Chapter 1- Devastation

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Years before Heart of a Champion

Moments After Lillie Left Alola

I sat on the edge of the Hau'Oli City Marina and continued to let tears roll down my face. Kukui, Hau, my Mom, any little kid or adult that walked by, they all saw the perceived strongest person in the region completely broken. Hau was sad for a while but, eventually he was able to collect himself and was now standing by Kukui. I sniffed and stared towards the sky, Kukui crouched by me, "Sun... I don't pretend to know how you feel right now... just come back home when you're ready okay?" I shook my head and then buried my face in my hands as I continued to try to cope with this incredible hole that was just created in my life. Hau just sort of nodded and went off with Kukui. 

Hours passed, many people were happy to see their new Champion in such a public place as this. Many people approached me, some were scared off by how dejected I was, others noticed it and gave me a comforting pat on the back, others didn't notice at all and asked me to sign things. I didn't really mind, I mean I'd rather not, but I still have to do my job at the end of the day. The question was... how much longer could it be my job. For these few hours after Lillie left, I've felt nothing in terms of the motivation I had before. I became Champion because she believed I could and I wanted to prove her right. Now she's gone. There's nothing left for me to prove, there's nothing left for me to do. Why am I even still here. I have an obsessive thought piercing my mind...go to Kanto.... go to Kanto... I had to shake it off. I can't keep thinking like this. It isnt healthy... but what's left for me to think about? I wanted nothing less than to tell Lillie I loved her, and now I may never get to. Do I really still need to be here? I honestly should just pack my bags for Kanto.

I walked home, I ran out of tears to cry so I was just feeling empty. I've never been this broken in my life before and I don't like it. It feels like any time I get any little bit of hope, I'm immediately stabbed by regret and sadness. I walked through the door of my Mom's house and was immediately wrapped in a hug by her. She was tearful as well. "Sweetie... I'm so sorry..." I nodded as we sadly hugged each other. She broke from me and stared at me pitifully, "If you need anything my son... I'm here for you..." I nodded, "Thanks Mom. I'm just gonna head to bed." I laid down in bed and buried my face in my pillows. I just continuously cursed myself for not taking her before she left. I may never get a chance, if only Lusamine let her have a rotom phone. I may never get to talk to her again. I eventually got so lost in my thoughts that i fell asleep. For those few blissful hours, I was unaware of what has happened the day before and the absolute nightmare I would be thrown into as soon as I woke up.

The next morning I opened my eyes and immediately wished I hadn't. I was so much happier in my dreams. I'm just so... hopeless. If there's one thing I've ever had at all times it's hope. That's why she looked up to me... that's what she gave back to me... I just can't function. I left bed, I didn't bother to fix my hair or put on something besides my pajamas, I just wasn't motivated at all. Mom saw me and frowned, "Sun. What are your plans for today, certainly you don't plan to stay like this all day. It's already noon, come on, you're the Champion! You can do anything!" I looked back at her sorrowfully, "Not quite anything..." Mom continued to frown, " Sun...I know how much she meant to you, but you need to get back on track, being sad isn't gonna accomplish anything." I shrugged, "I just don't know what there is to do, defend my title? Pff, I don't win anything from that, I have nothing to gain and more than everything to lose. That's no good. Why should I have to prove myself anymore." I walked outside, still in my pajamas as my Mom stuttered to come up with a response.

I didn't go far, I was still in my pajamas after all. I just had a feeling that Kukui and Burnet could somehow ease my pain, or rather just a feeling that I should be there. I opened the door and Burnet noticed me first, "Oh...good afternoon Sun...oh it's bad isn't it?" I nodded, "That's an understatement." Kukui was at the table reading something and he put it down to look at me, "Sun. you're still in your pajamas, are you sure you're alright?" I shook my head, "Not at all. I'm... I'm struggling bad..." I plopped down at the table next to Kukui as Burnet dropped what she was doing and brought both of us and herself some coffee to the table. Burnet sat down across from Kukui. She began to speak, "Y'know Sun, I really wish I could tell you I've dealt with something like this before, and I really wish I could say that it doesn't feel like a daughter of mine just lost her way from me. But it does. I know that doesn't help you. To be honest though... I feel similar." I nodded, "It is reassuring to know I'm not the only person struggling though. Problem is I'm an absolute mess. I just- I just want to move to Kanto to be with her, she's the best friend I've ever had, and everything is just... lonely now."
Burnet nodded, "I know. It's rough...she was a light in my life, and I'm sure with how close you two were, that it hurts really bad." I nodded, "Yeah. All I ever wanted was to be the Champion but... I might just give it up, I don't want it anymore." Kukui almost spit out his coffee, "G-give it up!? Sun, why would you do that?" He was visibly concerned as I sighed, "I just- I became the Champion because she believed I could, and she motivated me to be the best I could, now I just don't have that same fire... I just feel empty. I suppose I don't want to do anything else for work but... I don't think I'll be good enough to be a worthy Champion." Kukui shook his head, "That's nonsense and you know it Sun. You're the best trainer I've ever had the pleasure of battling, and you know I've battled all of Kanto's gym leaders. I think you're still the best." I shook my head, "There was a time when I might've thought that too. The way my mind works now though, I don't think I could even take 1 off of someone like Lance or Cynthia." Kukui sighed, "Well that's a tough comparison to make, hey, I know this might not be what you want to do right at this moment, but if you want to watch that World Championship match between those two, our door is open to you and your Mom if you wanna try to enjoy that tonight." I stood up, "Thank you both. I may take you guys up on that. Thanks." They both nodded as I headed back for my Mom's house.

I opened the door and found my Mom, who was busying herself doing something in the living room. I hugged her, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take any of this out on you." She accepted the hug and smiled, "Oh Sun, you're always so thoughtful. I just feel awful for you... your father left, and now your best friend, I dont even know how you can bear all this. Please stay strong for me ok?" I nodded, "I'll try." I was still ripped up inside, but for now I have to do what I can to rebuild myself.

Author's Note

Yeah. I'm back. I swear I'm addicted to this stuff... Anyways, sorry for the depresso chapter, I know it's not what you usually want to get out of this series but it builds toward Sun's character as we know it. I promise it won't be overwhelming sad for the whole time. Thanks for giving this book a shot, hope you enjoy!

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