Schools and Feelings

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Your P.o.v.

Today, we ended up going to a school, Nicholas was up and talking to the students while I was watching making sure the kids weren't up to something, as well as Danny.

"Police work is as much about preventing crime as it is about fighting crime. Most importantly, it it is about procedural correctness..." He looks around the class. " the execution of unquestionable moral authority. Any questions?"

He finishes and Danny raises his hand. "Is it true that there is a place in a man's head that if you shoot it, it will blow up?" I raise my hand and whack him in the head. The class snickers and Nicholas gives a faint smile.

After that, the bell rings and the class clap their hands. Then, the journalist Tim Messenger comes to him. "Hi, hi. Tim Messenger. Can I get a quick shot for the Sandford Citizen?"

Next thing, Nicholas is standing with the class behind him. "Okay. How about you put the teacher in handcuffs?" Messenger asks Nicholas.

"I don't think that gives off the right signals." Nicholas tells him.

"Too cheesy-pie. Okay. Gotcha. Give the little blonde kid your hat." Messenger tries instead.

"I'd rather not."

"Oh, wave your hitting stick about."

"Messenger, just take the bloody photo. You're wasting Sergeant Angel's time." I snap at him. He glares at me and takes the photo. Nicholas walks over to me and Danny as Messenger packs his stuff up. "Sorry 'bout that. He tries to make everything funny." I tell Nicholas.

"It's okay." He tells me. "Thanks for making him stop with those ridiculous ideas." He smiles at me, and I smile at him.

"I feel like the third wheel." I hear Danny grumble. I feel my cheeks heat up and turn to glare at him. He looks at me and starts to laugh. He goes to say something when Messenger walks right beside him.

"I'm sorry you have to deal with her. I don't know what I would do if she was my sister." I hear him whisper to Danny. He pats Danny's shoulder and walks away.

I look down and I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I hear Nicholas ask.

"Excuse me." I whisper and quickly look for an empty room. When I find one, I close the door and slide down the wall. I feel a tear run down, but I can't stop it. It seems no matter how hard I try to let people see who I am, they seem to automatically hate me. I start to wonder if Danny actually hates me, if Nicholas actually hates me. I don't even hear the door open, and I'm startled when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Nicholas with a worried look on his face. I shrug off his hand and get up. "Sorry 'bout that. Don't know what got over me." I say, voice a little croaky.

He doesn't look like he believes me and comes closer. I close my eyes in fear, but when I feel a warmth around me, I open my eyes. He's... hugging me. It's weird, but also at the same time, I kinda like it. "Why are you hugging me?" I ask him.

He lets go. "Because you look like you needed it. Danny told me what Messenger said." I nod and look towards the door. Danny wasn't there. I look back at Nicholas. "Where's Danny?"

"Oh, he said I should deal with it. Something along the lines of you would calm down more if it was me instead of him, whatever that means."

"Oh, I'm going to kill him." I mumble. He tilts his head. "It's nothing. Just Danny trying to play a game. Come on, let's see where he went." When we found him, we went back to the station.

Later, as I was grabbing my stuff out of my office, I hear a knock on the door. I turn around to see Danny smirking at me. I shake my head and continue to grab my things. "Why did you send him to get me? You know the school better."

"Yeah, but then you guys wouldn't have a moment." I scoff. "Look (Y/n), I've seen the way you guys talk to each other. I've never seen you be so buddy-buddy with someone other than me before, so I know there is something there for you."

I sigh and look at him. "Look, he's new here and doesn't know anyone. I know how that feels, so I figured helping him with things and trying to be friends with him will help him. At least he has more than one person making him feel welcome." He shakes his head. "Why are you shaking your head? I'm being honest."

"No, you're not." He sighs and looks at me. "Look, I just want you to be you and happy. Maybe Nicholas is that for you. Maybe not, but I don't want you to keep hiding who you are. I need to head home. See you tomorrow, (Y/n)."

He turns and walks out the door. I sit down to think about what he said. Do I really hide myself from everyone? Do I really make people think I'm not trying to be friends with them? And then you have the one on the top of my mind.

Do I really like Nicholas Angel?

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