Chapter 14- Adventures in Sinnoh

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Sunlight pierced the windows in the cabin the next morning as I stretched myself awake, careful not to accidentally hit Lillie beside me. I got out of bed carefully and then began to do some more stretches. This cabin sure is nice... I could live here. I walked outside and stood watching the flowers sway in the wind. I never was much for watching nature or anything considering I do come from Alola... Y'know the place most famous for looking nice. But doing it with Lillie just puts me in a really relaxed state of mind. Something I don't usually get when I'm doing my usual day as Champion. I sighed and sat down outside the cabin. Lillie came out of the door and sat down by me moments later, she hadn't fixed her hair or anything, she had just thrown on a t shirt and some black pants. I put my arm around her as she sat down and she giggled, "My mother told me if I had showed up like this at the wedding you would've liked it just as well." I chuckled, "She's right. I honestly wouldn't have cared, you're always beautiful to me." Lillie giggled, "I don't deserve you at all. I set such high expectations for myself, and yet you seem impressed by the littlest things I do." She's honestly the cutest. "Lil... You're just too hard on yourself, you're an amazing person. Anyway, when do you want to head out, and where to?" Lillie thought for a moment, "I suppose Mount Coronet doesn't sound bad, I'll go get a coat and then we can go... Hey do you have a coat?" I looked up at her after she rose to her feet, "Uh... No I don't actually... You care if I stop somewhere and get one?" Lillie shook her head excitedly, "Clothes shopping! Yes! I'll help you pick it out and then if you don't care I'll get myself one too!" I laughed, "alllright....sounds good!" I grabbed my stuff and then we headed off for a store on the way to Mount Coronet.

"I really like this one for you Sun!" Lillie said happily as she held up a hoodie with a piplup on the front. It was that same blue color I liked. "Oh! Well if you think it looks nice then I do too! Plus I always have liked Piplups....anyway let's get one for you." She nodded, "Alright! I saw this one with a chibi Giritina on it that I liked..." I laughed and put my hands on my knees as I looked up at her "Like, the legendary antimatter pokemon, like the one that got thrown out of our world for acts of incredible violence?" Lillie shrugged, "Yeah I think it's cute." I shook my head, "Well it certainly looks like it on the hoodie... If that's the one you like, I think it will look great on you!" Lillie giggled, "Great! I can buy them if you want..." I shook my head, "No it's fine really...wait we share the same account, we're married." Lillie nodded, "Oh yeah I know, I mean I'll just go through the hassle of talking to the cashier." I laughed, "Alright sounds good." Shortly after, Lillie made the purchase, and we headed off for Mount Coronet, me in my cute little penguin hoodie and my wife with her violent antimatter centipede hoodie.

We found a marked path to start climbing and went ahead and ascended the path, it was pretty cold sure, but a lot easier than I expected. You hear all these stories about dangerous mountain climbing and stuff but this one was rather easy, probably because there's those ruins at the top. That doesn't mean it isn't exhausting though, Lillie was completely spent. She was breathing heavily when we got to the top and had her hands on her knees. She looked up at me, "Are you seriously not tired?" I shook my head, "Nah. I run with my team all the time. I figure I should do all the work they do, it isn't fair to them if I don't." Lillie shook her head, "Goodness I'll have to join you... You have like a water or something?" I nodded and pulled a water bottle out of my backpack and handed it to her, "Yeah. Don't catch a cold alright?"she nodded "I won't." She looked up and sighed, "You can see the whole region from's amazing, guess Cynthia was right." I smiled, "Yeah I guess she'd know. It really is breathtaking up here." I stood around, just gazing all over the region. Lillie looked up at me, "We've really seen it all now huh, beautiful water, flowers, the highest point in the region... Where do we even go from here?" I shrugged, "I'm up for anything really. Right now though I'm just glad to be here with you." Lillie giggled but then went in to a deep train of thought as she was staring out at the Sinnoh Region. "Sun..." "Yeah Lil?" "Have you thought about...I mean have you considered...." I patted her on the back and we sat down next to each other, I comforted her, "Hey, whatever you want to say just go ahead, I'm always listening." Lillie blushed really brightly, "I just- I've been thinking...and I know we just... got married but.... we've been blessed with... A great relationship and...a stable financial situation....I was...just thinking that maybe we parents sometime soon?" I smiled warmly, but I was also blushing a little bit, "Lil... I was going to ask you the same thing, I was just worried you'd think it's too soon... I agree completely, with our situation, and with the wonderful mother you would be, I see no reason why a kid wouldn't want to be in that kind of life." Lillie smiled and hugged me, still cutely blushing. "Sun you're sure about this? I don't want to drag you in to anything..." I nodded, "Yeah. I'm sure. Uh... I do have one thing though." Lillie looked up at me, "What's that?" I sighed, "Well... You know how often I have to train to stay on top... I don't want to be a horrible dad. I mean, not that my Dad was bad or anything, I love my Dad, he had to do what he had to do, but I know your Dad left, and I don't want to be another deadbeat. I want to spend time with our kids and be there for them." Lillie looked up at me with tears forming in her eyes, "Sun... You'd never be like that. I'm sure they'll love you." I smiled, "Well then, I hope you're ready to make this trip last, it seems as though it'll be the last peaceful alone time we'll get for a while." Lillie giggled, "I guess that's not a bad thing though."

We stayed in Sinnoh for a week, we went to see some pokemon contests, ate at some really nice restaurants, and began to make plans for purchasing everything we'd need for the upcoming little one. There's a lot of stuff to get... A crib, eventually a bed, room decorations, baby monitors, diapers, lots of different things you don't usually think about, but we're preparing the best we can. We got to the airport on the last day and were met by Cynthia as we were waiting for our flight. Cynthia walked up and sat by Lillie, "So how'd you two enjoy your trip?" Lillie answered excitedly, "It was amazing! Thanks for having us Cynthia!" Cynthia smiled, "Come back anytime! I'll see you guys at the next World Championship!" I nodded, "You bet! I've been looking forward to a rematch." Cynthia laughed, "Yeah me too." I looked over to her, "Hey if you're ever in Alola let me know, I'll show you the good places." Cynthia frowned, "Yeah I've been wanting to go... Problem is I bought a vacation home in Unova, and uh... Well I feel bad if I don't use it. I'll take you up on it though if I'm ever around." I nodded, "Alright. See ya."

On the flight home Lillie looked over to me, "That was a wonderful honeymoon Sun, thanks for planning all that out for me." I smiled, "Well, I hope everything at home is just as nice, thanks for coming with me!" She kissed me on the cheek. I passed out on the flight and Lillie woke me up when we got back to Alola, "Hey Sun... You know I'm supposed to be the one getting sleepy on the flights right?" I rubbed my eyes, "Er- yeah, sorry Lil..." She giggled, "You're fine... I found a really nice mobile for the baby..."

Author's Note

Something I've enjoyed about Sun and Lillie's relationship in this series is that they both have complete trust for each other. They arent afraid to move forward in their relationship because they have that kind of trust! Thanks for reading!

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