Chapter 6- Rekindled

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I went home that night and I was absolutely elated. If I can get through this process quick enough, I could go to Kanto! I then realized that the World Championship won't be happening for a few years. Lillie should be back here by then... I hope, but still, hopefully she'll want to be with me or something. I guess it wouldn't hurt to prepare for the worst and get in to that tournament as soon as possible. Tomorrow should go a long way in that.

"UNBELIEVABLE! Champion Sun demolishes Acerola 6-3! What a showing from the Champion." There was nothing in the world that could stop me today, motivated Sun is back, and possibly better than ever. I didn't decide to win big today, it just happened while I was trying to get style points. I took the microphone in front of the now absolutely packed Malie Garden. It had been from the start, they know who I am and what I can do, so it's time to give them more. I took the mic, some advice I took to my heart that my Dad always told me when I watched something with him, he always said, when there's a microphone and a camera on you, don't waste your time telling people what they already know, give them a reason to come back. I began, "Ula'Ula'! Thank you guys so much for coming out to see the battle!" The crowd roared, I looked down before laughing to myself, "heh. You all know why I came here though. You've seen the videos. You've heard about the Stadium. So I'm here to give you something else." I turned to the camera and held the microphone close, "Red, Lance, Steven, Cynthia, Alder, Diantha, Leon! We don't have a stadium yet, but as soon as we do I want to join the World Championship! If you think this claim is outrageous come prove it! This is an open invitation! If you think we're not good enough to compete, come to Manalo and back it up!" I fixed the mic back and put up a peace sign to the crowd who were absolutely loving it.

I stayed and did my usual signing and pictures and what not, but I was excited to get home and check the reaction on social media. Eventually I got home and got on to my phone, I scrolled through and saw the reaction. Absolutely viral. People from all over the world were arguing and debating about whether or not anyone should accept my offer, and if they did, if I stood a chance. I checked all the replies to see any notable names. 1 Champion responded, it was Leon, he wrote, "Love this fire! Get this young Champion a match! If I wasn't so preoccupied I'd fly over in no time. Best of luck Sun." Well that's really nice of him, as for non champions though there were a few gym leaders who had something to say. A lot of the older gym leaders were saying I shouldn't be so brash and arrogant, just what I thought they'd say, stuck on their pedestals, they don't want the underdog to have a shot. A lot of other gym leaders were trying to bring it to the attention of their Champion, either for entertainment purposes or for the purpose of shutting me up, either way though I'm getting publicity. As they say, any publicity is good publicity.

The months flew by. No offers accepted. Only 1 response. I'm a little disappointed, it wouldn't kill them to at least say no. Now I have to continue to make my own name. I guess I already have. Besides that though that means I'm still looking for a matchup for opening day in Manalo Stadium and to be honest there is one guy I have been avoiding...whether on purpose or not. I promised Hau a rematch. He came so close to beating me the first time, I've always been worried he'll get the better of me. Not anymore though. I decided to call him up, "Hey Hau." "Sun? You want to meet for malasadas tomorrow or something?" I laughed, "I mean why not, but actually I also have a favor to ask of you..." Hau questioned, "Oh? What's that?" I chuckled, "Well if you didn't know, all the Champions declined my invitation, so I need a match to open the stadium, a big match that'll draw the crowds, the people love ya Hau, how'd you like to share the field with me?" Hau laughed, "It would be an honor Sun! Let's do it!" With that the contracts were sent out and signed, December 4th, Sun Vs Hau II. The tickets were selling fast, we may well hit the 10,000 mark we need. I'm once again excited for the future, it's a shame I haven't heard back from Lillie yet though, I think about her everyday...I hope she's ok.

Lillie POV

I slid open the door and began to mop the floor in the room quietly. It wasn't much but it was my job while I can be here. I always feel like I'm getting in the way... but still at least it's better than nothing. Sun hadn't responded to my letter. I think about it all the time. I may have to move on from him... it's fair enough that he can't forgive me. I'm heartbroken though. I love him... I don't know if I'll ever be able to not.

I finished the last few hours of my shift and changed from my work clothes to my usual "Z-form" as I dubbed it. I plopped down on my bed and sighed. I looked over to my mother, still laying there motionless. One day... A nurse came through the door, "Hey Lillie, last couple months of mail got lost and we just got it today, we've got a letter for ya." I perked up, "Oh? Thank you!" I looked at it. It came from Hau'Oli was from Sun! I quietly made a noise of excitement and tore open the letter carefully so as to save the paper.

Dear Lillie,

First off, thanks for keeping in touch, it means a lot. Second off, don't feel sorry alright? I know you had to do it for your Mom's health and I probably would've done the same thing. To tell you the truth though, I've missed, or I guess I should say we all have missed you very much. I've been really sad here without you, my best friend, to talk to all the time, that being said I'm trying to do my best to keep doing good. I'm helping Kukui get a stadium built on Poni Island, it's gonna be really cool! I can't wait for it to finish. For now though I'm gonna keep winning and be the best Champion I can be. Hopefully you'll be able to come back soon and enjoy all this stuff with me. Thanks for sticking with me.

Your Friend

I smiled wide and began to giggle. After a long and hard day of work that was everything I needed and a lot more. He still likes me! Only problem is he mentioned that he's really sad... that does kind of make me feel bad. I hope he's doing ok. I think I should probably write him back, I don't know how long it takes these things to get delivered. As of now it's November...I should probably say Merry Christmas...I wish I could get him something, but I don't really have any money of my own. I sighed deeply as I began to write

Dear Sun,

Thank you so much! I'm sorry to hear you're so sad though, I wish I could be there with you, trust me. This last year has been miserable and I've been missing you a lot. I know by the time this gets here it'll probably be I wanted to get you something but I don't have any money right now that I can spend. I apologise for that, but really having you as my friend still is going to make this holiday season so much better for me. I figured I'd tell you that I have been at least starting to work here, so maybe at some point I'll send you a few make up gifts. Just know I still am thankful for you every day, and I miss you and can't wait to see you again.

Your Friend

I went down to the mailbox and excitedly sent the letter back. He still likes me! Suddenly I've got all the more reason to persevere here!

Author's Note

Lillie and Sun are now slightly reconnecting, And they are able to motivate each other more than they know.

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