Chapter 23

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Ni-ki's side of the story

Upon arrival to Beomgyus place all I could think about was Sunoo. He was mad at me wasn't he??

"Yo man what's up?" Beomgyu asked as he gave Ni-ki a fist bump as Ni-ki welcomed himself in and made himself comfortable somewhere downstairs in the basement couch.

He seemed so empty without Sunoo keeping him company.

"Hey handsome" someone said as she sat beside Ni-ki on the couch

"What do you want? And get away from me" Ni-ki replied coldly as Yuna proceeded to move closer towards Ni-ki's face.

"How about no?" She smirked and gave Ni-ki a look.

Something feels off
Ni-ki thought as he zoned out for a bit until he felt a pair of unfamiliar lips attach to his, and he did not like it.

Yes, She had kissed him.

Immediately, he pushed Yuna off him but she still had the sheepish smirk on her face, and it was getting annoying.

"What the hell was that for!?" Ni-ki yelled as Yuna only pointed towards the doorway with her eyes.

There stood Sunoo with a shocked expression on his face, it looked like he'd just seen a ghost. His face had gone pale and you could see the tears threatening to fall from him eyes

"Sunoo?? Baby this isn't what it looks like"

"........ we're over"

Those words hit Ni-ki hard. It felt like a arrow just pierced through his heart as the sight of his lover running out of the basement holding back his tears.

"Sunoo wait!!" Ni-ki shout before getting up and about to chase after him.

"Leave me alone Ni-ki there's nothing to talk about. I don't need to hear your explanations"

Ni-ki plead Sunoo to let him explain but no, he was way too stubborn right now.

".......... Id though you changed. But in reality... you have changed at all..."

Ouch. Those words hurt. As Ni-ki froze in complete shock as Sunoo ran off, probably towards home.

Tears streamed down the youngers face as he watched his lover run off into the darkness without even trying to chase him. He wouldn't listen. He was heartbroken, but so was Ni-ki. He just lost his other half, the half that completes his whole.

"I-Im sorry... I love you..." he sobbed to himself as he dropped to his knees and cried. Even though this misunderstanding was taken too seriously and even though those words hurt... he still loves him the same as before.

When Sunoo arrived home the house was oddly quiet, too quiet.


She's not home yet??

After what just happened Sunoo walked home. It was quite the walk but he made it and it was late, but he managed to calm down a bit while walking back. But his heart still ached while there were tear stains under his eyes along with his eyes being red from all the crying.

That's when he decided to call his mother but no response...

"Maybe she's working late, or staying late" He said to himself as he made his way to his from to get ready for bed. But I'm reality he just sat on the floor of his room hugging his knees and crying. He was hurt and more heartbroken than ever, and now worried because his mother would be home by now.

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