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User names

@Hp_scarface - Harry
@Dragon_prince - Draco
@Gryffbookw0rm - Hermione
@Thebestweasly - Ron
@Imnotapan - Pansy
@Slythersnake - Blaise



Likes by Dragon_prince, and  ThebestweaslyHp_scarface Beautiful

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Likes by Dragon_prince, and  Thebestweasly
Hp_scarface Beautiful... Don't you think?

Dragon_prince Where the hell are you, Potter?
        Hp_scarface Can't say, sadly. Don't worry about me.
Imnotapan Wow... I agree Potter.
Slythersnake This is the first I see this morning. I just have one question, why the hell are you looking at Dragons after bloody 4th year!?
       Hp_scarface Because they are cool, even if they try to kill me. I mean I met with dead enough already.
                  Slythersnake Fair enough


Like by Hp_scarface Gryffbookw0rm Ingredients are here @Hp_scarface

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Like by Hp_scarface
Gryffbookw0rm Ingredients are here @Hp_scarface

Hp_scarface Thank you! I will be over there in two hours.
        Gryffbookw0rm You got it!
Thebestweasly If you have any extra Pumpkin seeds and Toe of Frog, can I have it? @Gryffbookw0rm
          Gryffbookw0rm Of course
Slythersnake What is going on?



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