An Eventful Night

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Your P.o.v

I get ready for the play. I put on a simple blue dress and some flats. I clean up my hair a bit and barely any makeup on. (Change if you want) I grab my purse and coat and head out. I walk to my car and start it up.

As I'm driving, I'm thinking about my sketch. Why did I draw Nicholas? Do I really like him? I think about it all the way to the theatre. I get out and walk to the door. When I get inside, I swear I see a glimpse of Danny, but he doesn't really do theatre so it can't be him.

I wait a little bit before I go to my seat. Apparently, Mr. Weaver wants me to sit in front of him and the NWA. Don't understand why, but hey, it's Shakespeare. I'm okay until I see what play. "Fucking hell." The flyer in front telling me 'Martin Blower and Eve Draper preforming Romeo and Juliet.' Of course, I should have asked Weaver what play it was, because now I have to watch this godforsaken play. (Again, sorry if you like the play)

I go to sit down and kind of slouch since I really don't want to be here. I see two people sit beside me, but I don't really pay attention to them.

~Time Skip having a cranberry juice~

3rd P.o.v

As Blower and Draper are doing their performance quite terribly, Danny looks over at his sister and friend. He saw her sitting there, and let Nicholas sit beside her. He doesn't see any sign that they knew they are beside each other, so he sighs and looks back to the play.

(Y/n) rolls her eyes as 'Romeo' dies, and 'Juliet' gets up. Why does her Juliet have angel wings on? She thinks, wishing it was over.

Nicholas watches with massive boredom as 'Juliet' sees her dead love. Wanting to be anywhere but there, he starts thinking of (Y/n). She would probably make some morbid joke and I would laugh at it. He thinks at how much she has affected his life here, and he would not have it any other way.

(Y/n) and Nicholas grimace at Blower and Draper basically making out on the stage. (Y/n) arches an eyebrow when Draper takes out a gun. "Bang!" Draper exclaims. (Y/n) sighs in relief thinking it's over as the stage goes dark.

Then, the stage is lit up again and the entire cast is singing 'Lovefool' and dancing. Nicholas' eyes widen as (Y/n) mutters "What the fuck?" Both thinking why they were there. (And it certainly wasn't for tea parties)

As the play ends, (Y/n) tries to get out as soon as she can, but her wrist is grabbed. She turns to see Danny holding her wrist. "Danny, what are you doing here?"

He shrugs. "Dad gave me and Nicholas tickets." (Y/n) mutters under her breathe, but then her eyes widen at his next comment. "Yeah, did you know you were beside him while we were watching the play?"

 She starts to turn red. "Why didn't you say anything, or hell, even sit beside me?"

He smirks. "Because I thought you would look over and see him there. ON another note, want a drink? I'm buying."

"That'll be a first." (Y/n) snickers at his frown. "Yeah, my usual thanks." He nods.

~Time skip singing 'Lovefool'~

The bartender makes the drinks while Danny is telling (Y/n) to wait for a bit until he motions for her.

(Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Why do I have to wait? I want my drink and it's not like anyone doesn't know me."

Danny shakes his head. "Just trust me, okay?" She nods reluctantly and walks away. "And hopefully something will happen."

He grabs the drinks and heads to where Nicholas is at. "Here you go." He hands one juice to Nicholas.

Nicholas looks at Danny and the other cranberry juice. "Who's the other drink for?"

Danny smirks. "Just a friend's drink." He looks at (Y/n) and nods. She shakes her head and walks towards them.

She takes a breath before talking. "Can I have my drink now?" She asks Danny. Danny hands her the drink as Nicholas' inner jaw drops. He never seen her dressed up like that before, but he would never forget it.

Your P.o.v

I wave in front of Nicholas's face since he seems to be zoned out. "Hello. Earth to Nicholas." He shakes his head and looks at me and then Danny. "Are you okay, Nicholas? You seem out of sorts."

He nods. "Yeah, just thinking." I nod my head, agreeing with it but not believing it.

Next thing I know, Messenger pops up in between Danny and Nicholas. "Sergeant Angel, hi-hi. Quick word for the Sanford Citizen." He puts a recorder right in front of Nicholas' face.

"It was very enjoyable." Nicholas tells him.

"Cop Enjoys Watching Young Lovers?" Messenger says out loud.

"Why the hell would you put that down? That's just wrong." I say, and I see Danny holding in a snicker.

Messenger glares at me. "I don't think so." Nicholas tells him. Messenger looks back at him and continues his questions. "Local Bobby Gives Thumbs Up To Teen Suicide?"

I widen my eyes and look back at Danny. "That's just grossly inappropriate." Nicholas looks at him in disbelief. "That's putting it lightly." I mutter, and Nicholas lightly shoves me with his elbow.

"You will try and spell his name correctly this time, won't you, Timothy?" Skinner says abruptly, scaring the daylights out of me. He puts Messenger in a side hug and looks at Nicholas. "Absolute tosh, wasn't it?" He grabs Nicholas and walks away, his eyes lingering on me. 

I shiver and walk beside Danny. "Y'okay?" He asks me. I nod my head. "Come on, I know you're not, now what's wrong?"

I sigh and look at him. "Danny, besides you, only Nicholas treats me like an actual human being. Everyone else acts like I'm an abomination or like fucking eye candy." I look away. "I wonder often if you and Nicholas are just pretending to like me."

He stops and grabs my arm. "Look, you are not either one of those. Now, as for you thinking me and Nicholas 'liking' you," using bunny ears when he says liking, "we actually do. In fact, I think Nicholas likes you even more than I do." He smirks once more.

"Shove off." I playfully shove him. "I always that it would be you two." He frowns. "Just kidding, he's just seems focused on his work."

"Obviously, you haven't seen when you are near but not with us." He mutters under his breathe.

"Sorry, what was that?" I ask him. He shakes his head. "Okay, then let's catch up to Nicholas. I feel like he needs to be rescued." He laughs as when speed up.

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