The Lake

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Harry and Draco began friends, but Harry has feels for Draco. And he thinks that Draco has feelings for him, but he is scared to ask Draco. Harry wants to talk somebody about it, and he decided talk to Hermione about it.
"Hey Hermione, can we talk?" Harry asks as sits next to Hermione. They both just got in the classroom and are waiting for the late people.
"Yeah, what's up." Hermione says pulls a sit out for Harry. Harry walks over to the chair an takes a sit before talking again.
"So, you know that me and Draco have been friends. Well, you know I like him, but I think he likes me...But, I don't know..." Harry says as he looks at floor, when Hermione picks Harry up.
"Tell me, why you think that." Hermione says as smiles at Harry. Hermione is like a twin or even older sister to him and feels like he could tell her anything.
"Well, he has helping me out with class. And every time we are only a few feet apart he starts to freak out." Harry says as he smiles at Hermione, then he starts to think of the time when they got pushed together.
"Well, it does sound like Draco likes you." Hermione smiles at Harry, while raising her eyebrows up and down. Harry just shakes his head and look away.
Hermione starts laughing, right when the late people come in. Ron is with the group, and so is Draco. "What's going on?" Ron says as he takes a sit, and stares at Hermione.
"She is just making fun of me." Harry says he puts his head in his hand. Professor Snape has not walked in yet, and Hermione kept laughing. "Stop laughing or else." Harry says as he looks straight at Hermione, who is dying laughing.
Harry gave her a minute, before taking a deep breath. He decides to bite Hermione, and he bite her just so slightly on the ear. "Ow!" Hermione says as cover's her ear, which feels like it is bleeding.
"I warned you!" Harry says Hermione hits his head. Harry and Hermione start a playful fight, but stops right before Professor Snape walks in.
Hermione and Harry laugh quietly, and Ron tries to understand Professor Snape. After professor Snape showed them what to do, they started working on the potion.
When Hermione hits Harry arm with her elbow and uses her eyes for Harry to look at something. Harry looks at whatever Hermione is signaling Harry to look at, as soon as he looks where Hermione signaled him to look, he sees Draco giving Hermione the death eyes. That when it Harry that Draco is jealous of Hermione, and Harry looks back Hermione.
"I want to laugh..." Harry says quietly to Hermione, she shakes her head in agreement. But they don't laugh and just go back to working on potion with Ron.
After potions, they went to lunch. And Draco was still giving Hermione the death eyes. Hermione and Harry couldn't help laughing, they both knew Harry was bisexual and Hermione liked Ron.
Ron just questioned why he was still friends with those two. But eventually Harry stopped laughing, but Hermione keep laughing. "I will bite you, again." Harry says as he looks at her. Hermione quickly covers her ears, then she realizes Harry never apologized for doing that.
"You never apologized for doing that to me!" Hermione says as she looks away from Harry, while acting like she is mad. "I am sorry I bite your ear." Harry says as he gives Hermione puppy dog eyes. Ron just stared at Harry and Hermione and stuffed his face.
After a few minutes, Harry didn't want to want to be in there no more. "Hey, I'm going to the lake." Harry says as he stands up. Harry didn't really eat much, and Hermione signs.
Hermione has always hated it when Harry goes from almost eating a whole turkey, to nothing but a piece of bread. "I am fine, Hermione." Harry says as he hugs Hermione before leaving.
He looked back at the Slytherin table to see Draco giving Hermione a stronger death eye, he just had to laugh at it. They boy he has liked for a few years, is now jealous of his best friend. Harry takes a deep breath, and then heads for the lake.
Harry loved going out by the lake he would lay back and watch the clouds or sometimes feed the fish, but he would always come in right before class.
So, like usually he sat by the lake and started at the blue sky.
Harry closes his eyes and makes his own world of him being to able to fly. Of course, he would never fly in a flying car, again. But, like if he was a bird. He heard a tree branch crack, but he didn't think anything about it until he felt a hand on his shoulder.
He jumped because he was not expecting, someone to be there. "Sorry, I thought you heard me." Draco says as he stands straight up. "I thought you were an animal." Harry says as he opens his eyes, to see Pansy and Draco standing behind him.
"Come sit down. It's more comfortable than standing." Harry adds, as he looks at the lake. Draco sits on one side of him, and Pansy sits on the other on. "Why did you guys come out here?" Harry asks as Draco hands him an apple. Harry nods his head, as in saying thank you. Draco understands and smiles slightly.
"Well Mr. Lover boy here, wanted to see where you go when you don't eat much." Pansy says looks at Draco, Draco quickly look so away from Pansy and Harry.
Harry could tell that Draco was flustered; he laughed a little at this. Draco looked at Harry, then got even more red. Pansy was even looking at Harry and laughing at Draco. Draco just looked at the lake, after looking at Pansy.
Harry and Pansy stop laughing, "Well now you guys know where I go." Harry says as he smiles at the sky. Pansy smiles than stands up, "It's a lovely spot, but I am still hungry. So, if you excuse me, I will be taking my leave." Pansy says as she grabs her stuff. "Goodbye." Harry says as he waves at her, as she walks off.
Draco looks nervous now, Harry looks at Draco with a smile. "So, why isn't Hermione or Ginny with you?" Draco asks as he looks at Harry, Harry knows what he is thinking.
"Hermione is like a twin or big sister to me. I would never like her like that. Then for Ginny, she is Ron's little sister. It would feel like I would be dating my cousin." Harry says as he stands up and looks at the lake. Draco looks surprised a bit, then remembers how Ron's and Hermione's relationship with Harry. "So, what is your sexuality? I'm asking because I'm bisexual." Harry says as he gets a rock.
Draco is a little shocked that Harry was bisexual, "So you like boys and girl?" Draco asks Harry. Harry throws the rock on the lake, and it starts to skip. "Yeah, I like boys and girls." Harry says as he grabs another one, after the other rock went under the water.
"Okay, I was making sure I was correct. And I'm gay..." Draco says that he is gay quietly, but Harry still heard him.
"How did you find out? Cause to be honest, you and Cho were the reason why I found out." Harry says as he skips the next rock.
"What do you mean me and Chang?!" Draco says as he gets a little flustered. Harry looks at Draco, and smirks. "Well, I had a crush on Cho during 4th and 5th year. Then in 5th year, I started liking you." Harry says with a smile, he couldn't believe he had just said it like that.
Draco could feel his face burning hot and looks away from Harry. "Well, if I'm honest. I found I was gay in 4th year. I started liking your as well, but I also had a crush on Cedric." Draco says as he brings his head to Harry but doesn't look at Harry.
"Do you still like me?" Harry says nervously as he looks at the lake, then back to Draco. Draco slightly nods his head. Harry smiles, and grabs Draco's chin.
Draco doesn't resist, or even try to fight Harry. Harry leans into Draco, and Draco leans into Harry. Harry kisses Draco, and Draco kisses back. They kiss for a few seconds, when Harry pulls away. Draco just gets flustered, buts smiles.
Harry just stares at Draco, "So, I guess I have question for you." Harry says with a little laugh. Draco look at Harry with a little bit of a confused.
Harry takes a deep breath and smiles, "Will you Draco Lucius Malfoy take my heart and my soul and be my boyfriend." Harry says as he smiles at Draco. Draco didn't even have to answer for Draco to understand that he said yes.
Draco started crying and threw himself on to Harry. Harry falls back and starts to laugh, when Draco kisses Harry. Harry and Draco both could believe that they were together now.
After kisses for a few seconds, they just stared at each other with huge smiles. They stop staring at each other, when they hear someone sniffle. They look at the trees and see Hermione with Pansy with tears rolling down their face. They realize they have been discovered and just back up into the forest.
Harry and Draco both look at them walk back into the forest, then they look at each other and laugh. Harry and Draco were definitely glad they both came by the lake.

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