Peaces Lilies & The Note

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3rd P.o.v

Nicholas drives with the sirens on to a floral shop. As he gets to the shop, he turns off the car and lays his notebook on the dash, seeing as he won't need it. He walks to the door and greets Leslie Tiller at the door. "Hello, Miss Tiller. I was wondering, do you have any Japanese Peace Lilies?" He asks her.

She smiles and unlocks the door. "Of course." She opens the door. "I was just about to pop off, actually." She lets him in and grabs two as he asks. As she grabs them, he sees a bouquet of roses and places them on the counter.

She comes back with the lilies and cuts wrapping paper with a pair of garden shears. "I can never find my scissors. Are these for someone special?" She asks as she works on the lilies. Nicholas nods and Leslie notices the roses. "Are the roses for a very special person?"

Nicholas' cheeks turn a slight pink. "Yes. Yes, it is. She is very special to me." He looks at the window and reads the sign. "Are you going somewhere Miss Tiller?" He asks her.

"Yes. I'm moving away." She says as he looks back at her. "It's all a bit out of the blue. I was planning to disappear quietly actually. I do so hate goodbyes." She explains a bit more.

"And why the move, if you don't mind me asking?" Nicholas asks her.

"Well, just between you and I..." Leslie looks out the window and Nicholas follows her gaze. She looks back at Nicholas and Nicholas leans in a bit. "Yes?" He asks, intrigued.

"You know that fella who blew up?" Leslie starts. Nicholas looks at her. "George Merchant." He says.

"Well, George Merchant, God rest him, wanted to buy this land, so he sends round his legal fella, Martin Blower, God rest him, and I thought I might take them up on it. I haven't really got that much family round here, save for Cousin Sissy. And while the 'Village Of The Year' stuff is great and everything, I don't really see anything from it, so I thought I might take them up on the offer and move to Buford Abbey." She gestures to the lilies. "Would you like a card with this?"

Nicholas is silent for a moment since he was confused and looks at the lilies. "No, sorry, you were talking about the offer?" He asks, wanting to know more.

"Well, it turns out that Martin Blower, God rest him, knew where the new bypass road is going because he was knocking off Eve Draper from the council, God rest her, and then that reporter, God rest him, finds out about the route and tells me this land's very valuable. Ten times what George Merchant and Martin Blower, God rest them, offered me. So, with them having passed on, I decided to sell it on myself to some folks from the city that Martin, George and Eve, God rest the lot of them, had been talking to. Apparently, they want to build a big shopping centre or something. Of course, Cousin Sissy won't be too happy about that, but as far as I'm concerned, Cousin Sissy can go and f-" She explains and rambles until Nicholas stops her, figuring out that this is valuable information.

"Would you just excuse me, for just one second?" He asks her. He speedwalks to the squad car to grab his notebook, not noticing the figure behind him. As he grabs his notebook, the cloaked figure drops a note on the counter and grabs Leslie's shears, stabbing her in the throat.

As she screams, Nicholas hears and turns around. He sees Leslie slowly turn around with the shears in her throat, a hand trying to get it out, and her blood spraying the window. He also sees the cloaked figure trying to get away. "Stop!" He shouts, pulling out his baton. "In the name of the law!" He twirls the baton a bit before he throws it, breaking the glass and jumps through. The figure runs for it, and Nicholas follows, but not before grabbing the piece of paper.

Nicholas follows the figure through the stock room. As he exits the stock room, he is outside, and the figure turns a corner. As Nicholas turns the corner himself, he notices the figure is further away than earlier. He pauses for a quick moment, confused, before running after the figure.

The figure runs through some greenhouses that have furniture in them. The figure throws some of the furniture down to slow Nicholas down, but it doesn't work, for Nicholas is catching up. The figure slices through plastic and runs in between the greenhouses.

The figure runs through rows of flowers, again, hoping to slow Nicholas down, which it doesn't. Nicholas does flips over the rows of flowers to get to the figure. The figure gets to hanging plants and starts hitting them, to which some of them nearly hit Nicholas in the face if he didn't hit them out of the way. The figure slides and breaks the glass wall in front of them, and the figure momentarily falls to the ground, leaving a blood stain on the glass.

Nicholas jumps through the broken glass and continues to follow the figure. The figure runs and turns behind some trees. When Nicholas turns that corner, he sees them through a hole in the trees, running off. Seeing a moment of breath, he opens the piece of paper that he grabbed on the counter. He reads it and immediately goes to call in the accident.

Your P.o.v

I'm walking through the bull pen when Fisher gets up. "Where are going in a hurry?" I ask him.

"Angel found Leslie Tiller dead. He also said to bring you for some reason." He tells me, and I immediately follow him, worried for Nicholas.

~Time skip playing with shears~

We get to the florist and see Nicholas. I look at him in worry, but he nods his head, telling me he's okay. We walk into the shop, and I look around, trying to see if anything's off. "Hang about, hang about. You're saying this wasn't an accident?" I turn around when I hear Fisher ask this.

Fisher then looks at me and walks back to his car. I walk towards Nicholas. "Did you see him?" I ask, and he nods. "What's wrong?" I ask, worried about his silence. He just hands me a piece of paper. I look at him, and I slowly look down to read it and I gasp.

Watch out that you aren't alone next time, for it might mean your death. Watch out that your sweet girl Butterman isn't alone, for it'll worse than death for her.

I drop the paper, and I feel my knees give out. Nicholas catches me before I fall to the ground. "No, no, no. I... I don't...." I try to say, but I can't. Nicholas just holds me in comfort.

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