Chapter 16

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"Sunoo!? Sunshine!? Your awake??" Ni-ki asked shocked at what happened

"Of course I am. And I heard everything that you just said" Sunoo replied as he showed the younger a bright sunny smile which made the younger blush a light pink blush.

"You ok?? What happened earlier? Take some more rest" Ni-ki suggested as the olders expression changed as he started talking

"I was packing to leave a bit early until he followed me in and pinned me against the change room lockers and tried to convince me to break up with you, and when I said I wouldn't he threatened me and beat me up until he kissed me as soon as you arrived. I hit my head on the lockers a few times along with the floor" Sunoo explained as he was near crying as he remembered the traumatizing event that happened earlier.

"I'm sorry Ni-ki" the older sobbed as he covered his face with his tiny hands "I kissed another guy.... I technically cheated on you" At this point Sunoo was sniffling and sobbing as he couldn't let go of the thought as Ni-ki looked at him and smiled.

"Hey it's ok. You didn't cheat on me at all. Don't think that. You were forced to and couldn't defend yourself. Please don't think that" Ni-ki reassured as he tried to comfort the older be rubbing his back and snuggling close. "I love you and i would always try to understand from your perspective as well..."

"Really?" Sunoo sniffles as his tears of sadness and regret changed to tears of happiness and grief as he exhaled very sharply.

"Of course." Ni-ki exclaimed as he hugged the older not too tightly and whispered in his ear "I was so worried something happened to you when we didn't see you on the bench"

"Luckily your friend Jungwon noticed before it was too late" Ni-ki mentioned but he didn't want to bring up the topic of Yuna stopping him for a picture together. That girl is hard to understand. But he just brushed it off thinking it was a normal fangirl thing to do.

"Anyway you should get more rest, does your head still hurt?? You need any food? Water? Anything??"

"Slow down Ni-ki, anyway. I'm a little tired and my head hurts a bit, it still sounds like something is ringing in my ear but I'm kinda hungry right now so call the nurse in to get me some crackers or whatever" Sunoo suggested as he tried to sit up just the slightest bit and pressed the button on his hospital bed.

"Hello Sunoo dear" the nurse warmly entered the room with her coat and clipboard. "What do you need?"

"Can I have some crackers or any food here? I'm kinda hungry"

"Of course. And Ni-ki right?? Can you come here. I need to have a talk with you" the nurse suggested as Ni-ki hesitantly followed her from behind, sparing a glance at the older before walking out the room.

"So about Sunoo's treatment, we were lucky he doesn't have amnesia but he might experience some head aches here and there. Do you know anyone close to Sunoo to by any chance take care of him?"

"No, he told me his mother is in America for business things and that he's alone here at home for a while. But I can volunteer to look after him while he recovers."  Ni-ki explained as the expression on the nurses face changed.

"What are you to Sunoo anyway?? I know this isn't friend behaviour" she asked as you could clearly tell the suspicion written on her face.

"You can tell me Ni-ki. I won't tell anyone" she reassured and smiled a warm smile.

"I- I'm his boyfriend" Ni-ki looked down a little embarrassed as the nurse gave him a smile.

"Of course I'll trust you to look after him, and I support you guys. Now I won't keep you long I gotta get Sunoo some crackers, and by the way I saw your friends walk somewhere among the hospital"

"Thank you" Ni-ki thanked as he made his way back inside Sunoo's hospital room as he sat beside the older on the bed and held his hand.

"Your back!! What the nurse say? And where are my crackers??" Sunoo asked as he gave the younger an innocent look.

"She's coming with your crackers. We just talked about looking after you while your mother is still away on her business trip"

"Oh yea. She probably heard what happened to me and would probably be calling me right now but I would be happy if you took care of me" The older smiled and gave the younger a peck on the lips.

"Everything's going to be ok. I think you'll get released soon but we can ask the doctors and nurses here later" Ni-ki said as he held his lovers little hands and gazed into his eyes.

"Sunoo... here are your crackers, I believe your friends are getting food so they'll be back shortly, but for now get some more rest. I've discussed with some doctors and we can have you released in two days and then take some time off from school to rest your head" the nurse kindly explained while gently placing the crackers on the mini table beside Sunoo's hospital bed.

"Thank you" the two said in sync as the older reached out the grab the crackers as he shoved them in his mouth.

"Now get some rest. I'll wake you up when the others arrive" Ni-ki said as he placed a kiss on the olders forehead as he nodded and slid back down into the bed and gently leaned his head on the soft pillow.

Time Skip

"OMG SUNOO YOUR ALIVE" Jungwon yelled as he busted through the hospital doors leaving Jay and Jake behind as they were nearly gasping for air.

Sunoo was half asleep as Ni-ki sat hunched over his bed also half asleep.

"I'm ok sheep, Kim Sunoo doesn't die that easily" Sunoo rolled his eyes as he saw his best friend approach him and hugged him ever so tight.

"You scared the shit out of me. I should've known Jaemin was up to something, I'm sorry" Jungwon apologized as he just kept hugging the older.

"Let's not bring up his name shall we?? It's not your fault Wonnie I'm grateful for everything everyone has done for me. Please don't feel guilty"

That's when Jay and Jake approached and started crowding Sunoo's bed.

"Glad your ok Sunoo" Jay crouched down and smiled while Jake sighed in relief and spoke "you nearly gave me a heart attack, I'm so glad your ok."

"Thanks for caring guys. I appreciate it" Sunoo said as he smiled towards everyone as Ni-ki held his hand and they ate the food the others bought (with Jays card ofc)

"The nurse said i would be released in two days and then spend the rest of the week at home where I would rest since I can't get too stressed out or I will have a head ache" Sunoo explained as everyone listened carefully.

"That's good!!" Jake said as he was happy for his friend.

"Anyway it's getting quite late now we should probably get going." Jay suggested as Jungwon was unsure if he wanted to leave or not. But Jake agreed.

"I'll stay here with Sunoo. If anything happens I'll call you ok?" Ni-ki spoke as Jungwon gave Ni-ki an unsure glare but trusted him so he left with Jay and Jake to head back home.

"You need anything Sunshine?" Ni-ki asked as the older shook his head no and tucked himself into the hospital bed as Ni-ki sat back in the chair he originally had and hunched over the olders bed.

"You look uncomfortable Ni-ki. You sure you'll be ok?" Sunoo asked as he saw the youngers awkward position.

"I'll be fine. Just get to bed. I'll skip school tomorrow to look after you ok?" Ni-ki said as the older just nodded and slowly drifted off to bed leaving the younger to admire his beautiful face.

That's when Ni-ki planted a soft kiss on the olders lips as he too slowly drifted to sleep beside the older hand in hand as the moon shone brightly through the window.

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