A Year Later

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Your P.o.v

"Come on, (Y/n). To the pub." I laugh and shake my head at my brother. When I came back to Sanford, my brother helped me get back to the groove of the boringness that is Sandford. I couldn't tell him about what me and Popwell had theories about because he wouldn't believe me, and the fact the Popwell disappeared didn't help.

"Alright Danny, I'm right here." We walk through the pub's doors and walk to the bar where Mary and Roy Porter, the owners of the pub are at. "Hey guys." I give them a small smile since I don't fully trust them.

"Hey there, my loves." Mary greets us. Roy nods his head. "What will you two have?" She asks.

"Pint of lager, Mary." Danny says. He looks at me. "You want one too?"

I shake my head. "I told you, I'm not drinking tonight since we have to meet the new sergeant tomorrow. And besides, you know I barely drink anyways."

"So, the usual?" I nod at him. He looks at Mary and Roy. "A cranberry juice for my sister please." They go and get our drinks ready. "I can't believe you've been here for a year already."

I smile and shake my head. "I know. Seems only yesterday, you were clinging on me, thinking I was a figment of your imagination that would disappear if you let go. Oh, wait. That was yesterday, wasn't it?" I laugh as he sends me a fake scowl. "Look at us. Exactly the same as we were as kids." He nods and grabs his drink that Mary just sat down on the bar.

I thank her and grab the cranberry juice and sip it. I look over to see Danny downing the pint. "Easy with that, Danny." But he didn't listen. He sat down the now empty glass, signaling for another. He's going to get plastered within the next hour. I think to myself.

~An hour later~

I finish my second glass of juice when I hear the door open. I didn't turn around, since it was probably another teenager that comes in. I tried to stop them from coming in, but after the 'Chief' sat me down for a discussion, I knew I couldn't stop it, not by myself anyway.

"Pint of lager, please Mary." My now drunk brother asks.

"Right you are, my love." She replies.

"Hello sir, what can I get you?" Roy asks the new person.

An unknown voice answers him. "Could I have a glass of the... cranberry juice please?" I look over to see a man with very short blonde hair talking to Roy. He is standing very stiff as if on alert. Maybe he's the new police officer.

"Certainly." Roy starts to make his drink. "Now, you wouldn't, by any chance, be the new policeman?" Roy gives him his drink.

I roll my eyes. "It's police officer, Roy." Both Roy and the unknown man look at me. I shrug and look back at my drink. "Honestly, how many times do I have to tell you?" I mumble.

The man still looking at me. "Yes." He looks back at Roy. "My name is Nicholas Angel." So, that's what his name was. Why did his name sound so familiar?

"Thought so. I'm Roy Porter and this is my wife Mary." Mary walks up.

"Mary." She repeats. "Welcome to Sandford. If there's anything you need, let us know."

"Thank you." He says. He points at the Sandford Citizen. "Could I borrow your paper?"

"It's not ours love." Mary kinda sneers.

"Not big fans of the local fish-wrapper, are we Mare?" She shakes her head. "They listed her age as 55-"

"-when I'm actually 53." Mary finishes. Roy repeats the number.

"It is just a couple of years off." I say and they look back at me. "Be grateful it didn't say 75." Both Mary and Roy glare at me while I believe his name was Angel? He was smirking a little. Danny asks for another pint and Mary walks away. Angel sits down to read the paper when I hear one of the teens laughing. I sigh and shake my head. "Why can't I do anything about the damn patrons in this place?" I say to myself before I take a drink.

"Excuse me?" I look over at Angel. "What do you mean 'Can't do anything?'" He asks.

I smile weakly at him. "No one really listens to me, and nobody really pays attention to signs that tell them what to do. Like that one." I point to the one that says, 'IT IS ILLEGAL TO SELL ALCOHOL TO ANYONE UNDER THE AGE OF 18.' I turn back to my drink.

I hear his chair move and he walks away. I sigh, thinking he was leaving the pub. But then I hear him talking to one of the 'patrons' and I turn around. I see him asking them their ages and then telling them to leave. I smile at the fact someone other than Danny actually listened to me. He looks over at me and gives me a brief smile.

Roy walks up to him. "Is there a problem officer?"

Angel looks at him. "Yes, there is. One of your customers pointed out to me that an awful lot of your patrons appear to be underage, Mr. Porter." I smile at the scene in front of me.

"Well, a few of them may be a month or two south of proper. But if they're in here, it stops them getting into trouble out there-" I roll my eyes as Roy tries to explain himself.

"-doing their business in the street, having fisticuffs, nicking traffic cones-" Mary continues.

"The way we see it, it's all about the greater good." Roy finishes.

"The greater good." Mary repeats.

"That may be, but the law's the law, and they have to go." Angel tells them.

"Oh." Both Mary and Roy say.

Angel gets up to get the rowdy, drunk teens out. I put down my drink and get up to help him. He looks over to me. "You don't have to help. It's not your job."

I shake my head. "No, But I want to help. You listened to me, so I figured I could help you with this." I smile at him. "And thank you." He tilts his head. "Nobody other than my brother really listens to me, so I appreciate it." He nods his head.

When we finally get all the teens out, he looks at me. "I never got your name." He says.

I smile at him. "It's (Y/n)." I go down to finish my drink and I see Danny walking towards me. "Hey, you ready to go?" He nods. "Well, let me go to the loo, and I'll drive you home. And I am driving you home, got it?" He nods again.

When I got out of the loo, I don't see Danny anywhere. I hear a car start and suddenly hit the brakes. I get to the door to see Angel dragging Danny somewhere. Well, I guess he's sleeping at the station tonight.

I make sure I have all my stuff and walk out of the door. I see the hoodies at the fountain. I walk past them and see the bit of graffiti on the fountain. I look at them and whisper, "Nice." I see them smirk at me as I walk past. I don't see anything wrong with the graffiti as long as it is not inappropriate. When I get home, I get everything ready and go to bed.

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