Mate (2/3)

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"Draco... Are you okay?" Harry asks making me come back to reality. I shake my head, "Yeah I'm fine. I was just talking to Veela." I say and smile at him. "May I know what it was about?" Harry asks me, while tilting his head. God the way with his words
And because you want something in between his legs
"Yeah, we are talking about pups and stuff." Draco says as he looks at Harry. Harry nod his head, "Well that's all my wolf is talking about." Harry says with a eye roll.
"When does your wolf want them?" I need to know so we can be ready.
Draco, the wolf is going to want pups by next month. Spacial next month.
Why, next month?
It's heating season...
Bloody hell.
"Next month, and I know what's happening next month as well. Also, we will understand if you aren't ready to have pups yet." Harry says, and I look at him. Do we want kids that really?
Yes! We just have to read fast.
Why do we want pups that soon?
Because I want kids...
Honestly me, too. Okay, so we need to start reading soon. Like today.
"Draco?" Harry asks, and I look at Harry. "Sorry, I was talking with Veela. And we need to read before we have pups. Because so much can change while being pregnant, and we don't know how many we can carry." I say with a smile. His eyes wide when I said the last part.
"You can carry more than one?" Harry asked dumbfounded. I shrug my shoulders.
Yes, we can carry up to 5 pups at a time. Most of the time we can carry 2 or 3.
How do you know?
I don't know how explain, but I'm at Hogwarts already reading. I have found a lot out.
Okay, that's good.
"My Veela just told me we can carry up to 5, but most of the time we only carry 2 or 3." I say with smile. He smiles at me, and then comes closer to me.
"Can I kiss you?" He asks, and I nod my head. He leans down and kisses me, and I kiss back.
We kissed for a minute, then broke apart. After the kiss we look at each other, and smile. We sit down, and talk.
Draco! We need Harry to calm us!
We need Harry to mark us.
"Hey, Harry my Veela said you need to calm us?" I ask more than say. "Yeah, my wolf wants me to calm you. For record, calm means that's put a mark on you saying you belong to someone." He says, and I nod my head.
"Your friends with Blaise Zabini, right?" Harry asks me, and I nod my head. "Bloody hell. He is another alpha, and he is looking for some play thing." Harry says, and I know what he trying to say. His target is me.
"Harry calm me, now!" I say scared now. My mother and father have told me stories of two alphas fighting over a person. One of them usually ends up dead.
"Draco, I could hurt you." He says with a strong voice. "And I'm not letting you fight him." I say with a strong voice.
"Fine, but please if I hurt you to bad; tell me." He says, and he leans down in my neck. I move it so it is easier for it.
I can feel him bite me, but not hard. But, the next I know is some kind of venom shots through my body. It hurts me for a good minute, but I try not to say a word.
He quickly stops and looks at the door. "He's three compartments down." Harry says, and to be God honest it sounds like he was growling. "I was able to calm you, and I'm sorry for the quick pain." He says as he licks his teeth. God that's sexy.
Bloody hell, I agree
Okay, we need to come down.
"Give me a second." Harry says as he goes through a bag, that I didn't notice was here.
"Okay, we need to put this on your neck." He says as he pulls out a bandage. Maybe he knew he would meet me, and this would happen.
"Sit down with me." He says, and I nod my head. But as start to move I feel light headed. "H-Harry..." I say hoping he would pay attention.
"Yes, love?" He asks, but I could answer I start to fall. Of course, Harry catches me.
"Easy, there." He says as he puts me, down next to him. I blink, and nod my head. I look to see that he had laid me down on his lap, and I could feel that he was messing with my hair.
I didn't mind, it felt comforting.
Draco... I found something out... So, you have to go through menstrual cycle aka a period
Oh, great.
Are you okay?
Yeah, I think I'm getting side a effects of the calm.
Oh, yeah. Did Harry put a something over it?
Yeah, he had a bandage.
That's not weird at all.
"Draco, he is walking towards ours." I hear Harry's voice, and I snap back to reality. I glup, I really hope him calming me will not start a fight.
I hear Blaise knock, but before we could respond he came in. He stopped instantly, and his nose moved like he was smelling the air.
He quickly moved his head to a Harry, and Harry just looked at him. "You bloody calmed him on the train!" Blaise yells at Harry, to be honest I jumped but noticed how Harry didn't move at all.
Like he is used to being yelled at...
Yeah... I'm now very concerned.
"Do you any bloody idea what that can do to people. And I bet he isn't even your mate!" Blaise yells, hearing the last thing made mad. "Excuse me! Don't I have a say in this." I say while looking at Blaise. I sit up, feeling light headed again but fight it.
I feel Harry smile at me, he knows I can fight my own battles. Blaise looks at me, than grabs my arm and pulls me. "LET GO OF ME!" I yell at Blaise. Blaise turns back, and looks like he is about to kiss me.
"Back off." Harry says while shoving him of of me. No, no, no their fighting.
"Stop!" Harry looks back at me, and Blaise looks at Harry.
"Blaise, Harry is my mate. Harry clam down, I'm right here." I say while getting in front of Harry. Blaise looks at Harry, then at me. He gets up and leaves.
"Draco, you need to lay back down." Harry says, and looks at me. He leads me back to the seat, and lays me down. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have calmed you, I'm so God damn sorry." Harry says, and looks aways from me.
"No. You have no right to be sorry. Zabini is the one that should be sorry." I say while getting on his lap.
Draco... I won't do that
Leah, he know how to control himself.
If you say so
I do say so
"Draco, thank you." He says, and I just nod my head. I wasn't going to ruin this movement.

Three month later

I learned everything that I could before this mouth. Me and Harry already did it, and God it was the best night and day (yes, we did several rounds!).
But, now I'm sitting in front of a toilet throwing up.
Draco, dear... This happening for the pass 3 weeks
I know
We both know your pregnant. And I how many your carrying.
How many?!
Draco, your carrying 4.
Oh my god.
Draco, don't get too excited majority of the time only 2 to 3 pups make it to the end.
Yeah, I figured.
To be honest, I should have figured. But I'm still over here getting upset about it.
We need to tell Harry.
I know.
I take a deep breath, and flush the toilet. We need to get cleaned up.
I get in shower after getting undressed, and I start to wash up.
Me and Harry have a dorm together, because of us being mates. Right now he is sleeping, and I don't want to wake him.
I finish up my shower, and look at myself in the mirror. I am guessing I was at least 8 weeks. I look like I was bloating. God, 4 pups.
I take a deep breath, I need to tell him today. I walk out of the bathroom, and over to Harry. "Harry." I say in a sweet voice. He rolls over, and smiles at me.
"Good morning, love." He says with a sleepy smile. "Take a shower and get dressed and meet me downstairs, I have something to tell." I say as smile at him. He nods his head, and gets up. I got up and went down stairs, well not before I put Harry's sweater on.
After a few months Harry comes down the stairs. Okay, deep breath. We got this.
We do got this.
Thanks, Leah.
"You wanted to talk?" Harry asks, with a concerned face. "What happened 9 weeks ago?" I ask, praying he would catch on quick.
"We fu- wait!" Harry says with shocked eyes. I watch as his eyes go down to my stomach, then to my eyes. "Are you?" He asks with a little smile on his lips. I nod my head, "8 weeks, we think." I say, while he puts his hands around my waist.
"How many?!" He asks so excited.
"Yes, 4."
"4 pups! Your amazing Draco!" He says as he picks me up, and swings me around. "Harry!" I say while laughing.
Draco, you need to tell him.
That we don't know if all the pups will live.
Oh, yeah
"H-Harry." I stutter out, and Harry instantly puts me down. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks he sounded so scared.
"No, it's just. Me, and Leah don't know how many will survive." I say while trying to hold back tears. He nods his head, "At least we have 4 right now." He says with a smile.
Of course, Harry looks at all the good sides. "I have a question am I the only one that's pregnant?" I asked, I didn't want Harry and me to be the odd balls out.
"No, Hermione and Ron are mates and they're expecting. They're having two. Talking about that we need to get you to the hospital wing." Harry says as he looks us up and down. "Good enough." He says as he takes my hand.
"Wow, there Harry!" I say making Harry stop. "What do you mean good enough? And I don't even know if the hospital Wing is open this morning." I say with my eyebrows up.
"I mean good enough because look what I'm wearing. And she's been opening up early in the mornings because of werewolves come and get at any times thinking they're pregnant or being pregnant." Harry says with a faint smile.
How does he know this?
That's my question. "How do you know this?" I ask him, and he gets flustered. "A few weeks ago, I went to the hospital wing to see if you already went there. I went because I was concerned, I thought you either to scared to tell me or you lost the pup or pups. This is when I found all the information out." He says with taking a lot of deep breaths.
Harry, was worried about us... And our pups...
Yeah... God we have the perfect mate
Yes, we do
"Okay, that makes sense. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you until, now." I say, and to be honest I am actually very sorry.
"Love, you have no need to be sorry. And plus it was my wolf telling me to worry." He says rubbing the back of his neck.
"Okay, well shouldn't we head to the hospital wing." I say with a smile. He nods his head, and takes my hand.

A/N the reason why I'm saying the hospital wing. Is because several people work in the hospital wing.

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