Chapter 3

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Sunoo's phone was going off like crazy the next
morning with hundreds of texts coming from Jungwon. And that's when he received a call.


Bitch get up!! I'm in front of your house.

You infront of my what now??

You house!! Now get ready!!

And that's when he hung up and slipped on his school uniform and dashed out the door.

"Jesus you really do take a long time getting up"

"I don't like mornings ok??"

Soon enough they arrived at the cafe

"I'll just have a vanilla latte" Sunoo said still half asleep 

"And I'll get a caramel macchiato" Jungwon ordered as the two received their drinks and gossiped on their way to the bus stop.

"So I got info on Ni-ki" Jungwon brought up making Sunoo's head perk up.

"Creepy much?? But go on explain"

"He got recently expelled from his other school and moved to our school because it was the second closest, please don't get involved with him I don't want him hurting you" Jungwon informed leaving Sunoo's mind blank.

"What if I told you I already got involved with him...."

"Uh oh.... Your in trouble"

That's when they reached the bus stop.

"Did you do the homework??" An unfamiliar voice asked as the two friends turn around to see Ni-ki wearing a hoodie that covers his face.

That hoodie looks familiar
Sunoo thought to himself as he sort of zoned out until Jungwon nudged him.

"You deaf or something!? Did you do the homework or not!?" Ni-ki asked impatiently as he held his hand out.

"Here now leave me alone" Sunoo sighed handing Ni-ki the homework while he took it and put in his headphones while turning away.

"Looks like your gonna have a hard time this year" Jungwon admit while putting his hand on Sunoo's shoulders.

"Tell me about it. And the year just started"
Sunoo whined knowing he would have to put up with Ni-ki's annoying ass.

Soon enough the bus came as they got on to see a familiar face.

"Jake!? You take the bus too??" The two said in unison as they saw their new friend on the same bus as them.

"Y-yea" Jake stuttered a little startled by the sudden welcoming. 

The whole ride was silent as always until the student arrived at school where they quickly head to their lockers to grab some of their supplies.

There he rushed to Homeroom because he was on the verge of being late, and that's when he bumped into someone and that someone was who he didn't want to see the most.

"Watch where your going" Ni-ki coldly said while not bothering to help Sunoo up as he walked away and disappeared around the corner.

"Tch, didn't bother to help me up" Sunoo mumbled to himself while getting up from the floor and walking to his homeroom.

"Yo where were you?" Jungwon asked as he was already seated, waiting for Sunoo.

"I- uh lost something and took me some time to find it" Sunoo lied while taking his seat.

"Ok, Next time text me. I can help" Jungwon suggested as Sunoo gave him a confused stare

"Since when did you start acting like my mom??" Sunoo giggled making Jungwon roll his eyes.

"Alright class open your text books to page 127 and take notes" Mr.Park announced, shutting up the whole class.

Time passed slowly as everyone was focussed on reading,writing and researching about their topics until Sunoo got bored and started passing notes to Jungwon

Hey I'm bored what you writing?

I'm bored too, this class is so useless. Why do we have to do homework on the first week of school?? -Jungwon wrote and passed it back to Sunoo.

It's so annoyingggggggg
Sunoo wrote as the whole note passing lasted a while and they apparently didn't get caught.

You getting into anymore trouble with Ni-ki?

I hope I don't anymore but from the looks of it... yea.....

Soon enough class was over and everyone made their way out. This time Sunoo shoved everything into his backpack and dashed out the door, this time dragging Jungwon out instead of the other way around.

That's when they reached the cafeteria, as they saw a familiar person wave at them.

It was Jake!!

"Ayo!! C'mere mates" Jake yelled from a table as the two came closer and sat down at the table.

Jake doesn't have the same class as them so he's often alone most of the time.

"Guys you would never believe it, one of the popular guys talked to me today!!" Jake told them as he was smiling ear to ear fell happiness.

"Wow!!! That's good Jakey" Sunoo giggled as he was happy for his new friend. "Whats his na-" Sunoo got cut off when he felt a cold liquid run through his hair and down his back as the table went silent.

"YAH WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Sunoo turned around angry to see Ni-ki holding a bottle of water as he dumped it all over Sunoo.

"That's for bumping into me earlier" He said coldly as he threw the bottle at Sunoo and walked away.

Sunoo was completely soaked as he got up from the table with tears threatening not to fall.

He was so embarrassed

"Um excuse me for a bit" Sunoo managed to speak before he ran off.

"Sunoo wait!" Jungwon yelled but Sunoo had already run off.

"I'll go check on him, I'll be back in a minute" Jungwon told Jake as Jake returned a worried glare.

"I'll come with you" he insist as Jungwon just nodded as they went to the one place could've been.

The bathroom

There the two entered the bathroom to hear quiet sniffling from the bathroom stalls.

"Sunoo?? Sunshine are you in here??"

That's when the sniffling stopped as Jake and Jungwon approached the stall.

"You can talk to us you know. Your never alone" Jake comforted as Sunoo slowly opened the stall revealing his puffy face to them.

"Oh come here" Jungwon said embracing his best friend into a warm hug.

"If he ever bothers you again, tell me. I'm gonna pull a taekwondo stunt on him" Jungwon said as he made a funny pose which made Sunoo giggle a little bit.

"Thanks Wonnie I can always count on you" Sunoo smiled as he pulled his two friends into a tight hug.

"I know right. Because I'm awesome" he said standing proudly.

"Let's get you changed" Jake suggested as he still noticed Sunoo's clothes were soaked.

"I have spare gym clothes I could change into so I'll be fine" Sunoo reassured as he left to go find his locker as his two other friends trailed beside him like body guards.

"Thanks guys. Now let's go to our other class" Sunoo managed to let out a small smile before making their way to their class room.

This is gonna be a loooooong year

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