Chapter 20

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7 years ago

"Appa!!! Slow down!!" Little Ni-ki yelled trying to get his father to slow the car down a bit as his father didn't bother on listening as he had music blasting while Ni-ki was in the back seat.

"SHUT UP YOU SHIT OF A CHILD" his father screamed as the car smelled like alcohol, it stank so bad.

"APPA WATCH OUT!!" Little Ni-ki screamed as he looked over to see a kid his age running to save a cat. But his father didn't care. The car kept going the speed it was going. And soon enough a tall man came and pushed the child away. That child was none other than Sunoo.

That's when it happened. The car hit the father as Ni-ki's father didn't hesitate to speed off, avoiding everything and even the cops.

That's when Ni-ki looked back from his seat as the group of people crowding around the body as people were dialling 119/110 (the Japan emergency line) while little Sunoo sat there devastated while holding the cat in his arms as he was being comforted by his mother who was frantically crying and panicking as the crowd tried their best to cover them and comfort them.

End of Flashback

"Ni-ki?? Ni-ki?? Nishimura Riki!??You ok??"
Sunoo asked as he soon became worried at the sudden silence from the younger.

"I-I don't know what to say..." Ni-ki said as he looked down tried to prevent any eye contact and to prevent the older seeing him cry again.

"I know it's tragic but I try my best to forget about the times... it what he would've wanted for me" Sunoo said as he wiped away a tear and sniffled, he was missing his father so much right now. Like when he would chase him around the house at night and make a mess. He was the best dad.

"I-.... I might know who cause the accident" Ni-ki looked down before continuing the sentence. Causing the older to look up desperately for an answer.

"Wait? You do!? How!?" He asked desperately.

"Please don't hate me after this....." Ni-ki said as he was scared something would come between their relationship after this.

"I already have a feeling I know who this is now" Sunoo said as he just looked at the younger.

"It... was my father..." Ni-ki said as he placed his hands over his eyes and began to sob a bit as the older looked at him in disbelief. He always knew Niki's dad was crazy and always drank but knowing that he KILLED his own father definitely says something about him.

"I'm sorry... I was only 9 I didn't know better. I told him to slow down, I swear. I don't want this to change anything between us and I hope it doesn't but please... I'm sorry..." Ni-ki apologized as he only received only a shocked expression from the older as no words dared to leave his mouth.

"Sunoo... baby please... I know this is hard please don't hate me..."

That's when his lips were met with Sunoo's as they shared a short but deep kiss.

"Of course I don't hate you, I'm just shocked I guess... I just need some time to think" Sunoo said as he flopped down on his bed as he stared blankly at the roof.

That's when Ni-ki joined him as he put an arm around the older and pulled him close as if they were in a hug. He turned the older to his side and hugged him tightly as their faces were inches away from each other as they gazed into each other's eyes. It was their way of escaping reality and just loose themselves in each other.

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