Chapter 12- Wedding Day

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I fastened my tie on my suit and then looked at the mirror. Eugh that's weird. I much prefer my usual tshirt and shorts to this suit and dress pants. My suit is black but at least my tie has the blue and white stripes that I like so much. Honestly this isn't all that comfy. Especially because I'm sweating bullets. It's really nice that we have these two tents set up on Exeggutor Island, I can't imagine having to travel on a boat or Charizard with a suit on. Definitely not my thing. Luckily the person in the other tent made all of this very much worth it. I turned back to my gang of the best man Hau, Gladion, and Kukui. I shrugged, "I look presentable?" Kukui pointed, "Yeah you look great! Might want to try to straighten your hair up though." I shook my head, "Yeah that's not happening. I've been trying to for years. It doesn't do that." Gladion shrugged, "I think it looks fine." Hau put his hands behind his head, "Yeah Sun you're fine. Everything is alright." I nodded, "Yeah I hope you're right. Goodness this makes the World Final feel like a routine event."

Lillie POV

"Gah!!! Are you sure it's alright!?" I said frantically straightening my hair for the umpteenth time." Mother, Mallow, Burnet, and Sun's Mom were helping me get ready... I have about half an hour before this all goes down...I feel like I'm gonna throw up... Sun's Mom chuckled, "Sweetie you look great, don't worry so much, he'll be so happy to see you." I sighed, "I know, I know, but I don't want him to think I didn't try to look my absolute..." Burnet put her hand on my shoulder, "Relax... You look perfect, just take a moment and sit down alright?" I shook my head, "But my dress! Ah! Just..." Mother looked over to me, "Lillie it's alright, just take a few deep breaths. Won't be too long now, then it'll all be over." I nodded. "O-Ok I'll try. I guess you're all right...I'm sorry." They all nodded and we all waited for my cue.


I walked up forward to the archway that I would meet my bride under soon. I stood there rather uncomfortably. I haven't ever done this before so quite honestly I have no idea what to do. I looked over at Kahuna Hala, who was presiding over this ceremony. "Hey you have any idea what I'm supposed to be doing?" Hala shrugged, "Just stand there and follow my lead with the ceremony alright, you know the words and everything." I nodded, "Yeah ok. Thanks again." Hala laughed and then shook his head, "No problem. Hey look sharp." I swiveled my head as "Here Comes the Bride" started. I gulped one last time and did my best to look like I knew what I was doing. My heart was getting dangerously close to leaving me. It didn't help at all either when I saw Lillie being escorted by Lusamine. Lillie looks so beautiful it's unreal, I can't believe this is actually happening. I smiled widely at her, I saw her beautiful smile behind the veil returning mine. Not even in my wildest dreams... The procession ended and Lillie stood right in front of me, her beautiful smile shining right on me. I put my hand on the back of my head, and whispered, "Wow...Lil you look... Perfect..." I blushed as she giggled softly, "Aww I'm glad you like it! You look pretty sharp yourself too." I chuckled, "Nah, not compared to you. Heh." Lillie giggled and then Hala began, "Friends and family of the bride and groom, we are gathered today to join our dear friends Sun and Lillie in holy matrimony or marriage if you will. As you all know Sun and Lillie are great lights in all of our lives here in Alola and in many lives abroad. Sun is a caring and strong representative for our region as well as his bride Lillie, a confident and caring young woman. They were definitely placed here to be with each other, they're both exceptionally strong and kind, as well as thoughtful. They always help each other when they may find each other in need. That is why it is my great honor to join them together in this bond." Hala paused and looked around, "We do have a few people who would like to speak before we get on with the rest of the ceremony, first, Sun's mother would like to share a few words about our couple." Mom came up and took the mic from Hala. She stood misty eyed as she pulled out a piece of paper and began to read what she had written down, "When Sun and I first moved to Alola we were both sad... angry... bitter. We had left behind many friends and family members just to move slightly closer to Sun's father's work. Even then we didn't get to see him that often. The first day we got there Sun seemed to be coping, he tried his best to be a good trainer and came home that night with a Litten. Not only that, he came home happily, in a night where I expected to have to tell him to cheer up constantly. I asked him why he suddenly had such a spring in his step, and he told me he met a nice young girl in Iki Town after getting Litten. I knew the next morning when a timid young girl in a white dress showed up to help guide my son around this unfamiliar territory, that she was who he was talking about. That brave young lady traveled with Sun and they went through good times and bad together, they went through things that no children should ever have to. They were fine though, because they had each other. Sun told me after he became Champion that he was more than likely going to ask young Lillie out on a date. Unfortunately for us though, Lillie had to leave us. She was doing the right thing and helping her family, but nonetheless the void in Sun's heart was evident. For many months after Lillie left, Sun was inconsolable, regretful, angry at himself. Eventually he overcame that and became stronger, all so that he could be the best person that he could be for his future bride. When he reunited with her in Kanto, he was the happiest man in the world, as far as I could tell. Now the inevitable has happened, they were always meant for each other. Congratulations my son, and congratulations beautiful Lillie." Mom left the microphone as a few people clapped when she sat back down.

Next Lusamine came up to speak, "As you all know, I went through a very rough time in my life. I was selfish and I got myself and my family in to more trouble than any good mother should. There's not a day where I don't feel a stabbing regret about how it happened. I wouldn't be here today the way I am without both Sun, and my wonderful daughter Lillie. They both showed unconditional love and generosity to me when I didn't deserve it. While it saddens me as a mother to see my daughter go away, there's not a person on this earth that would take better care of her. Thank you both. I know you guys will have a long and happy marriage and I couldn't be happier for you both." Lusamine then went back to sit by my Mom before the last person came up to speak, who happened to be Professor Burnet. Burnet pulled out her notes and then cleared her throat, clearly on the verge of tears. "This is such an odd feeling for me... It feels as if a daughter of mine is getting married, but in the same wedding, a son of mine is too. Of course that isn't the exact case, but I say this to show just how much these two people mean to me. Without them, life is so much more empty, the two of them are great joys to both me and Kukui, and I couldn't be happier to get to know them both. This may come as a surprise right now... But after this wedding is done, as you all know, little Lei is due any month now, and there isn't a couple I would rather have as the godparents. Thank you both for being such awesome people, and I know you'll both have long and happy lives with each other." Burnet returned to her seat and then it was time to continue with the ceremony.

Hala nodded, "Thank you all. Now it is time for the couple to make their vows to each other, to guarantee their best efforts to be the best spouses they can be. These promises will be made also to do their best to guarantee a long and loving marriage for all their lives."
Lillie decided to go first this time, she didn't have anything to read off of and neither did I, I think it's because both of us know we can just speak freely to each other. Lillie smiled at me and blushed a little bit as she began, "Sun... I've enjoyed every day with you more than anything else in the world. I vow to always love you like I do now, unconditionally and the most I can. I promise to carry the confidence you gave me through my life, and I promise to be the best wife I can be at all times. I'm just so happy I met you, and I promise you I'll never take any of it for granted." I smiled back and began mine, "Lillie, you're the most beautiful person I've ever met, both inside and out. I promise to never take for granted the love that we've always shared. I also vow that I will do everything in my power to help you with everything I can, whether it be emotional problems, mundane tasks, or anything else you need me to do. I've always loved you and I promise I will never stop. Thank you for being mine Lillie. You mean the world to me."

Hala smiled and nodded, "You may now exchange your wedding rings." I took mine and slipped it carefully on to Lillie's ring finger, after I had finished doing that she placed her ring on to my finger. Now came the most important part. Hala turned out his hands and signaled me, "You may kiss the bride." I slowly and gently raised the veil and saw Lillie's smiling face underneath it. Moments later we kissed and our friends and family clapped and cheered. Hala smiled and happily said, "I now pronounce you man and wife! Congratulations both of you!" I smiled and looked in to the eyes of my new wife as we held each other. I chuckled as I asked, "Want me to take you to the reception?" She smiled and jumped in to my arms. "Yes please!" I laughed and carried her to the reception area where we danced and celebrated for the rest of the day. And what a day it was.

Lillie and I changed in to our regular clothes and then flew home together on Charizard after everyone left. I carried my exhausted wife in my arms through the door of our home, and carried her upstairs to our room where I laid her gently on her side of the bed. Lillie sighed tiredly and looked around the room lethargically, "Wow... Everything is so clean... This is wonderful Sun! I'm so happy we're married..." I smiled and kissed her on the forehead, "Me too, also you can thank my Mom for the cleanliness." Lillie smiled, which she must be tired of doing today, "That's nice of her... I can't wait to go to Sinnoh with's gonna be so much fun." I slid in next to her, "Sure is! Anywhere I go with you is fun, but I think we'll really enjoy this trip. You go ahead and sleep in tonight, I'll pack everything for us tomorrow morning." Lillie began, "You don't have to-" I cut her off, "Let me do this for you Lil, I want to make sure you know that I'll always love you and work hard for you. It isn't hard work if I'm doing it for you." she smiled, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. "Thank you so much. You're the best in the world, Sun." I smiled and looked at the ceiling, "You're the best Lil. Goodnight. I love you." "I love you too, goodnight."

Author's Note

This particular chapter spawned the whole idea for this 3rd book, I thought it was a little anticlimactic to not have a wedding scene after the events of the last 2 books. Thanks!

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