Warnings and Tickets

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3rd P.o.v

As (Y/n) was back trying to work on some paperwork, Nicholas and Danny were out checking the speed. A car drives passes them. "Twenty-seven." Nicholas remarks. "Why are we on traffic? And why isn't (Y/n) with us?"

"Dad's probably giving us a rest after all that jumping over fences." Danny answers, then smirks. "And why are you asking about (Y/n)? You two seem very close lately."

Nicholas clears his throat. "It's just a question. She was with us when we arrested the man at the store. And she's been helping me with everything like you."

Danny shakes his head. "Yeah, but she seems to help you more." Danny sighs. "Look, I know that I warned you before, but she is very fragile when it comes to trust and opening up." Nicholas looks at him. "You know the last time I seen her laugh like the she did in the store? It was right before Mum died. After that, she closed herself off from everyone, but with you, she seems to be having fun again." Danny looks at Nicholas, whose inner jaw drops at the seriousness he just heard. "So, if you are just using her emotions just to your advantage, just know I will pummel you into the ground."

Nicholas shakes his head. "Look, I would never harm her like that." He looks away. "Especially since I feel something for her." He mumbles, not expecting Danny to hear it, but he does.

Danny smirks and decides to change the subject. "Have you ever seen Point Break?" Nicholas shakes his head. "Amazing bit in Point Break where they jump over fences."

"Is there now?" Nicholas asks bored, now over the protective bit from the man beside him about his sister. "Twenty-nine." He says as another car drives pass them.

"Patrick Swayze's just robbed this bank and Keanu Reeves is chasing him through people's gardens, and he goes to shoot Swayze, but he can't, 'cause he loves him so much, and he's firing his gun up in the air, he's like..." He pretends to fire a gun in the air as another car drive past them.

"Forty" Nicholas remarks, wishing (Y/n) was there to put an end to the explanation of the movie.

"Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone ahh?" Danny asks.

"No, I have not ever fired my gun up in the air and gone ahh." Nicholas tells him irritated and looks at him. Another car passes. "Thirty." Danny tells him and Nicholas looks at the scanner. "Sorry, I... I just... I just feel like I'm missing out sometimes. I wanna do what you and (Y/n) do."

Nicholas looks at him. "You do, do want we do. What on earth do you think you're missing out on?" He asks Danny.

Danny shrugs. "Gun fights. Car chases. Proper action and shit."

Nicholas looks at Danny. "Police work is not about proper action or shit." Another car. "Twenty-nine." He looks back at Danny. "If you had paid attention to me in school, you'd understand that it's not all about gun fights and car chases." A car speeds pass them. Nicholas checks the speedometer. "Fire up the roof."

They caught up to the car and get out walk to the driver's side door. After they straighten out the problem, (I would write it down, but I'm too lazy write down the dialogue.) they back in their car. "See what I did there?" Nicholas asks him.

"You hypnotized him." Danny answers. "Which is cool, the only other person I've seen do that is (Y/n)."

"No, I used this." Nicholas holds up his notepad. "This is the most important piece of equipment you will ever own. This notebook has saved my skin more times than I care to mention. You should think about using yours more often."

"I do use mine." Nicholas looks at him. "Show me." Nicholas tells him. Danny shows him the little flipbook he drew at the bottom of the notebook. Nicholas looks away. "That's just extraordinary."

"You should see the one on the other side." Danny tells him as he turns over the notebook. Nicholas hesitantly looks as Danny flips through it. "(Y/n) says I'm good, but to not doodle on my notebook, just in case it needs to be used as evidence."

"She's not wrong."

Your P.o.v

My day consisted of me not falling asleep from the boredom, so I while ago I took out my sketchbook and I've been doodling in it. I can't believe how boring it is without Danny or Nicholas around.

Nicholas. The man does something to me. I think about everything that's happened since he came here. Maybe Danny is right. Maybe I like him. I shake my head. No, I can't. I barely know the man, but that's somewhat a lie. I know quite a bit about him like he knows a bit about me.

A knock interrupts my thoughts. I look up to see Danny. "Hey, you're back." I smirk. "How was it? Did you miss me?"

"When do I not? My annoying sister." I scoff. "And it wasn't bad." He looks at my desk. "So, you're drawing." He speed-walks over to my desk and snatches my sketchbook. "Hey! Give that back, Danny." He looks at it, looks at me, and looks back at it. "Dude, give it back."

"Not until you tell me what it is." I tilt my head. "Humour me. Tell me what it is." I sigh and sit down. "I would tell you if I knew what I drew. I zoned out when I was drawing, so tell me how ridiculous it is and give it back."

"It's amazing." I look at him. "It's the best I've ever seen you draw." He closes the book and puts it on my desk. "I think you are trying to say something. Anyway, Weaver wanted me to tell you that he wanted to see you."

"Okay, thanks." He leaves and I follow him. I found Weaver in his office. "Aah, Ms. Butterman, I have a question for you." I look at him and nod. "Would you like this extra ticket I have to the theatre. I hear it's Shakespeare." I nod again, happy that I get to see a Shakespeare play in the theatre, as long it's not Romeo and Juliet. (Sorry if you like that play) He hands me the ticket and I head to my office and grab my stuff. I stop when I see my sketchbook still on top of my desk. I grab it and try to find the mystery drawing.

When I find it, I stop everything. I look down at the almost perfect drawing I made of Nicholas. I close it and put it back in my drawer. Maybe Danny truly is right. Maybe I am trying to tell myself something. I think I'm in love.

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