Chapter 16- First Impressions

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"Mom!" I said as I opened the door for my mother, she smiled back, "Sun! I'm so happy for you guys! Where's little...." She trailed off waiting for the name, "Elio. He's upstairs, come with me." She smiled, "Elio! What a nice name!" We went upstairs and the Pokemon who were there earlier had all cleared out.... except for Ninetales, who was curled up next to Elio. Mom walked in and chuckled, "Heheh, look at Ninetales... All that killer instinct in battle, and yet here he is." I laughed, "Yeah I was thinking the sa-" Mom made a really loud aww, "Oh he's beautiful! Lillie did such a good job with this one!" Lillie walked in the room, "Huh?" My mom looked back at her, "He's so healthy! He's amazing..." Lillie giggled, "Yeah! I think he looks just like Sun." Mom nodded, "I'd have to agree with that, he certainly looks just like Sun did when he was a baby." I shrugged, then Professors Kukui and Burnet entered, Burnet was on the verge of tears already, she gets emotional rather quickly, but I've always respected her for that. I hugged them both, Kukui shook his head, "Unbelievable... We just had Lei and you guys already have your own... They might end up being friends." Wow. I hadn't even thought about that. I began, "I- Wow...that's crazy to think about." Burnet nodded, "I'm so happy for you guys..." I smiled, "Awh, trust me we're happy too." There were quite a few people surrounding the crib now. Elio and Ninetales were just sleeping peacefully. Just as I noted the sheer amount of people in this normal sized room, Lusamine came through the door, "Hello Sun, is the baby alright?" I nodded, "Yes, thank goodness everything went just fine. Thanks for showing up Lusamine." Lusamine sighed, "Yeah... I remember when my Lillie was born, it feels like yesterday. Little Gladion was so happy..." I smiled, "Yeah. I'm feeling pretty good myself right now." Later Hau and Mallow came by. I was standing outside the room with Lillie at this point due to how many people were coming to see Elio (And Ninetales). Hau walked up, "Alola guys. How's the baby?" I smiled, "All good Hau, thankfully there weren't any problems." Mallow tilted her head, "You feel alright Lillie?" Lillie sighed, "I can't lie, I'm pretty sore, but besides that I'm just happy Elio is safe and healthy." Mallow looked amazed, "Wow... I can't even imagine... Congratulations both of you!" I smiled, "Thanks Mallow, feel free to go see him in there, fair warning it's quite packed." Hau shrugged, "I figured, thanks Sun." I looked over at Lillie, "Man, Elio brings quite a crowd." Lillie giggled, "Just like his Dad." I scratched the back of my head, "Heh. Guess so, you expecting anyone els-" Just then Leon came in, I looked over to him, "Leon? You're here to see Elio?" Leon looked at me in pure unbridled shock, "Oh- uh- oh no.... I was supposed to go to Johto for a showmatch..." I laughed, "Uh, Johto's a good distance off..." I searched his face to wait for him to crack a smile to indicate he was joking. He wasn't joking. I sighed, "Ah, well I'm sorry you got lost If you didn't hear, Lillie and I just had our son so... If you want to see him he's right in there, if not I can point you in the right direction. Leon shrugged and smiled, "Heh, guess I'll stop in! Thanks Sun, uh also... Yeah those directions would really help." Leon stopped for a second and then I pointed out to where on the coastline of the ocean Johto was. Leon nodded and then took off on his Charizard after saying his goodbyes. I went back in and people had begun to leave. All that were left were Kukui, Burnet, Mom, And Lusamine. Ok I lied only Hau and Mallow left. It is midnight now. Elio has been asleep all day. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how much sleep we'll be getting tonight. I looked over to Lillie, "Hey, if you want to go to bed now, go ahead." She tilted her head and yawned, "I do... But... Our guests are..." I put my hand on her shoulder, "We're both gonna be up at 5 am tending to Elio, I want to make sure you get your sleep as much as you can." Lillie sighed, "Sun I really appreciate how much you think of me, I wouldn't want you to-" I smiled softly, "Lil. I'd do anything for you. Please, let me help you out, you're sore and tired, you deserve more rest than you can get." Lillie hugged me, "You're the best. Tell the guests I said goodnight." I nodded, "Will do. Sleep well my love." She smiled sweetly and gave me a peck on the lips as she went to bed. I smiled and went to see the guests. I walked in and everyone began to head home. Ninetales and Elio still sleeping. I didn't know Ninetales could sleep like this. He can do everything. I smiled and stroked the calm ice fox. "You have a great heart Ninetales, you're the best." It looked up and made a quiet 'woo' sound before jumping out of the crib and sitting on a chair we had set up in the corner. I looked at him, "Hey, let me get your bed you can sleep in here if you want." I brought up Ninetales circular bed, but he ignored it and continued to sit watchfully on the chair. I tilted my head but then it clicked, "You'll- you'll watch him for us?" The Ninetales continued to stare at the crib. I pet him on the head quickly, "You're the best. Thank you." I then slid in very quietly and carefully next to my sleeping wife. She was so peaceful in her sleep. There's not a moment where I don't appreciate her. There's no one I'd rather be with right now.

I woke up the next morning and shifted to look at the clock, 10 AM? I shook myself awake and popped out of bed. Lillie woke up at that moment and opened her eyes softly and looked at me tiredly. "Sun? Is Elio needing something?" I shook my head, "N-No. It's... 10 AM... He didn't make a sound..." Lillie got up quickly, "Is something wrong!?" I shook my head, "I think I know what happened, and I think everything is just fine. More than fine." Lillie tilted her head in confusion, "Wha-" I walked out of the room, "You wouldn't believe me if I told you. Come see." There was Ninetales curled up next to Elio. Who was now awake and giggling. I sighed with relief, "Lil. You gotta see this." Lillie walked in and sighed, "That Ninetales is an angel..." I nodded, "Sure is. I think our job as parents just got a whole lot easier." Just as I said it Elio began to cry, Ninetales looked up at me as if to say, 'Yeah I can't do anything about this one.' I looked over to Lillie, "Yeah I'm gonna go get some formula." She nodded, "Good idea."

The months rolled on and our job wasn't all that hard thankfully. Ninetales honestly did a ton to help. I mean, I tried to help him out, but he wanted to do it, and he never slowed down at practice either. Speaking of which, the Quarter Finals were set to be in Alola, with the final in Unova as promised. I worked hard everyday to stay on top and be the best I can be for my homecoming.

After a year with Elio, Lillie and I were getting better at this whole parenting thing, we liked being with each other and doing it together. That being said my training did take a lot of my day. I did catch Elio's first word though! He said 'Mama', I half expected it to be 'Ninetales', but hey, we'll take it. Lillie was thrilled all day. I was happy to see her so happy. Life is good as usual. That being said it's now time to set the bracket for the next Tournament. I'll be the leader at the meeting this time, I don't think I'm as well suited for it as Cynthia, but I'll do my best. I set up a camera in my living room and sat down on the couch as I created the meeting. I'm trying my best to not think about how politically involved all this stuff is, and how it has a lot of importance beyond my sport. I'm still wearing my T-shirt. I don't care what event it is, if Lillie is cool with me wearing it, I'm going to. The Champions connected and I welcomed them all, "Champions of the Major Regions! Welcome to the Champions Meeting! Now we have a few topics to get to today, then after we're don't with those, we will set the World Championship bracket!" They all nodded. I noticed the new faces, Kalos had a new Champion in Calem, and Johto had a new one in Gold. Hah. Lance had it comin'- err right, focus on the task at hand. I shook my head, "Anyway, Champion Gold, Champion Calem, welcome to the world stage! I hope you guys will stick around and be great representatives for your region." Our first issue was Orre asking for a spot in the tournament again. Leon, Iris and I said yes while Red, Gold, Steven, Cynthia, and Calem declined. I can't blame them. Pyrite wasn't the sitting Champion anymore, so I suppose they might need more time to get a world class Champion. More issues rolled by, not much ended up changing. I heard Lillie comforting Elio in the background. I should probably wrap things up as soon as possible so I can help her out. I clapped my hands twice, "Alright, you know what that means. Issues are over, time to set that bracket. Take it away presenter!" The presenter nodded "Alright in our first match we will have... The long Reigning Champion of Galar, Leon! Going up against... Champion Iris of Unova!" I nodded, Iris always gets into a tough spot. "Next up we will have... The Pride of Pallet Town, Red!... Going up against, The Reigning and Defending World Champion, the Alolan Underdog, Sun!" Red. That's a matchup. No easy path for me. "Leading off the bottom half we will have... Former Two-time World Champion from Sinnoh, Cynthia! Going up against.... The unbreakable Steven Stone from Hoenn!" Wow. I'll take Cynthia in that one, but what a fun rematch that'll be. "That leaves a newcomers match between Champion Gold of the proud region of Johto up against the stoic prodigy from Kalos, Calem! We hope to see you all in Manalo Stadium or watching around the world soon!"
I nodded and the meeting was disbanded. I immediately ran over to Lillie and as soon as I did Lillie pointed, "Look! He's walking over to you!" I looked down and Elio took a few clumsy steps before he began to fall and I caught him. I then sat down with him on the floor and played with him for a while. Lillie spoke to me as I was doing it, "Aw Sun... I still can't believe you thought you'd be a horrible father." I shook my head, "I'm doing my best. You guys come first to me." Elio laughed as I played with him and me and Lillie spent the rest of the day with each other and Elio.

Author's Note

Sun's second world championship tournament in his Homeland is near! Tough opponents are on the shores of Alola, but the toughest calls it home.

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