Chapter 24

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"S-shes... w-what..." Jungwon stuttered before reality hit him.

"M-my mother... s-she's..... s-she's gone" Sunoo broke down and hugged his knees tight.

"H-how did this happen!?"

"Car a-accident while coming h-home"

Ms.Kim was like a second mother to Jungwon she always treated him like her own son and the two were very close, so hearing the news hit Jungwon like a bullet but yet again it was very painful for Sunoo to go through as well.

"I'm sorry Ddeonu.... I r-really am." Jungwon cried as he hugged his best friend tight. "I'll be alright, you still have me, your never alone"

"It's a-alright Wonnie.... I-it's not your fault" he said as he returned his best friends hug until they both cried themselves to sleep on the living room floor.

But with Ni-ki things weren't so pleasant.

"Hey Ni-ki how was the part- whoa what happened to you?" Jay asked in shock as he saw his cousin walking through the door bawling his eyes out, he looked like a mess

"Omg Ni-ki what happened!? Are you ok??"

"I'd rather be alone" Ni-ki replied in a somewhat cold tone as he walked to his room but Jay could still hear the faint sniffling and sobbing coming from his room until he decided to call Jungwon.

Hey babe, Um Ni-ki came home crying and I don't want to ask him what happened, did something happen between him and Sunoo??

Uhm... yea... they broke up
Jungwon spoke through the phone as Jay was also in shock.

They broke up??

That's when Jungwon hung up the phone but before that the slight sound of another's crying was heard through the line.

"So they're both affected by this... what happened??" Jay asked himself as there must be a reason for this if they're both affected by it. It wasn't a normal break up... it must've been..... a sabotage...

But with Ni-ki he was a crying mess. He couldn't remember the last time he cried this hard. Maybe when his father would beat him when he was younger but that was probably the last. And all this crying and heartbreak over a misunderstanding.

His heart aches every minute he knew that Sunoo left him all because of that bitch Yuna. His teeth grit against another at the thought of her name. He was set up, and he knew it.

The tears began to get heavier as Ni-ki silently cried on his bed, he had so many mixed emotions right now, sadness, sorrow, regret, too many to name. That's when he heard a knock on his door.

"Ni-ki?? Please answer, do you want to talk? I'm here for you" Jay said calmly as he stood patiently outside Ni-Ki's door.

True... Jay had always been there for him. Always trying to get him to try new things and being the one person that would be proud of him for the tiniest things. So for a matter of fact Ni-ki slowly got up and out of him bed and slowly opened the door revealing a worried Jay standing there while Ni-ki still had tears streaming down his face while still a sniffling mess.

"You ok?? Come, let's sit on the bed and talk shall we??"

The younger just nodded and sat on his bed but laid down to prevent tears from falling, but did that stop them?? Not really.

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