Chapter 21

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"Wait- that little bitch Sunoo!?" Yuna said in disbelief until Yeji whispered something in her ear which made her smirk.

"Ofcourse!! A deals a deal" she smirked and shook his hand.

By now you can already guess who this guy is. The one and only Jaemin.

He let out a giggle and turned around.

"Anyway come on Yeji let's get to business" Yuna said as Yeji rolled her eyes and followed.

On the other hand both Ni-ki and Sunoo were close by Sunoo's place as the both approached around the same time.

"So you've arrived Mint Choco lover" Ni-ki said as he crossed his arms.

"This is my house... looks like someone need to grow up" Sunoo smirked as he gave Ni-ki a smack upside the back of the head.


"Hah! Deserved"

"Sometimes I wonder why I fell for you" Ni-ki smiled making the older smile along with him. "Because I'm a cutie and the best"

"You got that right" Ni-ki said as he placed a small kiss on the olders lips but he could only focus on one thing...

The taste of Mint Choco....

"The only thing I do not like about you Sunshine is the fact you like Mint Choco. I'm sorry, but how do you eat that..."

"And the only thing I do not like about you is the fact that you DON'T like Mint Choco"

"Alright that settles it. Lets just get inside" Ni-ki suggested as the two walked inside the house as Ni-ki suddenly started talking.

"Hey I know this is random but Yuna approached me today and started bothering me. I think she follows me around"

"That's odd. But I'm not surprised. That girl is absolutely crazy, but I met someone too well rather a little friend as I was walking from the park."

"Who??" Ni-ki questioned as he got a little jealous at the sound of it.

"A little kitty cat!" Sunoo said as he giggled and started jumping around while clapping his little hands like a baby seal.

"It was so adorable and it followed me around for a bit before reaching home"

That's when Ni-ki loosened up a bit as he took a deep breath out, it's just a cat.

"Anyway, your mom should be back soon and I don't want to bother. Besides Jay Hyung probably wants me back even though he's probably with Jungwon right now. I'm going to go now. Have a nice night baby" Ni-ki said as he kissed the top of Sunoo's head before walking home.

"Aish this kid... I love him"

That's when Sunoo laid down on the couch and scrolled through social media until he opened Twitter and the first post he saw made him frown.

It was a picture of what seems to be Yuna and Ni-ki holding hands somewhere on the city streets. And it seemed recent.

Maybe this was the reason Ni-ki told them to walk separate ways back home.... Maybe he was being this dramatic for a reason....

Is he cheating on me behind my back?

Now Sunoo was questioning Ni-ki's love towards him.

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