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Harry and Draco have had not been able to cuddle or anything. Because Draco is busy and for Harry it's the same. But Harry wants a day just for them. And he has it all planned.
"Hey babe, you are off tomorrow, right?" Harry asks as he walks into the kitchen. "Yes, I'm off tomorrow. Aren't you as well?" Draco says as he makes his coffee. Harry comes behind Draco and kisses on his neck.
Draco laughs a little, he loves it when Harry kisses his neck. "Yeah, I'm off. I wanted to know if wanted to have a movie day with me?" Harry says as he spins Draco around.
Draco faces Harry and puts his head on Harry's chest. "Sure, we really haven't been to have days like that. We have been so busy." Draco says as he puts his coffee down, after putting his coffee down he wraps his arms around Harry. "I know, and I fought maybe you would want to do. Because that use to be your favorite thing when we first got married." Harry says before kissing Draco's head.
Draco laughs a little remembering the first time they had movie night. Draco sadly remember he had work to do, and back way from Harry. "I know, you have and so do I. But tomorrow it's just you and me." Harry says a takes a deep breath, anymore work always gets in the way of their love life.
Draco hates that they can't do anything, he remembers when they first got married. "I have to go; Hermione is my last patient before Lunch. So, I might be able to call you early today." Draco says with a smile, before kissing Harry. Harry kisses back, Draco pulls away even if he doesn't want to.
"I have to go be a healer now." Draco says as he laughs a little.
"And that means in a few I have to be a Auror." Harry says as he takes a deep breath. Draco kisses Harry cheek and leaves, and Harry wants it to be the next day.
The day feels like it goes on forever until Draco calls. Harry does a big sign on phone, which makes Draco laugh. "Has it been hard?" Draco asks on the other line. "It feels like it's been forever. And it's only noon." Harry says as he leans back in the chair.
This makes Draco laugh, again. "Same here." Draco says as starts to move. "What are you doing?" Harry asks as he hears Draco move. "Well, it is my lunch break so I'm getting food." Draco says with a he opens a fridge it sounds like. Harry signs and looks down his desk. "Lucky you, I have to finish a paper on my desk by my lunch hour is over. Yet again I'm not eating." Harry says anymore he hasn't been able to eat on his lunch hour.
Harry hears Draco slam the refrigerator door. "This have been going on for 2 weeks! Are they doing this to Ron, or anyone else?!" Draco says he leans himself on a countertop. Harry takes a deep breath; he knows what he is about to say is going to make Draco even madder.
"No... I'm only one..." Harry says as he bits his lip. Harry could hear Draco hit a countertop. "Bloody hell! They aren't doing this to anyone else?! Why bloody hell are they doing this to you?!" Draco says getting madder. Draco forgets Harry is still sensitive to hearing, and Harry has to move the phone away from his ear. "D-Draco language, you are still at work. Also, please don't yell on the phone..." Harry says as moves the phone back to his ear. That's when it hits Draco, about Harry still insensitive about hearing.
"Sorry, babe. I just get so mad." Draco says as calms down. Draco worries about Harry constantly anymore at his work, because he wasn't able to eat his lunch it's been 2 weeks almost, and they have been putting a lot of work on him. "You aren't even head Auror, they are making you miss lunch, you're making you go in early and working late." Draco says as he opens the refrigerator again, it sounds like. "I know. But the head Auror is out due to them having an injury for a mission." Harry says as he looks up and sees Ron coming in.
Harry takes a deep breath and says, "Hey, babe give me second." Harry says as he moves the phone away from his mouth. "Okay." Draco says as he shuts the refrigerator door. "Hey, mate. What are you doing, your lunch isn't over until 10 more minutes." Harry says to Ron as he comes to seat at his desk. "I felt bad for you. More bosses making you work overtime because our head isn't here." Ron says as leans back on his chair. But then he smiles as he knows the phone. "But I'm guessing you're not alone because you're talking to other Potter." Ron says as with a little laugh. Harry just shakes his head and goes back to talking to Draco.
"So, what you are you eating?" Harry asks Draco has he could hear him start to eat something. "I'm eating the leftover spaghetti from other night." Draco says as he puts a some in his mouth. Harry smiles and asks, "So do you like my cooking?" Harry laughs a little.
Draco laughs a little as well and says, "Yes, I do. I actually prefer your food over mine any day." Draco says as he tries to add a dirty joke in there. Harry burst out until laughter, as Draco realizes what he just said. "I-I didn't mean it like that." Draco says he starts to stutter on words. "I understand, and I'm going to get off of here sadly. I only have 5 more minutes; I need to get these last few questions done." Harry says as takes a deep breath.
"Okay, babe." Draco says while still eating the spaghetti. "I love you, talk later." Harry says with bright smile. He is always love telling Draco that he loves him. "I love you, too." Draco says before Harry hangs up.
The next day finally comes around. Harry wakes up to see Draco still I'm bed. Usually, Draco would be up getting ready for work. Harry loved seeing him lay their next to him. But he wanted this day to be special, so he got out of bed and head downstairs to make breakfast.
Draco woke up and expected Harry to be in bed with him. But when he didn't feel him, he opened his eyes to see that Harry wasn't there. "Harry?" Draco says sleepy, he looks at Harry's clock to see it's already 11. He usually time to get up is 9 or 9:30, but no later. So, he got out of bed and went downstairs.
"Harry?" Draco asks one more time to see if he was home. "In the kitchen." Harry says as he puts some pancakes on a plate for Draco. Draco light up hearing Harry's voice, but he forgot to change out of Harry's shirt and boxers. Draco walked into the kitchen and looks at Harry.
"I figured I would co-" Harry cuts himself off as he looks Draco up and down. To him Draco looked like angle, and that he shouldn't have been able to marry him. Draco already knew Harry was thinking that, and he walked over to Harry.
"Can I have a kiss before I eat the delicious food." Draco says with a smile. Harry pulls Draco in and smiles. "Of course, my love." Harry says with a wide smile, before kissing Draco.
After they ate, Harry and Draco go into the living room. They start to watch movies and talk about who would okay someone better or could have happened.
Before long they were cuddling and asleep once again, on the couch. Harry looks like he was scratching Draco's head, and Draco was laying on Harry's chest. Harry and Draco couldn't think of any other way to spend the day.

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