Chapter 1

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"SUNOO GET UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL" A familiar voice screamed from the kitchen.

"Oh shit I forgot about that..." Sunoo mumbled to himself before jumping out of his bed.

It's a new school year

How come my alarm clock didn't ring?
He thought to himself as he changed his clothes.

Oh right.... I smashed it

Sunoo happily skipped down stairs to meet his mother who was peacefully preparing breakfast.

"Morning mom" he said leaning to kiss his mother's cheek.

"Morning sweetie" she replied while packing his lunch.

Sunoo was a senior in high school and let's say his experience there wasn't the greatest but he was a straight A student and spent most of his time alone or with his best friend Jungwon.

"By Eomma!! I'm leaving." Sunoo shouted before running out the door to wait at the bus stop.

"Bye!!! And don't slam the- *slam* door....."
"Aish this kid"

"8:25. Phew just in time"

Sunoo waited at the bus stop for his bus to come at 8:30

"AYO DDEONU!!" Sunoo heard someone yell.



"Looks like I'm not the only one"

Jungwon made it just on time for the bus as the both of them along with other students got picked up and we're on their way to hel- I mean school.

The bus ride was quiet while the two friends were bickering and giggling about stupid things until Sunoo noticed someone unfamiliar sitting a few seats in front of them.

Who's that?
He thought to himself

He's kinda hot

The boy had somewhat dark hair, headphones on while he closed his eyes not aware of the stares he's getting from some other students.Or so I thought.

"I know your watching. Turn away before I have something to do about it" He said as everyone looked away from the boy as he opened his eyes.

He had beautiful bright brown eyes and the light reflected off of them which made him look fierce and scary.

"He doesn't seem pleasant" Jungwon whispered.

If looks could kill, everyone would be dead.

That's when Sunoo made eye contact with the boy but immediately looked away.

He may look handsome and all but I don't want to mess with him
Sunoo thought to himself.

Soon enough the bus came to a stop and everyone unloaded out of it

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