Chapter 13- Honeymoon

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I woke up the next morning and looked over to make sure I wasn't dreaming. There I saw my beautiful wife sleeping peacefully at my side. Man I love my life. I swung myself out of bed gently so as not to disturb Lillie, then grabbed a few suitcases to start packing things in. I had quite a few things planned for the trip, none of which I have told Lillie about, I figured it'd be a fun surprise for her. I began to shove various shampoos, soaps, and toothbrushes in to a bag so that we could have those with us on the trip. I continued to pack many sets of clothes for any occasion for myself, (This is my code for, "I packed, like, 13 blue and white striped t-shirts, and an equal amount of shorts. ((also packed some pants, Sinnoh can be cold.)) As for Lillie, I don't claim to know much about what all she'd want to have in terms of clothing, so I just packed her a bunch of shirts, pants, shorts, dresses, just whatever I could fit. I decided I'd make us some pancakes as well, and some bacon if I had some extra....ah cool I do. I am by no means an expert cook. In fact I am by no means a knowledgeable cook. I do have the internet though, so I can do whatever I want. I made some rather fluffy pancakes and some decently crispy bacon (might've burned it... probably ok to eat though) I got out the butter and syrup and then wheeled our luggage out toward the door. Moments later Lillie, dressed in her light blue night gown, hair all over the place, came down the stairs and rubbed her eyes. "Urgh... I slept so well last night... Good morning Sun..." I smiled back, "You look wonderful Lillie! Good morning!" Lillie groaned, "Don't tease me Sun, you know how I am with mornings." I shook my hands, "Lil, you're always beautiful, I'm being serious." Lillie draped herself on me, "You're too nice Sun." I chuckled, "Come on Lil, you're my wife, I don't need a reason to love you." Lillie looked around tiredly and then perked up, "Woah! You made this huge breakfast for us!?" I nodded while still holding her close to me, "Yeah I did, I'm your husband, I do stuff for you believe it or not." Lillie giggled, "Well it looks great! Thank you so much!" She sat down and began to eat, I then finished our preparations to go and joined her for breakfast.

We got to the airport and took a long time to get to our flight. I know Lillie gets jet lagged really easily so I asked her if she minded just taking it easy once we got there. She agreed that it sounded alright. We took a commercial flight, a few people recognized me and asked me to take pictures, but thankfully for Lillie's sake there weren't too many people. It was a decently long flight, Lillie and I just talked to each other for the whole time. Honestly there's nothing I'd rather do than talk to her. She's the best. We landed later that evening after a long flight and we checked in at our hotel at Hotel Grand Lake. I was hoping to take Lillie to see one of if not all of the lakes here. Tomorrow though I have somewhere to take her that I read about, supposedly it's beautiful...I think she'll love it. I tucked in to our bed with her late at night. "Jet lag wearing off a little bit?" Lillie shook her head, "A little bit, it'll probably take until tomorrow." I kissed her cheek, "Hey, I love you." She smiled and giggled, "Aww, I love you too Sun, I cant wait to go everywhere tomorrow... speaking of which where are we going?" I snickered, "It's a secret. It won't be any fun if you know what's gonna happen." Lillie sighed, "...Fine... goodnight love." I smiled, " good night Lil"

The next morning we woke up and headed toward Lake Valor. We held hands as we entered the clearing that led to Lake Valor. Lillie gasped, "Wow...this lake is beautiful... It's so much different from the water in Alola!" I nodded, "Yeah... Apparently there are 3 lake spirits here in Sinnoh. It's just a legend of course... But as you know not all legends are fairytales." Lillie sat by the water, "You picked a good place to go... It's so beautiful here. I could honestly spend all day just watching the water here." I shrugged, "If you wanna do that you can, I of course have more to do if you want though, of course we have all week, or even longer. Seriously. We don't ever have to go home if we don't want to." Lillie giggled, "Well I guess we'll see huh." She patted the grass down beside her and I sat down next to her and took her hand in mine. We just held hands and watched the small waves roll over the lake for a few hours. It reminded me of what we did after we met for the first time in Vermillion. We woke up and watched the marina for a long time. It was really relaxing just being here with her. Disconnected from all the busy work of being the Champion, and just out in nature with my wife. Life is good. At about 4 PM I looked over to Lillie, "I have something else I'd really like you to see, it's a good walk from here, but I promise that if what I heard is true, it's worth it." Lillie hopped up excitedly, "A long walk with my husband sounds like fun enough! Let's go!" I smiled and took her hand again as we took a relaxing stroll.

Eventually I saw the sign that said "Welcome to Floaroma Town" Lillie looked over to me, "Floaroma Town? I feel like I've read about it before." I nodded, "You probably have, but the quaint little town her isn't the best part, come through here with me." I led Lillie by my hand and we entered through to the clearing of Floaroma Meadow, rows and rows of multicolored flowers as far as the eyes can see, while it was a little dark out, it was well lit by fireflies and moonlight. Lillie gasped as she saw the meadow, "Wow... This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen..." This was a layup for me to be cheesy, but I'll spare myself and her from that, "Yeah it sure is...I'm so glad you're here with me Lil." She sat down in the meadow and sighed, "You're the best... This is unreal..." I smiled, "Aww, Lil... honestly I'm just so thankful you waited for me all that time in Kanto...I don't know what I'd do without you." Lillie frowned, "Sun... I know you might not believe me but I seriously had no plans to get married to anyone else... I felt so bad for leaving you... And I felt like there was no one else in the world for me. You always did so much for me...I just figured you'd move on and find someone better..." I sat down and held her close, her head in my chest, "Lillie. I never told you this... But almost everyone in my life wanted me to find someone... They thought you would've found someone else in Kanto...they thought that I'd just be devastated if I kept waiting...I just... I knew that if you moved on I'd never want anyone else. I always said no. You always have been and will always be the only one I've ever wanted Lil. Don't ever forget that." Lillie sighed deeply, "Sun....I'm glad you were the same..." I looked around "Hey you hear that?" Lillie looked up at me, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, "No, what is it?" "I think I hear someone approaching..." I heard a 'tch' behind me, "Well Sun, that's rather rude, I have a name you know." "Cynthia!?" The Champion of Sinnoh, dressed in a blue blouse and black pants chuckled behind her hand, "The very same. What brings you out here with this lady?" I stood up to meet her, "Oh! Huh, I suppose the two of you never did meet, this is my wife Lillie, and Lillie, you of course know Cynthia." Cynthia smiled, "You two got married! Congratulations! Man... You're both like... 20?" I shrugged, "Yeah about that." She shook her head, "Sheesh, that's young, you two really love each other I can tell." Lillie smiled, "Yeah, thanks Cynthia! What're you doing out here?" Cynthia shrugged, "This is one of my favorite places to go when Champion life gets me down, I'm sure you have one too Sun." I nodded, "Yeah. Mount Lanakila. Cold, but rather beautiful and isolated." Cynthia nodded, "Yeah, well I must say though, it's pretty cool that you guys chose to take a vacation here, if what I gather is correct. If you don't mind I might put that on a poster or something, it would say like, "Even the Champion of the island paradise Alola vacations in Sinnoh" .... I dunno something like that, it'd be great to get more people out here." I nodded, "By all means, if you're serious. Speaking of which, have any other places you think Lillie and I should hit on our trip here?" Cynthia thought for a moment, "Well, if you like Mount Lanakila, Mount Coronet will certainly be of interest to you. I don't know though, do you get cold Lillie?" Lillie shook her head, "Well sure, but to see something like that I wouldn't mind." Cynthia clasped her hands, "Well then you two should definitely go there, smack dab in the middle of the region, you can't miss it. Anyway enjoy your stay!" I smiled, "Thanks for stopping by Cynthia, see ya around."

Later that night Lillie and I crashed in a local cabin you could stay in near the meadow. It was truly relaxing and beautiful. My favorite part of this trip though, it's just me and Lillie. There's no one I'd rather spend all this time with. I am always thankful that she feels the same way. "Goodnight Lil." "Goodnight Sun."

Author's Note

Much more fun to write when my favorite characters are having fun too. Honestly, I think my biggest weakness as a writer is being so attached to my characters that I hate to see them go through troubles.

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