.

Raven had felt a shock through her chest and forced herself to the living room through quick teleportation. Y/N was slumped over and leaned against one of the large glass window panes. Victor came to their aid already, He felt something was wrong on his patrol. Star had never been so prescient for him to leave. Victor contacted Robin, and Now Star was being looked for all over the tower. Raven tried to think of a possible way to help them, they were not bleeding but they didn't look lively. They looked like Raven,
"You're Mirroring me"

"You would think you would have taken your own words literally.
The moment I saw Y/N's Mother flee  I knew you two would be so much alike. Only a Mere human cannot handle such intestities , hm?" That wasn't His voice , did he ask the other sister to mock the raven? Patronizing.  --he knew Raven could fight back but not one without the other, He also knew someone else in his place would push Raven's buttons. Oh, what are "Fathers" for, right?

The days had spiraled so far , Y/N was alone in their mind. Wandering the hills and the forests -- like a maze. Hopelessly and Alone -- with only 3 days left that can't be helpful. And to make matters worse, The weather had stirred itself up. The weather reflected anguish and triumph -- constricting itself. Y/N's world was collapsing beneath their feet.

𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲; 𝘊𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘳𝘨 𝘟 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now