Crockett, Gina, and Tubbs

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Your P.o.v

After we get the crime scene wrapped up and go back to the station, I decide to pay the Andys a visit. As I am walking, I hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around. I see Nicholas and Danny. "I see we have the same idea. Can I tag along?" I ask Nicholas. He smiles and nods his head.

We enter the office and see the Andys eating ice cream. Nicholas tells them what we found at the scene. they slide their ice cream away from them. "Put a sock in it, town mouse!" Wainwright tells him.

"Yeah, you wanna be a big cop in a small town, fuck off up the model village." Cartwright adds in.

Nicholas looks at them. "I'm just saying, things aren't always simple as they look."

"Most times they are." Wainwright says, trying to mock him. "Let's wait until Dr. Hatcher comes back with something, before you go jumping the Kalashnikov." He pretends to shoot a gun and Cartwright pretends his brains go flying.

"All right, in the meantime, why don't you check out some of Martin Blower's clients?" Nicholas suggests to them.

"Martin Blower represents damn near most of the village. You want us to go through the whole phone book?" Wainwright gestures to an imaginary phonebook.

"Yeah, we'll put a call into Aaron A. Aaronson, shall we?" Cartwright mockingly asks.

I roll my eyes. "Please, don't be childish." I say and they look towards me. "At least think about interviewing the widow. Mr. Blower was clearly having an affair with Eve Draper."

"Oh, and how did you establish that?" Wainwright asks with fake enthusiasm.

Danny slams his hand on the desk. I jump and grab something, which was Nicholas' hand. "'Cause we sat through three hours of so-called acting last night, and the kiss was the only convincing moment in it." Danny pats Nicholas' shoulder and that's when I realize I'm still holding onto Nicholas' hand. I mumble sorry and let go.

"All right, pipe down, big one." Wainwright tells him and I glare at him.

"Here, what else you got, Crockett, Gina and Tubby?" I then glare at Cartwright with that question.

"Skid marks." Nicholas tells them.

Cartwright snickers and Wainwright points at him. "Now who's being childish?"

I roll my eyes again. "He wasn't talking about that. There were no skid marks at the scene. Doesn't it seem a little strange that Martin Blower would lose control of the car and not think to apply his brakes?" I tell them.

They seem baffled with that, and Nicholas and I stand up. Nicholas puts his hands on the desk. "If there are no skid marks it follows that for three hundred yards, both driver and passenger did nothing to prevent their fate."

I nod. "You don't have to be a detective to work that out!" Me and Nicholas kinda yell at them at the same time.

"Yeah." Danny says, agreeing with us.

I hear the door open. I turn to see Dad at the door, with a bowl of ice cream in his hand. "Are you causing trouble?" He asks, while giving me a death glare.

"Yes, they are." Wainwright tells him, and I give Wainwright a side glare.

"I was talking to the 'detectives' about the 'accident'." Nicholas tells Dad, and Danny tells Dad 'Yeah' to let him know that is what he was doing as well.

"Dreadful business. You free?" Dad asks them, once again, ignoring me. Both Andys tells him yes. "Well, a spot of bother up at Ellroy Farm. Old Arthur Webley's been clipping hedgerows that don't belong to him."

"Yes sir?" Nicholas asks, thinking there was more.

"That's it. And only you two," pointing at Nicholas and Danny, "need to go. She will stay here." Looking at me, he slowly leaves the room.

"Yes sir." Nicholas replies, a bit deflated.

We walk out of that office, and I turn towards the boys. "So, I guess I'll see you both later. Stay safe, okay?" They nod their heads and I hug them. I let go and walk to my office.

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