Chapter 14

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(This chapter contains some wording that might be uncomfortable for some readers so I suggest to not read it if you feel uncomfortable)

(And no it is not smut. The two are minors and I won't write such things)

"Alright everyone. Today we will play dodgeball. You already know the rules, no head shots and hit shoulders and below, we don't want any head injuries or concussions" Mr.Kang the gym teachers yelled as his whistle blew and the students started whipping balls at each other.

Luckily it was team dodgeball that way everyone won't be running around to save their lives.

"Sunoo watch out!!" Jungwon yelled as he was standing right beside Sunoo. Jungwon was the more active type. Sunoo wasn't. And then there's Ni-ki who loves sports but always found some way to spare his lover.

But dodgeball was one of the gym activities that he actually liked playing. He liked dodging more than actually throwing the balls, and surprisingly he caught the ball. But when he saw who threw it in the first place, his expression changed as he saw the one and only Jaemin aiming the ball and staring at him intensely.

"I'm fucked" Sunoo mumbled under his breath as he was unaware that he was zoning out until he felt a sharp pain towards the head as it was a dodgeball thrown by Yuna... one of the cheerleaders and as we all know it. The principals daughter.

"That's what you get for taking Ni-ki away from me" she smirked but soon got called out for head shot as Jungwon approached Sunoo to check and see if he was ok along with Ni-ki giving him a worried glare.

"Are you ok Ddeonu??" Jungwon asked as Sunoo sat up and held his head a bit as he felt dizzy.

(A/N: for anyone asking, in some classes you have different students as your classmates depending on which class except homeroom, in Homeroom is where your original classmates are. That's how school where I live works just so I don't confuse you too much)

"I'm fine Wonnie. Get back to playing" Sunoo suggested as Jungwon was hesitant before getting back in the game while Ni-ki sat with Sunoo to help comfort the older as he sat out to check up on himself, but earning lots of jealous looked from all the girls along with the process.

"You ok? Does it hurt? Need me to get anything?" Ni-ki asked as he was probably more worried than ever.

"I'm fine Ni-ki. You get back to playing I'll be fine watching you from the benches."

"I can't just leave yo-"

"Just go" Sunoo cut off the younger, leaving Ni-ki no choice really until he went back into the game.

"Boy does she throw hard" Sunoo mumbled to himself as he held his head, feeling a little dizzy so he went into the change room to grab his things, until he felt an unusual feeling in his stomach. Kind of like that gut feeling vibe.

"Hey baby how are you?" A somewhat deep voice mimicked behind him and it was sure not Ni-ki's voice.

"What do you want Jaemin? I don't have time for you" Sunoo said as he tried to walk away but only left an angered Jaemin grab his arm roughly and slam him against one of the change room lockers causing Sunoo to slam his head onto the lockers.

"Owww! What the hell"

"Awww did I hurt little muffin here? Listen I am so much better than your so what called boyfriend so why not dump him for me huh? He doesn't even love you. He's just using you" Jaemin smirked as he saw the condition Sunoo was in as he leaned pinned him again the lockers so he wouldn't move.

"Your not worth my time. Ni-ki is so much better than you. And he actually treats me right unlike you" Sunoo coldly stared into Jaemins eyes knowing that he was probably trying to break their relationship. "Now let go of me"

"Not until your mine" he smirked and turned the younger around and held him by the hips

"Let go you creep" Sunoo elbowed the older but he didn't seem to budge.

"Looks like peachy here is feisty" Jaemin smirked and lifted the youngers chin up so their eyes met but eye contact soon broke as the younger looked away and tried to squirm out of Jaemins grip.

Sunoo was slowly getting weaker by the second as his head ached and annoying sounds were now being heard in his head as it felt like a million bells were ringing.

That's when the unexpected happened Jaemin brought his head closer to the youngers as he tried to pry himself free but just couldn't do so anymore. He felt so weak, and his head wasn't making the situation any better.

That's when Jaemin did it- he kissed Sunoo. But was quickly pushed away from somebody else as Sunoo quickly pushed him off as well, landing on the floor while hitting his head for a third time in the past 15 minutes.

"And who gave YOU permission to kiss MY boyfriend" Ni-ki yelled as he was basically fuming at the sight of this.


After Sunoo sat out Ni-ki resumed into the game, while still worried about his lover. As the round ended, his team won until he was suddenly approached by Jungwon.

"Hey have you seen Sunoo?? He's not on the bench anymore"

That's when Ni-ki looked at the bench where Sunoo was sitting and panic spread throughout his body.

"H-he's gone!?" He shouted before Jungwon could answer he ran towards the change room door.

How long has he been gone?
He asked himself as he was soon stopped by someone before opening the door.

"Hey Ni-ki. Can we talk?"

Great it was Yuna

"Not now Yuna. I'm in a rush"

"I just want to ask you a question"

"Make it quick I don't have all day" Ni-ki replied coldly as Yuna whipped out her phone.

"Can you take a quick picture with me?"

"And why??"

"Just one photo Ni-ki then I'll leave you alone"


For some reason that whole conversation was taking forever and Ni-ki was getting impatient.

"There you can go now" Yuna smiled before Ni-ki stormed off into the change room. That's when Yuna's smile turned into a smirk as she looked at the photo with her a Ni-ki and silently laughed.

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