Chapter 15- Elio

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"Huh, this color is pretty nice actually." I said carefully stroking my brush across the wall. It left behind a nice light blue color. I have figured out (or rather rediscovered) that I am a sucker for light blue. I stopped painting for a moment and went in to my and Lillie's room. "Hey Lil? You doing ok?" I heard her sigh, "Urk... I don't feel so good...Burnet told me that's to be expected though..." I sat down by her, "Well everything in the room downstairs is almost ready... I'm just about done painting his room. Lillie nodded, "Wow, that's great... I think I might know a name for him too." I looked at her, "Oh? What's that?" She smiled, "I'm thinking Elio. In another language it means something relating to the sun." I shook my head, "Are you sure? I mean I like it a lot but you don't have to name him after me..." Lillie smiled, "Of course I'm sure Sun... I want him to be just like you." I smiled, "Well that's nice of you to say Lil. You think if we had a girl you'd name her after yourself?" Lillie shook her head, "Nah. I don't think so, my name's not as unique and fun as yours." I tilted my head, "It is my favorite name though." Lillie giggled weakly, "You're too much." I kissed her stomach, "I just cant believe its gonna be any day now..." Lillie nodded, "Urgh... Trust me I can... I didn't think I could feel much worse than I did a couple months ago. I was wrong..." I stood up... "Hang in there alright? Elio and I are counting on you." Lillie sighed, "I'll do my best."

That night I finally finished the room. It had light blue walls and some nice white carpet (which in retrospect, is an awful idea on my part, I mean seriously is he going to clean up after himself? On a white carpet?) I slept peacefully next to my wife. Until I was awakened at about 5 AM by Lillie screaming out in pain, "Lil!?" She said between deep breaths, "I-I think it's happening!" I threw myself out of bed, "Oh! Ok! I'll uh... Oh I don't think I have time to get you to the hospital...I'll get a doctor here as fast as I can I promise!" I immediately dialed the hospital, "Ula'Ula' General Hospital can we He-", I shook my head and quickly said, "I'm sorry! I need a doctor to come to where I am soon, my wife is in labor!" I heard the receptionist respond, "No problem I'll have one get to you as soon as possible, hang in there..." She waited for my name, "Sun.", "Woah you're...! Erm- I mean yeah, don't worry Champion, the doctor is on his way now." "Thanks!" I hung up the phone and then sat at Lillie's side, "Hang on alright, he's on his way."

I sat outside our bedroom with my hands folded and looking down at my lap. The doctor had come, but I haven't heard anything from inside yet besides Lillie. I feel awful. I wish I was more prepared for this. The doctors came back and I stood up immediately, "Are they ok?" The doctor put his hands up as if to say 'relax' "They're fine... The mother and the baby are just fine. You can go in and see them if you want to." I sighed with relief, "Thank you doctor." He nodded, "Sure, have a good night Champion." I nodded and then walked in to the room. I was greeted by the sight of Lillie, absolutely exhausted, but wearing an exhausted smile on her face. In her arms was a bundle of blankets wrapped around little Elio. I stood in disbelief at the foot of the bed. Lillie opened her eyes barely and noticed me standing there, "Sun..." I walked over to her side and held her hand, "You did so well Lil, thank you." She giggled weakly, "Yeah that was really tough...but I just saw his face and it's all worth it." I looked to Lillie, "You care if I look?" She shook her head, "Go right ahead." I moved the blankets around the crying baby's head, and looked at his face, wow... He looks a lot like me... Elio huh... "Elio... Hey... We're gonna get to know each other really well soon... Welcome to the family." Lillie sighed, "Wow... We're really parents now huh..." I nodded, "Heh. Yeah. I guess we are... I'll go ahead and get Elio to his crib." Lillie nodded, "Ok... Be careful with him Sun...I need some rest." I smiled, "Sleep as long as you want Lil. You did great." I held my child and took him to his recently finished room. I laid him down very gently in to his crib and did my best to settle him down. It was hard considering I myself am on cloud nine right now, but eventually I was able to get him to sleep. I breathed a sigh of relief. I guess I should get some sleep now. I'll probably get just a few hours and then it'll be morning time anyway. What a start to a day, huh?

I got up the next morning and shook myself off. Lillie was standing over me wearing a concerned expression and her night gown. "Er- Morning Lil... I'm on the floor huh." She nodded, "You ok love?" I climbed up to my feet, "Yeah all good, I must've just passed out here after putting Elio to bed... You feel alright?" She nodded, "Yeah I'm ok, quite sore really, but otherwise I'm ok." I smiled, "Good to hear, Elio still sleeping?" She nodded, "Yeah, still sleeping." I hugged her, "This is surreal. I can't wait to get to know him." She giggled, "Me too! I wonder what kind of personality he'll have... Imagine if he ends up like Gladion hehe." I laughed, Lillie shook her head and laughed quietly, "Oh we laugh now, but that'd be a nightmare... Hopefully he doesn't hate us." I nodded, "Yeah... Heh."

I walked outside with Lillie and sat on our front porch. "I suppose I should do some training still today, I mean if everything goes as planned the World Championship will be partially here." Lillie sighed, "You work so hard Sun. I can see why you won the first time. No days off huh?" I responded, "Yeah that's the goal. For you though I'll make exceptions. In fact I'd quit if you asked me to. You come first to me always, don't forget that." Lillie smiled, "Well that's sweet of you Sun! I'd never want you to do something like that though." I shook my head, "Alright, well let me know if you need my help with Elio today, Mom's coming over and she'll help show me and maybe you how to take care of him well. You probably already know though." She nodded, "Of course! I've been reading so many books about this..." I tilted my head, "For how long?" She smiled, "Oh, heh, they had a rather limited selection of books in the hospital. So I figured I'd read up on that since there wasn't much else to do." I smiled, "huh, that worked out. Anyway, I better get to training." Lillie nodded, "Ok, have fun!"

"Hoof. Uh...phew... Good run guys." I said out of breath to my equally exhausted team. The team made their noises half-heartedly while trying to catch their breath and I laughed, "That's the spirit, that repeat is as good as ours.... Hey you guys heard about the baby right?" I heard a scream from inside the house, that sounds like Lillie. I ran quickly to the house and ran up to Elio's room. I skidded in to the room and saw Lillie standing over the crib, next to her was Neb- WAIT ITS NEBBY. I reeled and Lillie heard me and smiled, "Sorry hun, I probably scared ya, Nebby came through an ultra wormhole and is visiting Elio, the opening of a wormhole in my new born babys room made me scream, but it's just Nebby. Nebby nuzzled Elio gently and purred as I laughed, "Thanks for dropping by Nebby." Nebby looked up and nodded and went back to entertaining Elio, who was laughing hysterically. Legendary pokemon, ladies and gentlemen. I put my arm around Lillie and looked down at Elio. Lillie smiled, "Sun, you think now would be a good time for the rest of the team to meet him?" I shrugged, "Maybe, they might not be all that interested though." Lillie smiled, "Aw, well you can at least see." I nodded and sent the team out, Ninetales bolted out and jumped in the crib and just curled up next to him. Incineroar and the others just sort of watched. I laughed, "I guessed wrong." Lillie aww'd, "Ninetales you sweetie..." I laughed, "Crazy to think he's one of my aces too, he does it all." Lillie laughed and we stayed in the room waiting for the visitors who were coming to see Elio later.

Author's Note

I'm sure I've mentioned this before, bit I love giving each member of Sun's team personality as well, I'm not super great at spreading it out evenly but yeah I try! Thanks again!

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