Chapter 9

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Soon enough the weekends were over and it was back to school the next day. School has been pretty smooth sailing until one cool spring day Sunoo woke up earlier today and quickly got ready until he for some reason received a call from Jungwon.


Hey Jay offered to pick you up along with me of course so get ready.

Oh ok

"I guess I'm not running to the bus stop. So I'll wait like 15 minutes until they arrive..." Sunoo said to himself before hearing sounds in his driveway.

"We're hereeeeee" Jungwon chirped as the doors open revealing Sunoo in their school uniform.

"Istg how do you alway just show up at my door"

"It's called calling before arrival" Jungwon spoke before dragging Sunoo out of the house and into Jays car where Jay and Ni-ki sat and welcomed him.

Well at least Jay did.

"Hey Sunoo how you feeling?" Jay asked as he started his car up again.

"Im ok. Thanks for the ride"

"No problem"

The ride was pretty silent but Sunoo could feel eyes on him and besides Jay and Jungwon in the front seats the only person really left is Ni-ki.

He turned to take a glance at the younger who soon turned away pretending that nothing happened but Sunoo just shrugged, Niki looked a little nervous today but Sunoo doesn't know his ways so he just let him be. He continued to look out the window of the car until they reached the school and got out of the car.

As they got out a bunch of whispers could be heard.

"Omg Sunoo was with Ni-ki oppa"

"Are they dating?"

"What is he doing with him?"

"Ni-ki oppa is mine"

The gossip just went on and on until Ni-ki grabbed Sunoo's hand and they both ran to their next class. "Whoa! Ni-ki slow down" before reaching their class.

And that's when they walked into the class together earning stares and glares from many other students as the two took their seats right beside each other, and that's when their boring class started.

Bored as ever Ni-ki decided to pass notes to Sunoo because he didn't know anyone better to disturb.

I'm boreddddddddd

He stuck the note on top of Sunoo's desk while no one was watching as Sunoo took a peak at the note and wrote back.

Suck it up. We only have 10 minutes left.

And 10 minutes came as the class was dismissed. But this time lunch wasn't like the last times. For some reason Ni-ki walked out the moment Sunoo walked out and they were met with a bunch of Ni-ki's "fan girls" and they stared bombarding the two with questions and mean statements it was nearly impossible for them to even leave the classroom until the teacher helped them.

"EVERYONE, MAKE SOME SPACE" Mr Park yelled obviously annoyed at all the commotion.
That's when people started unblocking the doorway as Sunoo sprinted off to his locker on the verge of tears because of some of the comments the other student made about him, but he didn't think to much about it.

Someone watched from a distance as he saw Sunoo run off, yes it was Ni-ki and he felt kind of bad for him but he didn't run after him because he was kind of occupied already. But that's when someone followed him.

"HEY!" Someone yelled as Sunoo reached his locker.

Great another fan girl

"I suggest you stay away from Ni-ki. He's mine"

"Who are you to tell me around and since when has he ever liked me?"

"Listen I technically own this school I can get you expelled if I like so don't mess with me" she said as he flipped her hair and walked away.

This was all way too much for Sunoo as he ran to the rooftop of the school and tried to calm down. Tears were streaming down his face as he reached there while the roof top was empty or so he thought.

He sat on the rooftop bench as he took deep breaths in and out.

So much for a Monday
He thought to himself as he stared off into the beautiful blue sky, tears still stained on his cheeks and he was sniffling.

That's when he heard an unexpected voice from behind.

"Hey are you ok??" The person asked as he stood tall behind Sunoo.

"Oh yea. Sorry I didn't see you were there"

"No worries, hey have you been crying?"
The boy asked once again as Sunoo wiped away the tears as he nodded.

"My name is Sunghoon, nice to meet you" he smiled as he bent down and shook Sunoo's hand.

"Sunoo" Sunoo introduced as he gave Sunghoon as warm smile.

"You want to tell me what's wrong?" Sunghoon asked as he sat beside Sunoo.

"It's really nothing, but let's just say I got threatened to get expelled by the principles daughter because I walked into the classroom with her crush." Sunoo explained earning a weird look from Sunghoon.

"Wait the principals daughter?? Yuna??"

"Oh so you know her"

"And you didn't? You've been in this school longer than I have for all I know"

"I haven't been paying attention to the popular girls I guess I was never interested in their business"

That's when someone burst through the rooftop doors followed by a bunch of commotion.

"DDEONU THERE YOU ARE" Jungwon panted as he was out of breath and Jake was following him also breathing heavily.

"Oh hi guys whats up"

"Where were you!? We've been looking all over for you. Even Ni-ki said he didn't know where you were" Jake explained while he attention caught on Sunghoon, the person sitting beside Sunoo as Sunghoon and him made eye contact with each other and I guess stayed like that for a while mesmerized in each other's eyes until they were brought make to reality by Jungwon.

"Ni-ki said you ran off after a few of his so what fan girls started throwing insults at you and that's not all. I heard Jaemin is returning this week" Jungwon explained as Sunoo's eyes widen as he was left speechless.

"Wait wait wait, you guys know Ni-ki?" Sunghoon asked in disbelief as Jungwon nodded and explained to him.

"Yea I'm his cousin's boyfriend"

"YOUR DATING JAY!?" Everyone yelled as Jungwon was taken by surprise and jumped.

"Whoa whoa. Why is everyone yelling, we got together over the weekend at the amusement park last month or so"

Everyone was speechless as Sunoo just sat there eyes wide open as the news is consuming his mind.

Got fan girls after me

Jaemin is back

What now more??

Actually... a lot of things...

(I kinda rushed this chapter 😅 so it's kinda confusing but it's been a month after the amusement park incident now if anyone was confused)

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